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- Insulinoma in Dogs
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- Lack of coordination
- Confusion
- Lack of alertness
- Changes in behavior
- Weakness
- Disturbance of vision
- Muscle degeneration
- Decrease in reflex of appendages
- Seizures
- Collapse
- Coma
- Death
- Exocrine carcinomas are cancerous tumors that impact the exocrine functions of the pancreas. An exocrine carcinoma impacts the digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas. Exocrine carcinomas spread quickly to the lining of the stomach, liver, and other organs.
- Endocrine carcinomas are cancerous tumors that impact the endocrine functions of the pancreas. An endocrine carcinoma impacts the hormone production of the pancreas. These tumors can affect other parts of the body through their influence on hormone production. Additionally, they may spread quickly to the liver and lymph nodes.
- Insulinoma is an endocrine carcinoma that primarily affects the production of insulin by the pancreas, causing a decrease in blood sugar known as hypoglycemia.
- Multiple blood tests
- Analysis of insulin and glucose levels
- Abdominal ultrasound/x-rays
- Abdominal surgery
- Feeding the dog small meals through the day
- Medication to help raise blood sugar
- Diazoxide can be used to supplement insulin secretion
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