Dehydration in Dogs
Written By Wag! Staff
Published: 11/03/2016Updated: 09/27/2024
Veterinary reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon, MVB MRCVS
Dehydration in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
What is Dehydration?
Dehydration is a loss of water that is beyond what the body takes in, causing the water level in a dog’s body to drop below normal. There are many ways a dog can lose water from their body, such as panting, vomiting, fever, and a decreased intake of water or food. Often, an underlying condition or illness will cause the dog to lose their appetite, thirst, or energy level, which then leads to a state of dehydration.
When the water level in the body is insufficient, the body compensates by drawing water out of its cells. This results in a loss of electrolytes, such as potassium, chloride, and sodium, and can affect many of the body’s systems, including muscle function.
Severe dehydration can cause illness, and can eventually lead to death if left untreated. Treatment can be as simple as giving your dog access to clean water, or undergoing fluid therapy in a clinic, and is often successful if the condition is caught in time.
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Symptoms of Dehydration in Dogs
Symptoms that your dog may be dehydrated include:
  • Panting excessively
  • Fast breathing that is short and staccato-like
  • Dry nose, mouth, and gums
  • Sticky mucous membranes
  • Tired and sluggish appearance
  • Slowed activity level and responses
  • Dulled mental activity
  • Altered consciousness level
  • Sunken or dry eyes
  • Dull corneas
  • Lack of skin elasticity and a prolonged skin tent
  • Loss of balance
  • Wobbly walk
  • Weak rear end
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weak pulse
  • Heart rate above 140
  • Decrease in urine output
  • Dark urine
  • Increase in urine odor
  • Hypovolemic shock, or shock occurring from fluid loss
  • Hypotension
Causes of Dehydration in Dogs
Dehydration is caused by a wide range of factors. These include:
Some dogs that are more prone to dehydration include:
  • Puppies
  • Small breeds, such as Chihuahuas
  • Older dogs
  • Nursing dogs
Diagnosis of Dehydration in Dogs
If you suspect that your dog is suffering from dehydration, use the skin test. Skin becomes less elastic when moisture levels are low. By lifting a small piece of skin on your dog’s back, you can test its elasticity. When released, if the skin falls back slowly into place, instead of snapping back within 1-2 seconds, then your dog may be dehydrated.
Another test is to press a finger to your dog’s gums. They should feel moist, just like ours. Tacky or sticky gums indicate dehydration.
At your veterinary clinic, a thorough exam may help to determine if your dog is truly dehydrated. Your veterinarian will also determine if there is an underlying condition causing your pet to avoid food or water intake, or causing the dehydration itself. Be sure to tell your vet of any symptoms that you have noticed, as well as any other odd or different behaviors.
Blood samples may be taken and tested. A urinalysis may be done to determine the effect of the dehydration on the kidneys. Other tests may be used that are specific to a suspected condition that may be at fault, and can range from imaging and stool analysis, to tissue and fluid samples.
Treatment of Dehydration in Dogs
The main treatment for dehydration is to give your dog the fluids they need. First, your veterinarian will calculate how much fluid your dog has lost in order to prescribe the appropriate amount of fluid therapy.
Mild dehydration can be treated with access to clean water, dog soups, rehydration solutions and/or wet dog food. But acute moderate to severe dehydration can debilitate your dog and they may not be able to easily drink on their own.
Fluid therapy is generally administered slowly through injection, either subcutaneously or intravenously. An IV is the most efficient method to re-hydrate. This will need to be done in a clinic with a catheter, and it's closely monitored as fluid taken in too quickly can have negative results.
Dehydration left untreated can cause shock, illness, and can even result in death. If an underlying condition or illness has been found that has contributed to the dehydration, your vet will put together an appropriate treatment plan.
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Recovery of Dehydration in Dogs
Recovery from dehydration has a good prognosis if treated soon enough. If you notice signs of dehydration in your dog, slowly give them water with electrolytes to drink.  If they can’t hold any water down, give them some ice to lick. If they stop drinking altogether, contact your veterinarian right away.
To prevent dehydration in your dog, be sure that there is always available water for your dog to drink, and never allow them to overheat. Be aware of the signs of dehydration and and changes in your dog’s behavior.
Dehydration can be expensive to treat. If you suspect your dog is at risk of dehydration, start searching for pet insurance today. Wag!’s pet insurance comparison tool lets you compare plans from leading companies like PetPlan and Embrace. Find the “pawfect” plan for your pet in just a few clicks!
Dehydration Average Cost
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Dehydration Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
9 Months

8 found this helpful


8 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Lack Of Appetite
lately, when we got home with my husband we've caught our dog (Goblin) eating a plastic in our trash can. and now he's been suffering of it. i didn't know what am i going to do. he can't walk often. he always vomitting and moaning. and i thought it is because what he ate from garbage. he dont want to eat. what should i do in this kind of situation? I really dont know what am i going to do? maybe it his last day.
April 12, 2018
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
8 Recommendations
Goblin may well have eaten something in the garbage that caused a blockage, or an intestinal infection. From your description, he is in immediate need of veterinary care - they will be able to assess him, determine what might be going on, and offer care for him. It sounds like he is in a lot of pain, and letting him die at home would not be a kind way for him to have to go.
April 12, 2018
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3 Months

4 found this helpful


4 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Lack Of Appetite
My puppy hasn’t been drinking any water we took him to the vet and they noticed he was dehydrated he has been there for 2 days now with IV to help get him hydrated how long is recovery ? He still looks very down and still rarely eating food vet technicians told me he’s been resting and sleeping these past two days will my pupp recover soon ?
April 4, 2018
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
4 Recommendations
Without knowing why Benji is dehydrated, or what is wrong with him, I'm not sure what his expected recovery might be. It would be best to contact your veterinarian to ask what to expect, as they have seen him and know more what is going on with him.
April 5, 2018
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6 Years

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2 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Loss Of Appetite
My dog wasn't eating or drinking much water for 3 days. Took her to the vet and they said she was dehydrated. They injected her with a fluid pack that would hydrate her for the next 12 hours. It's been 2 days since the vet and she still is barely eating, and drinking just a tiny bit. Not sure what's going on because all her blood work was good.
Jan. 15, 2018
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
2 Recommendations
Thank you for your email. If Roxy is still not eating or drinking, she needs to go back for a follow up with your veterinarian. The fluids that they gave her will help keep her hydrated, but not forever, and the reason for her not eating needs to be figured out . If your veterinarian hasn't taken x-rays, that may be the next step? I hope that they are able to determine what is wrong with her and get her treatment.
Jan. 15, 2018
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Chica Pearson
9 Months

3 found this helpful


3 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
For the last day and a half chica has not been her normal self All She Wants To Do Is lay around and sleep she is not had anything to eat or drink in the last day and a half period when I try to give her food she puts her nose up at it and I'm very concerned. I do not know much about her as I rescued her from a very abusive home. She's always been very active and outgoing up until the last day and a half.
July 26, 2017
3 Recommendations
A loss of appetite and thirst may occur for a variety of reasons; check Chica’s gums, press on the gum hard so it is white and count the time to takes for the blood to return, it should take two seconds or less. If the time is three minutes or more, Chica would probably be dehydrated and if you are unable to encourage her to drink try giving water by syringe into her mouth, or mixing water and smooth wet food together and syringing it into her mouth; if this is unsuccessful or your notice anything else visit your Veterinarian. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
July 26, 2017
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pomeranian cross
15 Years

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2 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Sunken Eyes, Lethargy,
Weakness, Vomiting,
Please Help Me My Dog is suffering from dehydration, and even he is not eating anything from last three days, We are in continuing contact with a veterinary physician for the same. Dr. Has started giving him intravenous therapy from today, from the last two days Dr is giving the injection for fever and other related. My Dog age is 15Years This is for the first time is passing through this stage. Please Please help me to recover my dog my family member. he is everything for us
July 26, 2017

2 Recommendations
Dehydration may be caused by many different conditions; but in a dog of Rocky’s age, kidney disease should be suspected. It would be useful to have blood tests done to determine Rocky’s internal health and kidney function. Hormonal conditions, poisoning and other conditions may be the cause. Further tests are required to determine the cause. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
July 26, 2017
Sir, I want to discuss something with you. Regarding Blood Test Reports Please I want your email ID
July 26, 2017
Rocky's Owner

my French bull dog is 2 years old he was vomiting and lathargic we took him to our vets who out him on a drip 2 days later we have now been home a couple of hours and he still wont eat or drink i am beyond myself with worry as blood tests and xrays are all clear please could You give me more information on what could be wrong
Jan. 6, 2018
Lauren M.

My 2.5 year old cat had a spay done, immediately after which she developed an abdominal hernia. She had an operation for that, and another hernia developed with her kidney. She had another operation. She had a normal eating for a few days after which she stopped eating completely .Yesterday when I went o the vet she was terribly dehydrated . Will it be OK to wait and see if her dehydration cure gets her eating again? Or do you suggest an x Ray would be better.the only place to do the latter is 400km away which means that would involve her Unger going a journey of 8hrs +8 hrs just to get that done.kindly advice.
Jan. 24, 2018
Anindita P.

I’m 99% certain my dog is suffering from severe dehydration dull responses tight skin eyes dry deep looking Nose is dry she has been eating but not drinking which I wasn’t noticing She drank from my cup a little before I noticed she wasn’t doing well I didn’t know that’s all she was drinking water wise was when I brought it to her Now I’m having to give her by syringe she is keeping it down But how long should I space out giving her fluids Because it’s pretty severe but no vets open anywhere She was very unresponsive but awake and aware but after a few syringes of Gatorade and water some response and alertness has returned but still very noticeably not good only been about 25 min of giving her fluids 35-45 ml so far
May 13, 2018
Zachary T.
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8 Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Excessive Thirst And Urination
Hello, I have a question about dehydration in a recently rescued dog. I rescued a small dog (4 kilos) off the street about 3 weeks ago. He was in very bad shape and my vet and I didn't believe that he would survive. He had a fever so I gave him antibiotics for 10 days which made him feel much better. He also had mange (and I got scabies) which we medicated and has healed completely. He drinks a lot of water and urinates a lot and frequently. After doing blood and urine analysis, we have found that his blood glucose is normal, his kidney function is good, and he doesn't have Cushing's. There are some crystals in his urine which I am treating with a special food. His appetite and stool are normal, but he continues to drink and pee excessively. Could his thirst be the result of being really thirsty and living without access to water for a really long time? Could it be behavioral? He appears to be about 8 years old and is intact. Thanks in advance.
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