Jasmine Allergies in Dogs

What are Jasmine Allergies?

Jasmine allergies in dogs is a fairly common contact allergy, as this fragrant flower releases pollen which can cause a reaction in dogs. Jasmine, also spelled jessamine, is a member of the genus Jasminum, which is within the Olive family. 

Jasmine has up to 450 subtropical and tropical species of the fragrant and flowering shrubs. This popular and beautiful plant is native to the temperate and tropical areas of Asia, Europe, and Africa. The true jasmine plant, as other plants are called Jasmine as well, have climbing, long branches which contain white and yellow tubular flowers. Some Jasmine plants have a pink color to them, however, they are rare. There is also a fruit in many of the species of jasmine, which is called the two-lobed blackberry.

Jasmine is a popular plant used in perfumery and tea. It is used also on hillsides as a cover plant. Depending on the type of jasmine plant, they can bloom in various seasons. Jasmine does produce pollen which can be a source of allergens too many dogs. Some dogs are also allergic to Jasmine simply by making contact with the plant.

Jasmine allergies in dogs occur when a dog is allergic to the plant known as Jasmine, or any other plants within the family of Jasmine. Jasmine allergies typically occur in the warmer months when the pollen is produced.

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Symptoms of Jasmine Allergies in Dogs

Symptoms of Jasmine allergies in dogs are quite similar to a typical plant allergy due to the pollen. Jasmine may also be a contact allergy, and when dogs lay upon the plant outside they can have a variety of skin issues. Symptoms of this specific allergy may include:

  • Itchy and irritated skin
  • Red and bumpy skin
  • Discharge from the bumps on the skin
  • Watery eyes
  • Itchy eyes
  • Excessive scratching or licking
  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Runny nose


There are many different types of names for this fragrant plant. Plants in other plant families are also called Jasmine. These types of plants include:

  • Confederate jasmine
  • Star jasmine
  • Kate jasmine
  • Jasmine tobacco
  • Carolina
  • Allspice
  • Madagascar jasmine
  • Orange jasmine
  • Crêpe Jasmine
  • Night jasmine
  • Day jasmine

Causes of Jasmine Allergies in Dogs

Causes of Jasmine allergies in dogs are a result of a plant allergy, either by contact or inhaling the pollen from the plant. Specific causes include:

  • The dog’s immune system attacking an allergen
  • A hypersensitive immune system
  • Reactions from the dog’s system occurring on the skin
  • Reactions from the dog’s system occurring in the sinus areas

Diagnosis of Jasmine Allergies in Dogs

If you suspect your dog has an allergy or is exhibiting the symptoms above, make an appointment with your veterinarian so you can get proper treatment. Never give your dog medications, such as antihistamines, before seeing your veterinarian. If you are unable to get to the veterinarian within a reasonable amount of time, giving your dog a bath with a hypoallergenic shampoo may help.

Once you get to the veterinarian, he will take a look at your dog’s symptoms. If your dog is showing a skin irritation, the veterinarian may take a closer look and asked many questions pertaining to your dog’s environment. More than likely, if your dog is allergic to Jasmine, it will be a warmer time and he will be spending more time outside. The veterinarian will need all the information he can receive from you, such as any plants that grow on your property which the dog has contact with.

If your dog is exhibiting symptoms that are within his sinus area, such as rhinitis, the veterinarian will want to know when the symptoms began and how long may have lasted. This goes the same for the skin irritation. The veterinarian may possibly want to test your dog’s skin; however, this usually occurs later on if the medications your dog is given are not effective. Usually, from process of elimination, your veterinarian can come to a definitive diagnosis of a plant allergy. Plant allergies have the same or very similar symptoms, so diagnosing your dog with a plant allergy will receive the same type of treatment as a Jasmine allergy.

Treatment of Jasmine Allergies in Dogs

Depending on your dog’s symptoms, your veterinarian will give you a mode of treatment or several different treatment options for you to choose from. If your dog’s allergies are quite severe, he may do further testing to find out precisely what is causing the reactions. Treatment methods can include:


Your veterinarian may recommend a shampoo or mild detergent to bathe your dog on a regular basis. This will help your dog’s skin heal, or at least be less irritating.


A Jasmine allergy typically occurs during specific months of the year, so any medications will be temporary. Medications to treat allergies are quite effective, and they can be antihistamines, corticosteroids, or possible immunosuppressive therapy. Your veterinarian will explain the options thoroughly so that you can make an educated decision on what would work best for your companion.

Allergy Shots

Allergy shots, or immunosuppressive therapy, inject a very small amount of the Jasmine into your dog so that his immune system will be able to fight it in a proper manner, thus not causing such a reaction. In terms of this type of therapy, your veterinarian will have to perform allergy testing on your dog to know exactly the type of allergen to give him.

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Recovery of Jasmine Allergies in Dogs

If your dog has an allergy to Jasmine, recovery is good. It may take a little time to figure out the specific allergy, but once it is defined you will know the medications that will work for your dog. You may have to give him several different types of medications over time to see which works best for him.

One thing you can do to help reduce your dog’s symptoms, besides medication, is to be aware of the plants within your yard or home. If you notice your dog is restless upon coming into contact with Jasmine, perhaps removing the Jasmine from your property or home will help your dog recover nicely. A Jasmine allergy will only occur when the Jasmine is in bloom. However, if your dog has a Jasmine allergy, he may also be allergic to other types of plants in the pollen they produce. Limiting your dog’s contact with pollen-producing plants will help manage your dog’s allergies.

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Jasmine Allergies Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals



24 Months

1 found this helpful

1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Chewing On Feet. Loosing Hai
Chewing On Feet. Loosing Haiir
My 2 year old Pomeranian has been constantly chewing on his front feet. He has a couple of bald spots on his neck and back of his legs. I have jasmine growing un my yard. Would that be the cause?shoukd i remove it

Aug. 23, 2018

1 Recommendations

A dog may be allergic to almost anything, I cannot say whether it is due to jasmine in the garden but normally food allergies result in paw licking. If the jasmine is new and the symptoms developed after planting then it may be worth moving the jasmine, otherwise look into the diet. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM

Aug. 24, 2018

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