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Prostatectomy in Dogs
What is Prostatectomy?
Prostatectomy is defined as the partial or complete removal of the prostate gland. Dogs that require a prostatectomy have a prostate tumor. A tumor is a buildup of cells that have started rapidly dividing in a localized area for unknown reasons. The tumor can be either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous), but the veterinarian may choose to have the mass removed even if the tumor does not possess a cancerous nature. The most common type of prostate tumor in dogs is the malignant prostate carcinoma that has risen from the urothelial or ductal tissue.
Prostatectomy Procedure in Dogs
Prior to conducting a prostatectomy, the canine will have diagnostic tests run on him to ensure he is healthy enough for anesthetic and the procedure. Common health assessment exams for a prostatectomy include a complete blood cell count, urinalysis and biochemistry profile.
- An injectable pre-anesthetic will be administered.
- An endotracheal tube will be placed to allow a gas anesthetic and oxygen to be given to the canine throughout the procedure.
- The canine’s fur will be shaved over the prostate gland and the area will be scrubbed with an antimicrobial solution.
- The patient will be draped before an incision is made in the abdomen and around the tumor. A scalpel blade will be used to either remove the tumor itself and surrounding tissues, or the complete prostate gland.
Efficacy of Prostatectomy in Dogs
A dog’s prognosis following a prostatectomy procedure is guarded, as the likelihood of recovery depends on the dog’s specific condition. A canine that required a total prostate removal, or one that has had the cancerous cells reach accompanying organs, will have a less than positive prognosis.
Prostatectomy Recovery in Dogs
Following a prostatectomy, your dog will require a period of time in hospitalization for proper monitoring and pain management. If the prostate gland was removed completely, your canine may require a week or more in hospital care, as adequate care cannot be received at home. The canine will require reevaluation of his condition on a scheduled date.
Cost of Prostatectomy in Dogs
The cost of a prostatectomy in a dog varies depending on the size of the tumor as well as any biopsies that were required. Removal of a small sized tumor of the prostate gland could cost a dog owner around $150, whereas a large sized tumor could cost an average of $350 to have performed. The total removal of the prostate gland, including the tumor, can run about $700 - $1,000 in a canine.
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Dog Prostatectomy Considerations
Your canine will need to be placed under anesthetic for the duration of the prostatectomy procedure, as well as for any biopsy from the prostate that was completed prior to the surgery date. The removal of a prostatic tumor will completely remove the fast growing, potentially fatal tumor from the canine’s body, however, recurrence is possible. It is important to discuss the potential outcome of the prostatectomy surgery in your dog with the veterinarian.
Prostatectomy Prevention in Dogs
Prostatectomy cannot be prevented, as prostate cancer is common in both castrated and intact males. In fact, castrated males have a higher occurrence rate for prostatic neoplasia than intact male dogs. Like all forms of cancer, the development of a cancerous growth has no direct cause and veterinary experts do not fully understand how to prevent this form of disease.
Prostatectomy Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
Kelpie / Australian Shephard X
8 Years
7 found this helpful
7 found this helpful
My pet has the following symptoms:
Straining To Defecate
My son's dog is a 7 year old male, desexed as a pup. He has been straining to defecate for about a month and yesterday the vet diagnosed him with an enlarged prostate which she told us was 99% likely to be a malignant cancer. We had a cat scan and she said that the cancer appeared not to have spread to other organs or the spine although there is some swelling of the 2 lymph nodes closest to the prostate. Samples were taken under anesthetic and we get those back in about 3 days. At the moment he has no problem walking or urinating but faeces are soft. Last week he was off his food for a couple of days but now he is eating properly again. The vet told us that the prostate cannot be removed on a dog which I find contrary to information I read on the internet. What is correct?
Jan. 28, 2018
7 Recommendations
A dog’s prostate can be removed by a procedure called a prostatectomy, speak with your Veterinarian about why they are saying that the prostate cannot be removed. It may be a case that there is a reason why Cofey’s prostate cannot be removed but if you have concerns, you should visit another Veterinarian after you get the biopsy sample results back to get their opinion on surgery. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
Jan. 28, 2018
We have a male boxer that had a tumer that was not cancer they said they had to take part of the prostate. Since home he has not been the same. He walks like he's drunk always carries his head to his left side his head Bobs a little bit almost like he forgot how to do things like walking at times he seems to be better we've called the hospital they said well maybe he has a brain tumor the dog has no brain tumor he was fine before the surgery I'm just hoping that after a few days he's back to his normal self I just don't know what would cause the way he's reacting could it be the anesthesia could it be nerves that got damaged he almost sometimes seems like he goes into a little bit of the seizures where one eye rolls up into his head sometimes his gums are white and then he seems to come back to it has anyone gone through this before that can maybe tell me this could be some of the after effects of surgery I just don't know giving him cinnamon in case the anesthesia has caused some issues to clean out the liver of what I've read online if he doesn't get better I know we're going to have to put them down because I don't want to see the poor guy suffer anymore
June 23, 2018
Jennifer M.
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