Poisoning from a mayweed plant is not usually serious, however, treatment may still be needed to ease the cat's symptoms and promote a quick recovery.
Wash Oral Cavity
Flushing the mouth with water will both soothe the irritation caused by the toxins and remove all remaining bits of plant before they are ingested. If other parts of the cat have come in contact with the plant, they also may need to be washed.
Remove Stomach Contents
All contents of the stomach should be removed as fast as possible. If the cat is in a relatively stable condition, hydrogen peroxide may be administered to induce vomiting. A gastric lavage (stomach pumping) may be performed if the cat is in a more fragile state.
Activated Charcoal
This may be given to absorb all remaining toxins in the digestive tract and trap them so that they may safely pass through the intestines undigested.
Supportive Care
If the cat has undergone an extensive period of vomiting or diarrhea, it may become dehydrated. Intravenous fluids can be administered to help bring volume levels back up in the cat. Hospitalization is required for this process. Medications such as Kapectolin or sucralfate may be given to protect the stomach lining from the irritation caused by the toxins.