Coconut Oil for Allergies in Dogs
Written By hannah hollinger
Published: 09/08/2016Updated: 11/04/2021
Veterinary reviewed by Michele K.
What are Coconut Oil for Allergies?
Essential oils are derived from many types of plants and may be used as an effective treatment for several variations of allergies in dogs. It is very important to understand to always contact your veterinarian for a complete examination of your dog before beginning any type of essential oil regimen.
Coconut oil is known for its healing properties. It may be ideal for your dog if he is suffering from obesity, mobility issues due to joint or bone health conditions, to treat wounds, to help him acquire more energy, and much more. Coconut oil is rapidly absorbed, improving digestive health and helping your dog’s body with absorbing important vitamins and minerals.
This oil can also prevent any allergies from impacting your dog, such as seasonal allergies, inhalant allergies, and even food allergies. Not only is a good for dogs, but it is good for people as well, and many individuals use it within their diet or on their skin.
Coconut oil for allergies in dogs is an effective way to help dogs with skin allergies and infections. Many veterinarians, including holistic veterinarians, recommend this type of essential oil to help treat a wide range of skin ailments.
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Coconut Oil for Allergies Average Cost
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Symptoms of Coconut Oil for Allergies in Dogs
Symptoms of specific ailments that can benefit from coconut oil are many. Symptoms may include:
  • Skin conditions
  • Digestive conditions
  • Skin infections
  • Obesity
  • Aging and mobility
  • Low energy
  • Thick and hardened toenails
  • Wounds
  • Dry coat
  • Bone health issues
  • Cardiovascular conditions
  • Flea and tick infestations
Coconut oil has more than 90% of fats that are saturated. Types of saturated fats that coconut oil contains include:
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • Medium chain triglycerides
  • Lauric acid
  • Caprylic acid
  • Capric acid
  • Palmitic acid
  • Myristic acid
  • Linoleic acid
  • Oleic acid
Causes of Coconut Oil for Allergies in Dogs
Causes of the benefits of coconut oil for a variety of conditions begin with the administration of the oil itself to either the skin of the dog or within his food. Causes include:
  • Benefits come from medium chain triglycerides
  • Contains antibacterial properties
  • Contains antiviral properties
  • Has anti-fungal effects
  • Is metabolized efficiently within the body
  • Enhances athletic abilities
  • Helps with weight loss
  • Balances the thyroid gland
Diagnosis of Coconut Oil for Allergies in Dogs
Coconut oil is useful for many different diagnoses of a variety of ailments; however, it is important to take your dog to the veterinarian for any diagnosis before using coconut oil. If you choose to use coconut oil on your dog’s skin, you may be simply masking a larger problem. It is important to have your dog examined by a veterinarian before you begin.
The veterinarian may perform laboratory tests, such as blood tests for a complete blood count and to check for the presence of eosinophils (high white blood cell count), biochemistry profile, a skin test to determine skin allergies, and any other tests in which he feels are necessary according to your dog’s symptoms. 
He may also look for signs of fleas and ticks, dust mites, yeast infections, or fungal infections. Whatever your veterinarian may find, he will make a diagnosis of the specific problem your dog is having, and then we will let you know if you can use coconut oil as a method of treatment.
Treatment of Coconut Oil for Allergies in Dogs
Coconut oil can help treat a variety of ailments, and once your veterinarian has done a complete examination of your dog, he may advise you that coconut oil may be effective as an aid in the treatment of any condition he may have. Other medications may be needed to help treat your dog, but some methods using coconut oil may include:
Using coconut oil each day on your dog’s skin and fur can treat a myriad of skin irritations and leave your dog’s coat shiny and healthy. Be sure to follow your veterinarian’s recommendations of how much to apply and how often to apply it.
For other conditions, such as stomach conditions or for bone health, your veterinarian may recommend that you place coconut oil within his food. Your medical professional will explain to you the benefits of this superfood and how much to add into his diet. He will also give you advice on how often to feed your dog coconut oil.

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Recovery of Coconut Oil for Allergies in Dogs
In using coconut oil on your dog or in your dog’s diet, moderation is essential. It is important to not give your dog too much of this essential oil, as too much of any essential oil can lead to negative effects. Just like giving your dog a medication, proper dosage is key.
With coconut oil, your dog (and even you) can reap the many benefits of this saturated and healthy fat. Whatever ailments your dog has may dramatically improve with the regular, consistent use of this superfood. Be sure to communicate with your veterinarian how much of this natural substance you are giving to your dog and take any advice from your medical professional in terms of dosage and other recommendations.
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Coconut Oil for Allergies Average Cost
From 414 quotes ranging from $200 - $800
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Coconut Oil for Allergies Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
Mountain Cur
Six Years

0 found this helpful

0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Skin Rash Anal Glands Swelling
My poor guy has been to the vet so many times he suffers from digestive issues and skin rashes ear infections and anal glands issues he is on a special food and can not have anything else besides this food it is called hills to home id low carb. I am a widow with 4 kids and have spent over 10,000 in vet bills and can not afford to go to the vet at this time I have been bed bound from a serious fall, however my poor guy has a skin rash all over his stomach and around his private and on his tail I have put hydrocortisone cream as the vet has prescribed in the past but it’s not going away?
Oct. 31, 2021
Answered by Dr. Linda S. MVB MRCVS
0 Recommendations
I'm sorry to hear this. What a sweet boy. A photo of the skin itself would be useful. Rashes can have many causes including allergies, infections and parasites. It is important to get a diagnosis, which may entail skin scrapes and swabs.
Oct. 31, 2021
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Standard Labradoodle
8 Years

20 found this helpful

20 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Runny Nose & Dirty Ear
I am absolutely certain my dog has an allergy that is effecting one of his ears, iv used a ear cleaner as recommended by my vet but after 2 days of not having this his ears are very dirty again but I have only just noticed over the last few days that my dogs nose has been running also so I am thinking allergies.... can feeding him coconut oil and cleaning his ears with coconut oil help him , if so how much coconut oil should I feed my 27kg Labradoodle, he does scratch but no moment than usual, right now! Any advice will be great and I will get him to the vet as soon as I can obviously..... Many Thanks
June 12, 2018
20 Recommendations
Coconut oil can be given to dogs, however you need to ensure that Jake doesn’t have a reaction to it so start off small with a quarter teaspoon per day and see how he goes; as for direct application to the ears, refer to our grooming guide below which covers the use of coconut oil for cleaning dogs ears. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
June 13, 2018
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Coconut Oil for Allergies Average Cost
From 414 quotes ranging from $200 - $800
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