Diarrhea (Antibiotic-Responsive) in Dogs
Written By hannah hollinger
Published: 03/09/2016Updated: 01/20/2022
Veterinary reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon, MVB MRCVS
What is Diarrhea (Antibiotic-Responsive)?
Diarrhea (antibiotic-responsive) in dogs is when there is a case of diarrhea that will successfully respond to a specific antibiotic. Since diarrhea is caused by so many factors, antibiotics are not typically used to treat diarrhea; however, there are times where antibiotics are needed.  During these times, there is a specific clinical illness that is related to changes in the bacterial flora and the response of the dog’s immune system to the bacteria.
Certain diseases can be the actual cause of the diarrhea, and the veterinarian will determine this during the examination and diagnostic process.
Antibiotic-responsive diarrhea in dogs is a type of diarrhea that can be treated with specific antibiotics. This type of disorder occurs as a stand-alone illness, which is rare, and is usually accompanied by an underlying disease, illness, or infection.
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Symptoms of Diarrhea (Antibiotic-Responsive) in Dogs
There are types of diarrhea that will respond to antibiotics, and this will need to be determined by tests at the veterinarian office. Symptoms of diarrhea that are caused by bacteria and can be antibiotic-responsive in dogs include:
  • Diarrhea in excessive amounts
  • Diarrhea containing blood
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Straining when having bowel movement
  • Intestinal sounds
  • Gas
Research is still being conducted on the various types of antibiotic-responsive diarrhea, and researchers and medical professionals are determining if all are unique or an essentially equal disorder. Different types of diarrhea that are antibiotic-responsive are known as the following:
  • Antibiotic-responsive diarrhea
  • Tylosin-responsive diarrhea
  • Intestinal Dysbiosis
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
Causes of Diarrhea (Antibiotic-Responsive) in Dogs
There are a few known causes of this type of disorder, and research continues to be conducted on this type of diarrhea in dogs. What is known is that there are diseases that can cause this antibiotic-responsive diarrhea, and will be treated as a primary condition. Causes of antibiotic-responsive diarrhea are determined by:
  • Overgrowth of bacteria
  • Change in the bacteria in the small intestine
  • Any type of disease which can adversely affect the bacteria growth in the small intestine
Diagnosis of Diarrhea (Antibiotic-Responsive) in Dogs
Once you see the symptoms that identify a possibility of diarrhea that may be antibiotic-responsive, a visit to the veterinarian will be necessary to get your loved one the proper diagnosis. The veterinarian will perform different types of tests in order to make an accurate diagnosis. Tests include ultrasound scans, blood tests and a stool analysis Secondary antibiotic-responsive diarrhea can be difficult to diagnose if there is a primary disease in place. If this is the case, the antibiotic used to treat the primary disease or infection will also treat the diarrhea.
The veterinarian may also perform a blood test to measure the concentration of serum folate and cobalamin. Dogs that have antibiotic-responsive diarrhea over time have an increase in the serum folate. If the levels look higher than normal after testing is complete, this may help the veterinarian in the diagnosis.
Research is still being conducted on antibiotic-responsive diarrhea and the difficulty of diagnosing this disorder. There is still no single test that can be administered to accurately define this type of diarrhea at this time.
Treatment of Diarrhea (Antibiotic-Responsive) in Dogs
Your dog’s treatment will depend on any test results that have been conducted by the veterinarian. An antibiotic will be the first thing that is prescribed if the diarrhea is shown or highly suspected to be antibiotic-responsive. Treatment methods include the following.
The veterinarian will determine the type of antibiotic to be given to your companion once diagnosis is complete.
Dietary Changes
The veterinarian, in addition to giving a prescription for antibiotics, will instruct you to give a diet that is low in fat to aid this disorder. A bland diet may be suggested that contains chicken and rice. Pumpkin can also be added to the dog’s food to soothe an irritated stomach and painful bowels.
Additional Treatment
Any disease or infection that is considered primary will be treated by the veterinarian, and this depends solely on the diagnosis. It is important to follow your veterinarian’s guidelines for specific additional treatment and ask any necessary questions if you need to. Probiotics are often given alongside antibiotics to ensure the gut is populated with health bacteria.

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Recovery of Diarrhea (Antibiotic-Responsive) in Dogs
Since this type of diarrhea will respond to antibiotics, the symptoms should clear up with the medication and your dog should be feeling better once finished. It is important to finish all antibiotics even if he seems to be himself again. The supplementation with a probiotic will help good bacteria build back up again.
Prevention is also a key factor in recovery and management of this type of diarrhea. The growth of bacteria can be inhibited by gradual dietary changes and gastrointestinal supplements. A healthy diet is vital in preventing antibiotic-responsive diarrhea; avoiding foods with preservatives, dyes and meat substance that is not all-natural will greatly help. If your dog has a specific allergy to e.g. chicken, grains or peas then these foods must be avoided.
Diarrhea (Antibiotic-Responsive) Average Cost
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Diarrhea (Antibiotic-Responsive) Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
German Shepherd
Seven Weeks

0 found this helpful

0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
My puppy has been taking metronidazole prescribed by the vet to treat his diarrhea but he is still having runny and bloody stools. Should I stop giving him the medication?
Sept. 25, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. I apologize for the delay, this venue is not set up for urgent emails. I hope that your pet is feeling better. If they are still having problems, It would be best to have your pet seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine them, see what might be going on, and get any testing or treatment taken care of that might be needed.
Oct. 22, 2020
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12 Years

1 found this helpful

1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Diareah With Spots Of Blood
Not Drinking As Much Water.
My dog has had diareah for a month now with spots of blood in it. He has been on one round of metronidazole and amoxcillian. Noimprovements at all. We feed him a bland diet of turkey rice and a little cottage cheese. I I also included gastro elm to help with lubrication and relieve diareah. Seemed to help his tummy. He eats and plays but can't seem to get his poop hard. He goes in again for another appointment to see if any changes. He was originally diagnosed with gastritis with overgrowth of bacteria. I also sprinkle probiotics on his food. Please help with any advice.
May 28, 2018

Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
1 Recommendations
You seem to have done all of the common first line treatments for simple diarrhea. If Churchill is continuing to have problems, he may need further diagnostics, possibly x-rays or an ultrasound to see what is going on with his intestines. There may be more going on than just simple diarrhea, and testing may help to find the problem so that you can help resolve this for him.
May 28, 2018
Amoxicillin gave my dog serious diahrea. Two pills every 12 hours. 500 mg each tablet. It was prescribed to knock out his bladder infection. Going to start Lars on metronidazole. Fingers crossed,he’s 11 and diabetic on insulin for 4 months now. Worried. The vet said no milk products. Found some good advice from others here. Thank you. Darlene
July 3, 2018
Darlene L.
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