Pancreatic Cancer in Cats
Pancreatic Cancer in Cats - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost
What is Pancreatic Cancer?
If a veterinarian diagnoses your cat with pancreatic cancer, it means your cat has a malignant tumor affecting the function of her pancreas. Your veterinarian may also refer to this tumor as a pancreatic adenocarcinoma, which distinguishes it from a non-benign tumor, or pancreatic adenoma. Adenocarcinomas are serious and often fatal. It is extremely important that you contact your veterinarian immediately if you suspect your cat may be suffering from pancreatic cancer. 
Your cat’s pancreas is responsible for the production of digestive enzymes and insulin. The pancreas is a critically important organ for digestion and the maintenance of healthy blood sugars. Any type of pancreatic insufficiency, the failure of the pancreas to produce the enzymes and hormones for which it is responsible, is serious and potentially fatal for your cat. One condition that may lead to pancreatic insufficiency in cats is a malignant or nonmalignant tumor.
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Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer in Cats
Symptoms of pancreatic cancer in cats may not manifest until late in the disease process. The symptoms of pancreatic cancer are very similar to those of pancreatitis, and your veterinarian will likely perform tests to eliminate a diagnosis of pancreatitis if he suspects your cat may have pancreatic cancer. Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian immediately if your cat is exhibiting one or more of the following symptoms:
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
If pancreatic cancer has advanced and spread to other organs, your cat may exhibit symptoms not specific to any one organ system, such as:
  • Bone or skeletal pain
  • Labored breathing
  • Hair loss
  • Yellowing of the skin or eyes
Causes of Pancreatic Cancer in Cats
The exact cause of pancreatic cancer in cats is not understood at this time. Pancreatic cancer is more common among older cats, suggesting it may be related to advanced age or a combination of risk factors. Some cats and cat breeds are also genetically predisposed to cancer, suggesting there may be an inherited genetic component.
Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer in Cats
Your veterinarian will begin the diagnostic process with a comprehensive physical examination and collection of a comprehensive medical history. If the tumor is large enough, your veterinarian may palpate the mass near your cat's pancreas. While this is a good clue that a cat has a pancreatic tumor, it is not a definitive method of diagnosis. 
The next step in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in cats is the collection of urine and blood samples. Your veterinarian will order a chemistry profile, complete blood count and urine culture performed on these samples. Pancreatic cancer in cats typically manifests in labs as elevated white blood cells, low potassium, elevated bilirubin (jaundice), azotemia (build-up of metabolic waste in the blood), elevated blood sugars, and elevated liver enzymes. However, a cat whose cancer has not progressed may not exhibit any of these clinical findings. In that event, further diagnostic tests may be ordered.
Radiography (x-ray) imaging may show fluid buildup in the abdominal cavity. Ultrasonography may be used to visualize a soft mass over the pancreas.The only conclusive test for pancreatic cancer in cats, however, is a biopsy of the mass guided by an ultrasound or exploratory surgery. Your veterinarian will weigh the risk of performing these diagnostic procedures against the benefit of a confirmatory diagnosis.
Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer in Cats
If your veterinarian chooses to perform exploratory surgery, he will likely remove part or all of your cat's pancreas at the time of surgery. If the cancer has not metastasized and spread at this point, the chance of uncomplicated recovery is great.
In the event a cat's cancer has spread, as with late-stage cancers, your veterinarian may attempt surgical resection of the tumors. The success rate of this surgery is low, however. Unfortunately, there has been little success using radiation therapy or chemotherapy to treat pancreatic cancer in cats.
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Recovery of Pancreatic Cancer in Cats
While advanced stages of pancreatic cancer in cats may carry a grave prognosis, there are some pain management and anti-inflammatory options to offer cats relief. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are useful to reduce inflammation of the pancreas and relieve pain. 
Following surgery for diagnosis or tumor resection, the surgical site should be kept clean. Follow-up appointments with your veterinarian are crucial while the surgical site is healing to prevent infection or complications. 
A cat with pancreatic cancer may also suffer unpleasant gastrointestinal issues, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Follow-up appointments with your veterinarian are important to keep a cat comfortable through these symptoms. A veterinarian may prescribe medications or a special diet to aid digestion.
Pancreatic Cancer Average Cost
From 320 quotes ranging from $3,000 - $8,000
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Pancreatic Cancer Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
Bombay black
10 Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Severe Loss Of Weight
My 10 year old female cat was diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor , which was removed by surgery day before yesterday. The veterinarian has not revealed whether its benign or malignant. But tumor had been well circumscribed. So probably a bening. But but I'm wondering whether since the pancreas is removed , the digestive enzymes are not there any more. How will it affect her and her diet?
July 22, 2018
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
If Chanu's entire pancreas was removed, she will likely need to be on supplements to help digest her food. She may need further supplementation for insulin production as well - we don't typically remove the entire pancreas, and your veterinarian may have just removed the tumor. It would be best to check with them, as they know more details about the extent of the surgery and how much of the pancreas was removed. I hope that she does well.
July 22, 2018
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15 Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Hair Loss
My fur baby "Gus" will be 16 in human years in August.Over the past few mos, started losing weight and not eating much. Took him to the vet and they did labs and said that his pancreatic enzymes were up. Gave him a steroid shot and antibiotics by mouth. He finished the meds and seemed better. About 2 wks later, same symptoms. Went back to the vet and was given anti-nausea meds and something to increase appetite. He is not vomiting now. His appetite is better, but not as much as before he first started showing symptoms. But now, the main problem is that his hair is falling out in clumps. I have not noticed any particular overgrooming. He can just be walking around and clumps of hair will fall out. His hair is getting particulary thin along his back and around the hind quarters. This has me worried that it might be pancreatic cancer from some of the articles that I have read. What is your impression? No xrays or ultrasound has been done yet, as the vet felt pretty confident that it was just acute pancreatitis. Thank you.
July 5, 2018
0 Recommendations
There are many possible causes for hair loss in cats, paraneoplastic alopecia is rare in cats but may still occur; if no further testing was done on Gus originally you should think about returning to your Veterinarian for another examination and possibly an x-ray to rule out some other conditions. Without examining him, I cannot determine whether or not the cause is related to the pancreas or to something else. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
July 6, 2018
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domestic short hair
11 Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Lack Of Appetite
Sudden Weight Loss
Mass On Pancreas
High Kidney Levels
High Calcium Levels
I recently had one of my cats pass away. Immediately afterwards, my oldest cat lost over 3 pounds in a week, refused to eat, began hiding all the time, and seemed very sluggish. Prior to this happening my vet noticed he had a distended stomach (about a month prior to) but we did x rays and nothing looked wrong. We did a cbc panel when the x rays were done and everything was normal. A month later, when all the sudden symptoms came about we did another cbc panel and he had high kidney levels, high calcium, and was showing signs of pancreatitis. We scheduled an ultrasound to determine if kidney disease was the cause for high levels but kidneys looked fine. We did however discover a mass on his pancreas. We did an asperite sample and what was pulled was fluid. The vet said it's likely that he has a cyst on his pancreas but sent the sample off for a cytology anyway. (still waiting results) the vet believes the high levels that were seen in the cbc panel could have been from severe dehydration and plans to retest in a week since he is now back to acting himself. His appetite has increased significantly, more than what is usually normal for him, he is no longer hiding and is slowly gaining weight back. He is sleeping a lot but he is also periodically active throughout the day. Everything online seems to imply that a tumor indicates pancreatic cancer. Since the mass was full of fluid is there still a chance that the cyst is cancerous? Could it simply be a severe case of pancreatitis? Are you familiar with anything like this?
June 26, 2018
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
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The cyst on Jack's pancreas may be just that, a cyst. Lesions on the pancreas can be cancerous or benign, but benign lesions can still cause inflammation and pancreatitis. You will know more once you get the cytology results back, and I am glad that he seems to be recovering!
June 26, 2018
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house cat
15 Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Watery Diarrhea
Regurgitating Food
My sweet Sylvester got an ultrasound & the vet saw a 2 inch mass on pancreas. He is more hungry than usual but tested neg for diabetes and thyroid problem. His diarrhea got better with cortison & esomeprazol. No vomits any longer.Will he benefit from antibiotics? How much time can he have left? He was diagnosed 3 weeks ago, got better the last week.He is still hungry but now also thirsty because of cortison. He gained weight.
May 30, 2018

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It really depends on the type of mass found on the pancreas (hyperplasia, adenoma or adenocarcinoma) since this would have a strong determination of the overall lifespan and quality of life; without a biopsy we cannot be certain what the specific type is. You should keep in regular contact with your Veterinarian and monitor any changes or growth of the mass. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
May 31, 2018
Thank you! The vet said that they don't recommend a biopsy, since the tissue is so close to the ducts. It hasn't got bigger since we first did the ultrasound (3 weeks ago). Are carcinomas of the pancreas as aggressive as in humans? Or do they grow slower? I'm thinking worst case scenario since we can't do biopsy, and vet is only taking the "wait and see" approach. Very thankful for any comment about our family member.
May 31, 2018
Sylvester's Owner
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