Natural Pain Relief for Teething in Dogs

Written By hannah hollinger
Published: 05/26/2017Updated: 12/03/2021
Veterinary reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon, MVB MRCVS
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What is Natural Pain Relief for Teething?

Is your pup suffering from teething pain? Teething is one of the most stressful stages for both the owner and the dog. Teething pups can damage furniture and attempt to bite their owners just to get some relief. 

Natural Pain Relief for Teething Procedure in Dogs

Save yourself​ and your furniture from your teething puppy's wrath with some of these natural pain relief methods for teething. 

Frozen Washcloth or Dish Towel

Don't have any toys to give your dog? No problem. Just soak a dish towel or washcloth in water, remove, and freeze. Not only will the cool cloth numb your pup’s gums, but it will also provide a softer chewing texture compared to some toys. Your puppy will be able to sink his teeth into the cloth.

Aloe Vera Juice Ice Cube

Be very careful when using ice cubes to relieve teething pain. Never allow your pup to chew directly on ice cubes. Because their baby teeth are fragile, this could cause them to break. For this method, you'll need to freeze some aloe vera juice in an ice tray. Once frozen, rub a cube gently on the pup’s gums until it dissolves. The frozen aloe vera juice will numb the gums and reduce inflammation. If you don't have aloe vera juice, regular ice cubes will work just fine.

Cold and Frozen Foods

This unconventional method is perfect for relieving your pup’s teething pain. Do your research before giving your dog any cool or frozen food items to make sure they’re safe for him to eat. Cold carrots, frozen mini-bagels, and frozen fruits are great for teething. Not only are they a delicious treat for your pup, but he’ll be able to chew on them for up to an hour. Don’t give your puppy more than one whole carrot a day, and never allow your dog to teethe on grapes, cherries, or onion, garlic or chive flavored mini bagels. Give only small amounts of fruits. If you have any doubts about which foods are safe for your dog to eat, consult your veterinarian.

Cooled Chamomile Tea

Chamomile will relieve agitation associated with teething, and may help your pup sleep. For this remedy, you’ll need to brew one teaspoon of dried chamomile in one cup of boiling water. Let cool completely before giving a small amount to your pup. As always, research herbs before giving them to your dog. Avoid holistic methods, like essential oils, unless recommended by a veterinarian. Although essential oils work wonders for humans, they can make your dog very sick if used improperly.

Efficacy of Natural Pain Relief for Teething in Dogs

Though simple, natural pain remedies can offer relief to a teething pup and prevent them causing harm or damage by inappropriate chewing. Some methods (such as icing) are very hands-on and may need to be administered frequently to be most effective. Be sure to watch your dog for signs of irritation so you can intervene.

Natural Pain Relief for Teething Recovery in Dogs

No recovery time or rehab care is required when administering most pain relief therapies for teething puppies.

Cost of Natural Pain Relief for Teething in Dogs

Many natural pain relief treatments can be provided at little to no cost. Purchasing chew toys, towels, foods, or other supplies may add up to $30 or less.

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Dog Natural Pain Relief for Teething Considerations

Not all pain relief methods work for all breeds. Don’t administer any pain medications made for humans to your dog unless explicitly instructed to do so by a veterinarian. 

Natural Pain Relief for Teething Prevention in Dogs

Teething, and the discomfort that comes with it, is a natural part of growing for your puppy. While the condition is not preventable, taking simple steps can leave you prepared to soothe your dog naturally and prevent problem chewing. If you’ve already purchased chew toys for your dog, consider freezing them. This works especially well for more malleable toys like chew ropes. Always supervise your dog when he’s chewing on a toy, and check with your veterinarian for guidance on specific pain management methods according to your dog’s breed. 

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