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- Pistachio Poisoning in Dogs
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The all-important question. Are pistachios poisonous to dogs? There are many foods that humans can consume safely that are unsafe for our canine companions — including onions and garlic. What, then, of pistachio nuts? Are pistachios bad for dogs?
The canine digestive system isn’t designed to process nuts; it can’t properly digest the proteins in nuts. Ultimately, if pistachios are eaten in large quantities, they can cause gastrointestinal distress, obesity and pancreatitis.
Pistachios are high in fat, and a poor diet is one of the main causes of pancreatitis, so these nuts should only be given to your dog as an occasional treat. Giving your dog too many pistachio nuts can lead to health problems — your pup will hardly say no to food, so it’s your job to be responsible when sharing snacks.
In any case, dogs that are overweight — or even worse, obese — are at a higher risk of a range of health problems. So, go easy on those pistachios!
Pistachios have the potential to contain two substances that can cause your dog harm. These are:
Aflatoxin is caused by a type of mold (Aspergillus) that can grow on certain foods. There are often trace amounts of this mold on pistachios and other types of tree nuts, including almonds and brazil nuts. Aflatoxin poisoning can cause damage to the liver and digestive system — if your dog eats large quantities of pistachios with mold present, you may need to seek medical advice.
Pistachio nuts also contain urushiol, which is an oil that’s also present in poison ivy. As poison ivy poisoning can provoke an allergic reaction — including a rash, and potentially vomiting and diarrhea — again, you should avoid letting your dog eat too many pistachios in one serving.
Like any type of hard shell, pistachio nuts with the shell intact can be a choking hazard; it’s too easy for a shell to get lodged in your dog’s throat.
Not only that, but your dog won’t be able to properly digest pistachio shells. One or two might pass through harmlessly, but a large or even moderate amount can lead to an intestinal obstruction or blockage.
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If your dog has eaten too many pistachios, look out for these common symptoms and bad reactions:
- Abdominal pain
- Dehydration
- Diarrhea
- Difficulty breathing
- Fever
- Increased heart rate
- Lack of appetite
- Lethargy
- Swollen abdomen
- Vomiting
- Weakness
- Weight loss
- Pancreatitis
- Aflatoxin poisoning
- Urushiol poisoning
- Overeating
- Swallowing nuts with the shells on
Urine, stools, and vomitus will also be tested and may expose underlying diseases (or toxins such as aflatoxin). A preliminary diagnosis based on the physical exam and history may prompt treatment even before the final diagnosis is completed.
Ultrasounds can be used to image the abdominal area and may reveal enlargement of the pancreas or fluid accumulation in this area.
Aflatoxin poisoning carries with it a serious risk of damage to the liver so hepatoprotectives and vitamin K treatments are often recommended. The supportive treatment is vital to the chances of recovery from aflatoxin as there is no antidote.
In the event that your pet is vomiting persistently or severely, your veterinarian may recommend a period of withholding food by mouth sometimes for several days. These signs are sometimes seen with pancreatitis.
The idea behind this treatment is to allow the pancreas to heal enough for the swelling to go down. If the dog is willing and able to eat on its own, several low-protein, low-fat, high-fiber meals are generally recommended per day to speed healing. Supplements of pancreatic enzymes can be given to relieve abdominal pain, but it usually does not alter the course of the disease itself.
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