I had waited over 20 years to get the dog of my dreams. This last year, my family pulled money together and surprised me with a Newfoundland who seemed perfect in every way, however, when my puppy was 3 months old, he started whimpering whenever we pulled on his leash. We initially thought he had a sprained neck and he was treated with pain meds and an anti-inflammatory. He seemed to do better and we thought all was well, but then he started whimpering again whenever we pulled on his collar and whenever he bumped his face on something. This time we had x-rays done and it was discovered he had craniomandibular osteopathy. Since that time he’s been on pain meds, anti-inflammatory, had a respiratory panel done to rule out distemper and other conditions (as he also developed other symptoms - runny nose, eye mucous), and antibiotics from time to time. He gets checked every week at the vet and it seems the jaw, which initially was growing more in the front of his face, has been gradually moving back toward the joint. Our dog is also very skinny as he has lost his appetite. At times I’ve had to spoon feed him because he’s struggled with picking up the food on his own. This four month old puppy, who used to chew on everything in sight and get into everything, now spends almost all of his days laying around. His jaw is massive and he’s very underweight. He’s had really good days where he’ll eat his soupy dog food and act as if nothing is wrong, but he’s also had days where he’s seemed like he’s on his last leg. It’s been painfully hard to watch him go through all of this, but on the good days, where he seems more chipper and alive, we hold out and believe he’s going to make it through all of this and return to his normal self. This condition is very rare for his breed.