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- Bacterial Breast Infection in Cats
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- Heat, swelling and pain of the infected glands
- Depression, dehydration and loss of appetite
- Yellow, thick or bloody milk
- Fever
- Lethargy
- Refusal to let kittens nurse from the infected gland
- Ill or dying kittens
- Damage to the nipples due to the kittens constantly nursing
- Bacteria entering the mammary gland due to the abrasions from the paws and teeth of the kittens
- Infected mammary glands becoming gangrenous or developing an abscess
- Bacteria growth after blockages occur in the milk duct
- Another infection spreading through the bloodstream and into the mammary glands
- Caked Breast: a build up of milk inside the breast that causes heat and pain. This condition can lead to mastitis.
- Bacterial culture and sensitivity of the infected liquid
- Fluid analysis and microscopic examination of the milk or discharge
- Aspirate and cytology of solitary masses-- The veterinarian will insert a needle to remove a sample of material.
- Complete blood count
- X-Rays of the chest and abdominal area
- Blood cultures
- Urinalysis
- A biochemical profile
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