By Kevin Hughes
Published: 05/16/2019, edited: 11/26/2024
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Can I feed my dog rice?
Rice is one of the most popular types of food in the world, used extensively in a huge range of recipes and even enjoyed just by itself. A bowl of boiled rice makes for a super healthy lunch!The big question for pet parents, though, is this: can dogs eat rice? Dogs have different digestive systems to humans so they can’t always eat exactly the same food we can. It’s important to understand what dogs can and can’t be fed, if you’re thinking of sharing some of your meal with your canine friend.
How about rice, then? The answer is yes — dogs can eat rice, but there are some recommendations and restrictions to consider. Some dogs may have a rice allergy; you can read more about rice allergies in dogs here, including details of common symptoms to look out for should your pet have an adverse reaction.
Can dogs eat white rice?
Yes! Dogs can eat white rice, but only that, it can be an excellent option if your pup has an upset stomach. It’s common for a vet to recommend that a pet parent feeds their dog plain, boiled rice if they have a digestive problem. White rice is bland in flavor and easy to digest, so it can help to calm an unsettled stomach. The starch content in white rice can bind stools, too, so it’s a useful food to ease diarrhea.
Giving your dog small portions of white rice, for a short period of time and until your pet has recovered from his or her tummy troubles, is often a good solution.
Don’t overfeed your dog white rice, though. Rice is high in carbohydrates, so feeding your dog large portions of white rice frequently could see your canine putting on weight — especially if he or she is also eating its regular food.
Can dogs eat rice that’s been seasoned?
Now — while us humans may prefer our rice with a bit of a spicy kick, our four-legged friends won’t thank us for giving them the same. Keep seasoning and spices out of rice if you’re planning on feeding some to your dog. That includes salt, pepper and especially garlic, which dogs can’t eat and can lead to garlic poisoning if consumed.
Your pup will be best eating it if it’s totally plain and simply cooked by boiling it in water until soft. Just allow it to cool before serving it to your dog.
Don’t be tempted to serve your dog fried rice. The oil used can upset a canine’s sensitive stomach.
Don’t be tempted to serve your dog fried rice. The oil used can upset a canine’s sensitive stomach.
So — all good on the white rice, provided it’s given to your dog plainly and in modest portions. But what about other types of rice? Can dogs eat brown rice, jasmine rice, basmati rice or wild rice? And can dogs eat rice cakes? Can they claim a place on the canine rice menu?
Let’s find out.
Let’s find out.
Can dogs eat brown rice?
Yes, dogs can eat brown rice, but there are pros and cons if your pet eats this type of rice. On the plus side, brown rice has more nutritional value than white rice — which is why it’s generally seen as ‘healthier’ for humans who eat it.
But, for dogs, brown rice is more difficult to digest for the canine gut so it’s unlikely to be suggested as an option if your dog has an upset stomach.
But, for dogs, brown rice is more difficult to digest for the canine gut so it’s unlikely to be suggested as an option if your dog has an upset stomach.
Brown rice is typically the type of rice often used in many popular brands of dog food, so your pet may already be eating brown rice on a daily basis.
Can dogs eat fried rice?
The rice that we feed our dogs must be cooked; boiling the rice in
plain water without the addition of any spices is the rule. Fried rice
is not the best form to feed your dog; never allow your canine buddy to
eat rice that has been fried with soy sauce, such as in take-out food.
Steaming or boiling it is the ideal way to serve the grain.
you can take cooked white or brown rice and add it to a protein like
cooked minced pork, along with vegetables (such as cooked pumpkin or
sweet potato), and fry it without added spice or butter. Scrambling an
egg and mixing that in makes a wholesome and delicious homemade meal for
your dog. Remember though, start with a very small quantity to test
your dog’s tolerance to the new foods.
Can dogs eat rice and beans?
Now that we're discussing varying your pup’s rice recipes, you may
wonder about beans and rice, a favorite on the menu of many family
dinner tables. Beans are full of nutrients like potassium, iron,
protein, fiber and vitamins such as A and C.
Fresh beans that have
been soaked and completely cooked (never raw) can be mixed in with your
dog’s rice. Stick to black beans, kidney beans and legumes. Canned
beans contain too much sodium. Fresh green beans are a tasty and safe
A word of caution though, beans can cause excessive gas and
constipation in dogs so best to add only a handful now and then to the
rice. They are not meant to be consumed every day.
A high-quality diet is essential for keeping your dog happy and healthy. Digestive problems and food allergies can be expensive to treat. Compare pet health insurance plans to save more than $270 a year on vet care.
Can dogs eat jasmine rice?
If you’re asking, ‘can dogs eat jasmine rice?’ or ‘can dogs eat basmati rice?’, the answer is the same for both — yes.
Jasmine rice and basmati rice are similar in substance. They’re different types of rice, popular in Asian cuisine and dishes, but are essentially white long grain rice, so safe for your dog to eat.
Can dogs eat wild rice? They can, though be careful to check what’s included in any type of wild rice you give to a pet. As a general rule, the plainer the better for dogs, and some types of wild rice may have ingredients that are harder to swallow and digest; wild rice tends to be chewier and nuttier than white rice.
It’s also high in fiber too, so again, as with other types of rice, give it to your pet in moderation.
Can dogs eat rice cakes?
If canines can eat rice, can dogs eat rice cakes? They can, though your dog won’t get the same nutritional benefits from eating a rice cake as they would from scoffing rice. And, your vet definitely won’t suggest a rice cake diet as an antidote to an upset stomach, that’s for sure.
Dogs might like rice cakes as an occasional treat or snack. They’re very low in calories, but that’s because there’s not much to them — just pressed rice and air. They feel very lightweight.
Dogs might like rice cakes as an occasional treat or snack. They’re very low in calories, but that’s because there’s not much to them — just pressed rice and air. They feel very lightweight.
If you’re going to feed your dog a rice cake, just check the flavor first. You need a plain rice cake, not a type that’s heavily flavored; you might be okay with a lightly salted version (we mean lightly) but not much else. Avoid any rice cakes that are sweet, such as caramel, or sugared, as these won’t be suitable for your dog at all.
So, in conclusion — can dogs eat rice? Yes, they can, but the rice needs to be plain with no additional seasoning, and only fed in small portions.
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