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Pacing in Dogs
Written By hannah hollinger
Published: 05/31/2017Updated: 09/08/2021
Veterinary reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon, MVB MRCVS
What is Pacing?
When you notice your dog pacing, stop and watch them to see if they are exhibiting other symptoms that could point to an underlying cause that may require medical treatment. Some dogs are simply more nervous or anxious and will use pacing as a way to relieve their anxiety. Others will pace when they are agitated about something or someone in or just outside the home. Some dogs may pace because they simply want your attention. You know your dog better than anyone else and if their pacing seems unusual, speak with your veterinarian about the possible causes and how to stop or minimize the behavior.
There are certain medical conditions that can cause your dog to pace and act unsettled. You should speak with your veterinarian if the pacing is persistent or is accompanied by other symptoms such as refusal to eat or drink, sudden weight loss, discolored urine, excessive drooling, whining or crying or excessive thirst.
Possible reasons your dog is pacing include:
- Anxiety
- Liver disease
- Cushing’s disease
- Dementia
- Brain tumors
Why Pacing Occurs in Dogs
Anxiety can include several different things from separation anxiety to fear. Anxiety is when your dog becomes overly stressed and cannot emotionally deal with these stresses. It can be triggered by past trauma or bad experiences. Most dogs that experience severe anxiety can be given medications, either natural or prescription, to help alleviate their anxiousness. In some cases, a professional canine behaviourist may also be able to help you work with your dog to ease their anxiety.
Liver Disease
It may seem odd to include liver disease as a potential cause of your dog’s pacing, but damage to the liver can cause abnormal neurological behaviors which include pacing and sudden changes in behavior. When the liver is not functioning right it cannot filter toxins out of the body. These toxins can then invade the bloodstream and affect the neurological system of your dog.
Cushing’s Disease
Cushing’s disease is the overproduction of the hormone cortisol. It is most common in older dogs, but can still affect dogs of any age. The most common symptoms of Cushing’s disease include pacing, wandering and restlessness as well as panting and an increased thirst. Cushing’s disease can be caused by a pituitary tumor that can press against the brain or brain stem and cause neurological damage. This is a serious condition that will require on-going treatment.
Dogs can develop 'doggy dementia' or canine cognitive dysfunction in their old age. The symptoms of dementia will come on slowly and you may not notice them at first. Your dog may become disoriented or confused and this can cause them to pace, wander or circle aimlessly. This is a degenerative disease.
Brain Tumor
Older dogs are more prone to developing tumors in the brain or along the brainstem causing abnormal behavior. These tumors will affect the neurological system and cause your dog to pace and seem unsettled.
What to do if your Dog is Pacing
Sometimes dogs will pace when something upsets them or there is an external source of stress. When the behavior persists beyond a few hours, you need to assess your dog and try to determine if they are seeking attention, suffering from anxiety or if there is a medical condition causing them to pace.
Dogs that are anxious may still need to visit their veterinarian. An overly anxious dog may need medication to calm them. There are also natural remedies that can be given to alleviate some of their anxiety. Past experiences or trauma can also play a role in your dog’s anxiety and reassurance will help them. Sometimes, therapeutic treatments such as massage or acupuncture can help your dog’s anxiety as can working with a professional dog trainer.
Dogs that have been diagnosed with a health condition that is causing them to pace, such as liver disease, Cushing’s disease, dementia or brain tumors, will require specialized veterinary care. Treatments will vary depending on the exact cause and the severity of the condition. Medications and/or surgeries may be advised by your veterinarian. On-going care and treatments should be expected.
Prevention of Pacing
It can be difficult to prevent a medical condition from occurring. Keep your dog active and feed them a quality food to ensure that they are getting the exercise and nutrients they need to maintain a healthy body. Be sure to schedule regular visits to your veterinarian to ensure that your dog is in optimal health.
Dogs that are suffering from anxiety can become problematic and may require a professional behaviourist that specializes in anxiety in dogs. Take some time and research natural remedies for anxiety that will calm your dog and allow them to relax and not be so anxious. Speak with your veterinarian about what you have researched and ask their opinion on the subject.
Cost of Pacing
Your dog’s health is very important to you but it can be expensive to treat certain conditions. Liver disease can cost around $5500 to treat. Cushing’s disease can cost around $2000 to treat. Dementia and other cognitive disorders can cost between $300 and $500 for treatment. Brain tumors can be very costly and treatments can range between $5000 and $12000.
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Pacing Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
American Pit Bull Terrier
Two Years
1 found this helpful
1 found this helpful
My pet has the following symptoms:
Becoming Mean
She was a sweetheart before and over a month span she has now bitten her owner and me multiple times without warning and has serious anxiety issues, pacing, growling when we try to pet her and sometimes trying to bite us, territorial issues over her toys and our bed. Is there anything we can do to help her?
March 18, 2021
Answered by Dr. Linda S. MVB MRCVS
1 Recommendations
I'm sorry to hear this.
It sounds as though she may have developed reource guarding and is generally anxious.
As things have escalated so quickly it is imperative we start addressing this ASAP. I would consult with a behaviourist right away. In the mean time, keep everyone safe by giving her space, reading her body language and trying to avoid those situations in which she has bitten before. For example, if she bites when you take a chew away, she cannot have chew for now.
March 18, 2021
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Shih Tzu/Rat Terrier
6 mos
5 found this helpful
5 found this helpful
My pet has the following symptoms:
Our puppy began pacing a couple weeks ago and have noticed her behavior changing more and more. Now she is drooling a lot. She is fine until about noon. She eats and drinks first thing in the morning just fine. She is a little pig! lol She is thin and I can’t get her to eat once the pacing starts!! ☹️ This goes on for hours until she finally goes off to sleep. When morning comes and we uncrate her she seems fine for about 6 hours and then the pacing starts again!! Please help! 😢
July 18, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
5 Recommendations
Thank you for your question.
If she is pacing and drooling, that may be a sign of nausea or anxiety. It would probably be best to have an examination done with your veterinarian, as it is difficult for me to assess what is going on without seeing her. If it is something that has happening very regularly, there may be something that is upsetting her stomach with her food, or something in her environment. You could try feeding her a bland diet of boiled white chicken and boiled white rice for a day or two and see if things get better, otherwise I think it would be best to have her seen by your veterinarian. I hope that all goes well for her.
July 18, 2020
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