Vomiting Foam in Dogs
What is Vomiting Foam?
Vomiting is nature’s way of protecting animals when they have eaten something that is not necessarily the best for them. While the occasional vomiting episode is not usually cause for concern, it is important to pay attention to the state of the vomit and what is contained in it. There are many causes for vomiting and they may not all be as simple as an upset stomach due to ingestion of something harmful. 
  • Upset stomach, for example, due to bloat or ingestion of a foreign object
  • Rabies
  • Parasites
  • Health issues like liver disease 
By paying attention to the state of the vomit, color and contents, you may be able to determine what the underlying issue is and resolve the problem without a vet’s assistance. However, if you notice that your dog is vomiting up blood, parasites, or is showing other signs of distress (coughing, loss of appetite, diarrhea) you will want to visit your veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.
Why Vomiting Foam Occurs in Dogs
There are multiple different forms of vomiting in dogs. White foam or yellow foam are typically associated with upset stomachs, while bloody foam is cause for concern. The main reasons why vomiting occurs in dogs are upset stomach, parasites, and health issues like liver disease. Rabies is also suspected when a dog is vomiting foam.
Upset Stomach
More often than not, if your dog is vomiting white foam, the cause is most likely an upset stomach. When yellow foam appears, it is from the same cause; however, your dog most likely has an empty stomach. The yellow is merely caused by bile within the stomach. There are multiple reasons why upset stomach can occur: 
  • Drinking too much water after exercising
  • Eating grass
  • Swallowing something that can’t be digested
  • Bloat
The condition known as bloat is the main cause for concern and should be checked out immediately by your vet. Failure to do so can result in death. 
One of the most common signs of rabies is an animal who has excess salivation and is vomiting foam. Other symptoms, such as fever, staggering, and paralysis may indicate that your canine has rabies. Unfortunately, once symptoms become apparent, the condition is in the final stages and often, the majority of dogs who have rabies succumb to the disease.
Typically, parasites are more of an issue for younger dogs and puppies. Lots of worms within the system can be a heavy burden for the bowel lining, which can lead to blockage. This will then result in nausea and vomiting. While this issue is serious, it can be easily resolved with the proper medication. Take your dog to the vet if the vomiting is accompanied by:
  • Lack of energy
  • Poor appetite
  • Pot belly
Health Issues
Older dogs tend to not be affected by parasites as younger dogs are, however their bodies tend to become the problem as they age. For instance, if your dog has liver disease, toxins will begin to multiply within the blood stream. This will cause the dog to become nauseous and vomit. A few other common health issues that can cause vomiting are uncontrolled diabetes, a womb infection (in a female dog) and inflammation of the bowels.
What to do if your Dog is Vomiting Foam
When your dog vomits, do not simply clean it up and move on. Pay attention to the color and contents. If, for instance, the vomit is white or yellow and clear of any debris then most likely the vomiting is caused by an upset stomach (as in over drinking of water). If there is something like grass or food in the vomit, restrict access to those substances until the vomiting has passed. 
If blood is seen or the vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms, such as lethargy or diarrhea, visit your vet as soon as possible to resolve the issue. Never ignore the signs your dog may be giving you, as some of the underlying causes of vomiting can be detrimental to your dog’s health.
Prevention of Vomiting Foam
For puppies, the best way to prevent vomiting is to get regular check ups to ensure there are no parasites in their system and as well, minimize the amount of grass or other random objects they could ingest. After exercise, try to help dogs drink water slowly and provide plenty of time for them to calm down before feeding. 
If a dog is vomiting due to an empty stomach, this does not mean you should feed them more. Simply try to stretch out their food throughout the day by feeding smaller meals more frequently.
Older dogs should be checked by a vet if vomiting occurs in order to rule out any underlying diseases such as kidney disease or inflammation of the bowels.
Cost of Vomiting Foam
Treatment cost will vary depending on the underlying causes of your dog vomiting foam. For example, treatment for diabetes can range average $3000 depending on the severity. If your dog is vomiting foam and is diagnosed with intestinal parasites, the expense to treat may be around $300.

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Vomiting Foam Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
4 Months

2 found this helpful

2 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Vomiting Lack Of Appetite Weight
What does it mean when my puppy is Vomiting white foam and water,not eating or drinking,losing weight,watery poop Read more at: https://wagwalking.com/symptom/why-is-my-dog-vomiting-foam
March 25, 2018

2 Recommendations
A dog will vomit white foam due to an empty stomach and the acid irritating the stomach; the loss of appetite may be due to a variety of different causes which may include infections, parasites (very common in puppies), foreign bodies, poisoning among other causes. You should try to enough Abby to eat with boiled chicken and rice in small regular portions, you should visit your Veterinarian for an examination to determine the specific cause. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
March 25, 2018
Looking at her systems what could be causing this
March 25, 2018
Abby's Owner
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Basset Hound
1 Year

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Yellow Foam And Not Eating
Hello I have A basset hound at the age of 1 year.She left out house and came back in a Sickly fashion not eating,pains in the stomach and lacking in response to when we talked to her so we left her alone and the next morning we found her dead with yellow foam out of the mouth
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