Irish Doodle

40-65 lbs
United States
Irish Setter
Irish Doodle Setter, Irish Poo Setter, Irish Setterdoodle, Irish Setterpoo

Also known as an Irish Poo Setter, Irish Setterpoo, Irish Setterdoodle, or Irish Doodle Setter, the Irish Doodle is a cross between a Poodle and an Irish Setter. A famously friendly and loyal companion, it’s a great pet for a family, and will give you years of fun if you look after it with care and love.

Read on to discover more about Irish Doodles, including:

  • These affectionate and friendly dogs don’t like being home alone for long
  • Shedding is minimal, an Irish Doodle suits allergy sufferers
  • Epilepsy is one of the health conditions the Irish Doodle is susceptible to
  • Food high in protein is recommended — Irish Doodles expend a lot of energy

Irish Doodle breed overview

You already know that the Irish Doodle is a cross between an Irish Setter and a Poodle. The second thing you need to know is that this is an ideal pet in multiple ways: from its close-to hypoallergenic qualities through its intelligence to its fondness for human companionship, the Irish Doodle is a dog that you won’t want to leave your side for the rest of your life.

Are you an Irish Doodle owner? Make sure your precious furry friend is covered for any health issues by comparing top-rated pet insurance plans in seconds.

purpose Purpose
Hunting, Companion
history Date of Origin
ancestry Ancestry
Irish Setter, Poodle

Irish Doodle Health

Average Size
Male Irish Doodle size stats
Height: 24-28 inches Weight: 50-75 lbs
Female Irish Doodle size stats
Height: 22-26 inches Weight: 40-65 lbs
Major Concerns
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Bloat
  • Eye Diseases and Disorders
Minor Concerns
  • Epilepsy
  • Color Dilution Alopecia
  • Skin Diseases and Disorders
Occasional Diagnoses
  • Osteosarcoma
  • vonWillebrand’s Disease
  • Addison’s Disease
Occasional Tests
  • X-Rays
  • Cutaneous cytology
  • Eye Examinations
  • Trichogram

Save on pet insurance for your Irish Doodle


Now that you know what you’re in for, you may want to get ahead of future vet bills, which are typically $750-2,000 a year for a Irish Doodle.

Pet Insurance can help prepare you for unexpected vet bills. Compare top providers to get a custom quote that fits your pet’s unique health needs.

Learn more about the benefits of pet insurance.

Irish Doodle Breed History

As is the case for many of the Poodle crosses — and indeed multiple hybrids of all sorts of different dogs — we know a lot more about the ancestors of the Irish Doodle than about the origin story of the Doodle itself. This is partly because we know a lot about the Poodle, a dog that dates back to the 1500s in Germany, where it used to help hunters with the retrieval of birds that had landed in the water after being shot. We also know the Irish Setter’s origins — Ireland, of course, where in the 1700s it was employed as a hunting companion. 

Like a good many hybrids, while its exact genesis is a little mysterious, it is likely that the Irish Doodle came about in the 1980s, when American breeders were deliberately cross-breeding pups to create ‘designer dogs’.

Irish Doodle Breed Appearance

This dog is a cutie. Google ‘Irish Doodle puppies’ and you will lose an afternoon staring into the eyes of some of the most adorable fur monsters you have ever seen. These eyes tend to be fairly dark brown, nestled in fur that is generally red, apricot or black. The Irish Doodle’s size is on the medium to large side because of its ancestry and the texture of its coat will depend on how much they inherited from each side of the family. Dense, wavy fur is common in this hybrid.

Eye Color Possibilities
brown Irish Doodle eyes
Nose Color Possibilities
black Irish Doodle nose
Coat Color Possibilities
cream Irish Doodle coat
brown Irish Doodle coat
black Irish Doodle coat
blue Irish Doodle coat
silver Irish Doodle coat
red Irish Doodle coat
gray Irish Doodle coat
Coat Length
Short Medium Long
Coat Density
coat density
Sparse Normal Dense
Coat Texture
coat texture
Irish Doodle wavy coat texture
Straight Wiry Wavy Curly Corded

Irish Doodle Breed Maintenance

Speaking of its coat, there isn’t a vast amount of work to be done when it comes to keeping this fur in check, but little and often is your best best: brush your furry friend’s coat every day if you can and you will prevent problems of matting and knotting later in the month, when the situation might feel overwhelming. Dogs don’t need regular baths so consider giving them one once every few months, and look into the various wellness plans available so that you can be sure your dog is being looked after by the very best.

Irish Doodle health risks

Even the most fortunate dog will have the odd health scare from time to time. While your Irish Doodle will hopefully lead a life free of injury and illness, this breed is vulnerable to some conditions, including the following:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Bloat
  • Eye diseases and disorders
  • Epilepsy

Hip dysplasia 

Hip dysplasia is a term that means the ball and socket of both the joints in the dog’s hip are malformed in some way, causing the head of the femur to grind in the socket of the joint instead of gliding smoothly. Often diagnosed in bigger dogs, hip dysplasia can be caused by malnutrition, injury or weight gain, and will be noticeable as a result of your dog not moving smoothly, not jumping, or having lameness in the hind legs.


More technically known in vet circles as stomach dilatation, bloat refers to the accumulation of gas in a dog’s stomach which causes it to dilate. If you think your Irish Doodle’s abdomen appears to be bloated, they’re breathing in a more labored manner than usual, or are retching or panting excessively, you may be looking at a case of bloat. 

Bloat requires speedy treatment. It can be a serious problem because it may be causing your dog to struggle for breath; may result in a loss of blood reaching the stomach lining; can cause bacteria to enter the blood; and may lead to a rupture of the stomach wall.

Eye diseases and disorders

The list of possible eye problems a dog can encounter in its life is long. Irish Doodles are just as, if not more, vulnerable to these conditions than the average dog. A few examples of eye disorders are:

Progressive retinal atrophy, a mostly inherited condition that means the photoreceptor cells in the retina degrade until a dog goes blind.

Droopy eye, in which, as a result of inflammation or damage to the nerves in the animal’s eye, a dog’s upper eyelid may droop and membrane in the lower eyelid may look inflamed.

Glaucoma, another unpleasant condition, in which the pressure in the eye increases so dangerously that it will lead to blindness unless treated in the first few hours of it occurring. 


A condition that can be quite scary to witness, especially if you have no warning of it beforehand, epilepsy in a dog manifests itself in seizures in which the animal kicks its limbs, grinds its teeth, drools, urinates, and collapses.

Generally, the longer these seizures, the more dangerous for your dog. They can be caused by a wide range of factors — including a brain tumor, hyperthermia, anemia and liver disease — but sometimes the cause is simply unknown and impossible for your vet to determine. Daily oral phenobarbital, potassium bromide, or Gabapentin for the rest of the dog’s life will generally be the vet’s course of action.

Feeding an Irish Doodle: what’s the best diet?

Perhaps the most important thing to look out for when shopping for food for your Irish Doodle is grain-free food, because of the breed’s susceptibility to bloat. Other than that, the dog will need around three cups a day of dry food, split into two meals. Always look for food that’s high in protein because of the huge amount of energy dogs need and need to burn off.

Feel like you’d like to know more about the best kind of food to give your dog? Check out our friends at Dog Food Advisor, who have a wealth of advice, reviews and products for you to peruse.

Brushes for Irish Doodle
Brushing Frequency
fur daily fur weekly fur monthly
Irish Doodle requires daily brushing
Daily Weekly Monthly

Irish Doodle Temperament

Affectionate, loyal, intelligent — the Irish Doodle temperament is a fabulous one. This is a sensitive dog that doesn’t just tolerate humans, it relishes their company. And, because of their intelligence, Irish Doodles are easy to train. If you’re looking for a fun and friendly dog who appreciates you being with them, this breed is a no-brainer!

Owning an Irish Doodle

If you’re a big dog lover but are keen to avoid big balls of dog hair, you will of course be wondering, do Irish Doodles shed? They do a little bit, but not much at all. This means you’ll probably also want to ask the follow-up question, are Irish Doodles hypoallergenic? While no dog can be truly considered 100% hypoallergenic, Irish Doodles are renowned for being allergy-friendly, making them an even more attractive pet than they were already.

Around the house your Irish Doodle will be a great companion — tactile, attentive and friendly. You may wonder what you did before he or she came along. Don’t leave your Irish Doodle alone in the house for too long if you can help them. Being so loyal and attached to people comes with the downside of being a little disappointed to be left with no human company in a house all by themselves. Sometimes Irish Doodles can find the noise and commotion of young children a bit too much for them, but generally they are more than comfortable with kids and pets.

If you’re not a cyclist or a runner, don’t panic — you don’t need to give your Irish Doodle intense levels of exercise all the time. But you (or someone else committed to looking after the dog) should expect to give it a good run around every day. Don’t home one if you can’t handle that! Not many dogs want to be cooped up in the house all day long, and the Irish Doodle is no exception.

Activity Level
low activity medium activity high activity
Low Medium High
Rec. Walk Mileage Per Week
12 miles
walk mileage
Minutes of Activity Per Day
90 minutes
activity minutes

Irish Doodle Food Consumption

Cups Per Day
3 cups
cup per day cost cup per day cost cup per day cost
Daily Cost
$1.20 - $1.40
food bowls daily cost
Monthly Cost
$34.00 - $45.00
food bag monthly cost

Irish Doodle Height & Weight

6 Months
Male Irish Doodle size stats at six months
Height: 14.0 inches Weight: 25.0 lbs
Female Irish Doodle size stats at six months
Height: 12.0 inches Weight: 20.0 lbs
12 Months
Male Irish Doodle size stats at 12 months
Height: 17.0 inches Weight: 40.0 lbs
Female Irish Doodle size stats at 12 months
Height: 16.0 inches Weight: 35.0 lbs
18 Months
Male Irish Doodle size stats at 18 months
Height: 25.0 inches Weight: 75.0 lbs
Female Irish Doodle size stats at 18 months
Height: 24.0 inches Weight: 65.0 lbs

Irish Doodle Owner Experiences

7 Months
1 People
Agility training
Dog Parks
Peach loves to be around people and dogs always. She’s extremely playful and loving. She can be a bit stubborn but knows when she’s in the wrong. She has an amazing memory and loves consistent routines.
3 years, 4 months ago
1 Year
2 People
House & Yard
Dog Parks
Sully is our first dog and an absolute joy. He likes his space and never sleeps on our bed but always sleeps close by. In the morning he comes up on the bed for a few minutes of morning snugs. He loves his humans and prefers to be in someones presence but does okay at home - usually sleeps near the door awaiting our return. He loves the dog park, as soon as he is off leash he runs as fast as he can but always stops to turn around and look for his owners to come back to. His recall is awesome but he does have a prey drive, bunnies are his nemesis. Because of this we are careful where we let him off leash because although his recall is great we are not sure how great it would be if a bunny came by. He loves kisses and learned tricks in just hours when we first brought him home. He was quick to be house trained and had minimal accidents along the way. He does require grooming maintenance but we opt to have him shaved down in the summer so he can stay cooler and that requires very minimal maintenance. He is scared of water but loves other dogs and people. He is protective of strangers outside our home - he barks at anyone walking up to the house but once we let someone inside he is their very best friend and wants to give them all the love. He can lay and relax on the couch most of the day but he does thrive on frequent walks and loves to sniff out his surroundings. Often on walks he is so enthralled sniffing around he doesn't notice the dogs along the way who come to greet him. He is very cute and soft and we love our little goofball so much.
3 years, 6 months ago
2 Years
2 People
House & Yard
brain training
My Irish doodle is a very affectionate character and is very loving. she is very energetic and loves a tennis ball or Frisbee and can walk for miles. She hates being left on her own and seeks companionship from her owners or the other family dog. Nala is quick to learn and is extremely obedient. We've had a few issues with ear infections but our ID lets us clean them out regularly to help with this.
3 years, 8 months ago
8 Months
2 People
House & Yard
Playing football
Their the best breed, very friendly and lovable
6 years, 10 months ago
4 Years
1 People
House & Yard
This is the best dog I ever have!
5 years, 6 months ago
10 Years
3 People
House & Yard
She is the best dog ever. Absolute sweetheart, wouldnt hurt a fly. Content with laying around all day doing nothing but is also and incredible athelete and loves to do stuff. She loves people more than other dogs and is very smart.
4 years, 11 months ago
10 Weeks
2 People
She is young and has a lot of energy. She enjoys playing with her choc lab friend a lot. She is training pretty well. She has coccidia and diarrhea but we don't know if she is being fed the correct amount.
4 years, 10 months ago
1 Year
2 People
House & Yard
Hide & Seek
Doggie Day Camp
Dog Parks
Seamus is a huge sweetheart and enjoys the company of people and other dogs. He enjoys cuddling and belly rubs when he is tired and is somewhat of a velcro dog. He has a lot of energy and requires many hours of activity and exercise everyday or can be destructive. He is stubborn and a free spirit and does not always follow commands when he is in a playful mood and therefore needs to be closely watched in a fenced in yard and cannot be trusted off leash as his hunting instincts are strong. However, he is very intelligent and enjoys training.
4 years, 5 months ago
1 Year
5 People
House & Yard
Tug of war
Annie is a sweetie. She is a very strange dog. She is extremely intelligent and dumb at the same time. It is easy to compare her to a person that is book smart and not street smart. She learns commands in a few days and on occasion, day of. But she tries to bite cars and whenever a family member walks in the door, she acts like they are gonna get mad at her and she cuddles up on the couch with whoever is home to look like a sweetheart. She is kind of submissive, but I think that's just personality. With all this said though she's the best dog I could've asked for. We play a lot of frisbee and fetch because she needs a lot of exercise. She is amazing on runs and she stays next to me with no leash when doing difficult hikes. She is very agile and she scaled a 8 foot rock wall with no training whatsoever. She surprises me every day. Annie is also a diva, she needs to sleep with somebody or she feels scared, she needs her beard wiped after she eats food, she is a model when it comes to taking photos too. With all this random stuff being said, you truly cannot go wrong with getting this kind of dog. just make sure you meet the requirements that they need.
4 years, 2 months ago
9 Months
2 People
House & Yard
I am getting Finley tomorrow.Have owned corgis for 20 years and tired of shedding. Am so exciting and this has been most helpful. I have the tennis ball and Frisbee ready, I also live at the beach when he is ready to swim
4 years, 1 month ago
Animal Expert Question Icon
Question - My pet

I know the height of a average adult irish doodle but i don't know the length or width. What is the length and width?

Animal Expert Question Icon
Question - My pet

I know the height of a average adult irish doodle but i don't know the length or width. What is the length and width?

Animal Expert Question Icon
Question - Behavior

can you tell me a fact

Animal Expert Question Icon
Question - Behavior

Hi I dnt know much about dogs and got an Irish doodle for my kids. He used to walk with me but I think I made him walk more than required as he is just 8 months now and I used to do about 4 kilometres everyday. He also developed very bad gas a week ago and I really want help with when to feed, how much exercise to make him do , when not to give him a meal and water together etc. I am so confused and now worried that I might not be doing it right and he suffers in pain. I used to also give him food in a raised food bowl which then I read is very bad and could have lead to gas.

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