Siberian Pinscher

48-63 lbs
Doberman Pinscher
Siberian Husky

The Siberian Pinscher is a hybrid of the Siberian Husky and Doberman Pinscher. The Siberian Husky is easy to get along with and very outgoing, able to fill a variety of roles from sled dog, therapy dog, to family pet. The Doberman Pinscher is a strong dog with great speed who will be both friend and protector of his human family. Medium in size, both dog breeds are intelligent and have excellent endurance, qualities that will likely be passed on to their dog hybrid offspring.

purpose Purpose
history Date of Origin
ancestry Ancestry
Siberian Husky and Doberman Pinscher

Siberian Pinscher Health

Average Size
Male Siberian Pinscher size stats
Height: 23-26 inches Weight: 56-75 lbs
Female Siberian Pinscher size stats
Height: 22-25 inches Weight: 48-63 lbs
Major Concerns
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Epilepsy
  • Bloat
  • Von Willebrand's Disease
  • Laryngeal Paralysis
  • Wobbler's Syndrome
  • Hemophilia
Minor Concerns
  • Bone And Joint Problems
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Hepatitis
  • Zinc Responsive Dermatosis
  • Eye Conditions
Occasional Diagnoses
  • None Known
Occasional Tests
  • Eye
  • Hip
  • Heart
  • Throat
  • Skin Scrape
  • DNA for VWD

Save on pet insurance for your Siberian Pinscher


Now that you know what you’re in for, you may want to get ahead of future vet bills, which are typically $750-2,000 a year for a Siberian Pinscher.

Pet Insurance can help prepare you for unexpected vet bills. Compare top providers to get a custom quote that fits your pet’s unique health needs.

Learn more about the benefits of pet insurance.

Siberian Pinscher Breed History

The Chukchi, an indigenous tribe in Russia, developed the Siberian Husky at some time during prehistory. The dogs were likely used for hunting, as well as pulling the sleds of those they lived with.

Also bred to be a good companion, the Siberian Husky was a key part of the everyday lives of the Chukchi people.

In the early 1900’s the dog breed was brought to Alaska and entered into the All Alaska Sweepstakes race, where they performed very well; some of the teams made of Siberian Huskies won the annual competition until their cancellation upon the United States entering World War I. During the winter of 1925 a diphtheria epidemic infected the town of Nome, putting approximately 10,000 people in the region at risk. So that the necessary serum could be delivered to those in the villages, twenty sled drivers and over 100 dogs, mostly Siberian Huskies, made the very difficult 658-mile trip to Nulato to obtain the medicine and bring it back to Nome. Instead of taking twenty-five days, the dogs were able to complete the trip in just under six, despite terrible conditions. On the last leg of the trip conditions were so poor that the drivers could not see, however the dogs managed to return with the serum.

In 1930, the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club. Founded by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann, a dogcatcher and tax collector, the Doberman Pinscher originated in Germany in the 1890’s. Mr. Doberman developed the dog breed in an effort to create a dog that could accompany him on his job and offer protection. With the goal of developing a dog that was smart, loyal, brave, protective and reliable, it is thought that the following breeds were a part of the development of the Doberman Pinscher: Thueringen Shepherd, German Pinschers, local sheepdogs, butcher’s dogs and Black and Tan Terriers.

The Doberman Pinscher has worked as a guard dog, police dog and military dog; in World War II they worked as sentries, messengers and scouts. Dogs of the breed supported the United States military in the battle of Okinawa in 1845; in fact, there is a memorial statue in Guam of a Doberman in honor of 25 marine war dogs that died in the effort to free the territory. In addition to the skills the Doberman possesses, they are affectionate and loyal companions to their humans. 

Siberian Pinscher Breed Appearance

The Siberian Pinscher will inherit traits from both of his parent breeds; as with all mixed breeds, you can anticipate that he may inherit more physical characteristics from one or the other parent breeds, or a relatively equal combination of traits from each breed.

Based on the size of his parent breeds, the Siberian Pinscher will be a medium to large dog.

Both breeds have almond shaped eyes and erect triangular shaped ears, making it likely that the hybrid will as well. The Siberian Husky will have a medium length muzzle and tail that hangs down or trails unless the dog is at attention, when it will be carrier over his back. The Doberman Pinscher is born with a long tail that is often altered when the dog is between seven to twelve weeks of age to meet the breed standard. Both breeds can be seen with a variety of coat colors.

Eye Color Possibilities
blue Siberian Pinscher eyes
hazel Siberian Pinscher eyes
brown Siberian Pinscher eyes
Nose Color Possibilities
black Siberian Pinscher nose
brown Siberian Pinscher nose
Coat Color Possibilities
fawn Siberian Pinscher coat
blue Siberian Pinscher coat
red Siberian Pinscher coat
brown Siberian Pinscher coat
white Siberian Pinscher coat
gray Siberian Pinscher coat
silver Siberian Pinscher coat
pied Siberian Pinscher coat
sable Siberian Pinscher coat
black Siberian Pinscher coat
Coat Length
Short Medium Long
Coat Density
coat density
Sparse Normal Dense
Coat Texture
coat texture
Siberian Pinscher straight coat texture
Straight Wiry Wavy Curly Corded

Siberian Pinscher Breed Maintenance

The maintenance of your Siberian Pinscher will be dependent upon the traits that he inherits from his parent breeds. The Doberman Pinscher is an average shedder who will require minimal grooming. This can include brushing several times a month with a slicker brush and wiping down his coat with a wet cloth to minimize shedding and odor. 

A bath will usually only be necessary every few months. The coat of the Siberian Husky will require more brushing; at least weekly, and during the spring and sometimes fall, daily brushing will be required as his coat will shed significantly. Bathing should occur no more than once a month as bathing too often can lead to his skin drying out. How often you will need to brush and bathe your Siberian Pinscher will depend upon the coat that he inherits from his parent breeds. You will want to check and clean the ears of your Siberian Pinscher and brush his teeth two to three times per week to ensure his long term dental health.

Insuring your Siberian Pinscher puppy as soon as “pawssible” is essential for preventing high vet care costs. Start comparing insurance plans from leading insurers like Healthy Paws and Embrace and save over $270 a year.

Brushes for Siberian Pinscher
Slicker Brush
Slicker Brush
Nail Clipper
Nail Clipper
Brushing Frequency
fur daily fur weekly fur monthly
Siberian Pinscher requires weekly brushing
Daily Weekly Monthly

Siberian Pinscher Temperament

The Siberian Pinscher will inherit his behavioral traits from his parent breeds, the Siberian Husky and Doberman Pinscher. Both breeds will get along well with those they live with, ensuring that the hybrid will as well. While the Siberian Husky is even welcoming of strangers, the Doberman Pinscher will be wary of them. The Siberian Pinscher will do well with children and other animals, though because of the strength and power that the dog will inherit from his parent breeds, interactions with small children should be supervised. You can expect the Siberian Husky to have a lot of energy and enthusiasm for activity. The Doberman Pinscher will be protective and loyal to his humans. While earlier dogs of the breed were bred for aggression, as a result of responsible breeding and socialization, today’s Doberman Pinschers integrate well with a family. 

Siberian Pinscher Activity Requirements

The activity requirements of the Siberian Pinscher will vary by the particular dog and the traits that he inherits from his parents. The Siberian Husky has been bred to be athletic and needs a large amount of activity to maintain their physical and emotional health. Without enough exercise or mental stimulation, a dog of the breed can become destructive. The Doberman Pinscher also requires physical and mental stimulation. It is likely that the hybrid Siberian Pinscher will require both physical and mental activities, which can include long walks, hikes, runs, time playing in snow, trips to the dog park, games with his humans, training sessions and time with puzzles, and foraging games and toys.

Activity Level
low activity medium activity high activity
Low Medium High
Rec. Walk Mileage Per Week
14 miles
walk mileage
Minutes of Activity Per Day
90 minutes
activity minutes

Siberian Pinscher Food Consumption

Cups Per Day
3 cups
cup per day cost cup per day cost cup per day cost
Daily Cost
$1.20 - $1.30
food bowls daily cost
Monthly Cost
$34.00 - $45.00
food bag monthly cost

Siberian Pinscher Height & Weight

6 Months
Male Siberian Pinscher size stats at six months
Height: 12.5 inches Weight: 32.5 lbs
Female Siberian Pinscher size stats at six months
Height: 11.5 inches Weight: 28.0 lbs
12 Months
Male Siberian Pinscher size stats at 12 months
Height: 23.5 inches Weight: 63.5 lbs
Female Siberian Pinscher size stats at 12 months
Height: 22.5 inches Weight: 53.5 lbs
18 Months
Male Siberian Pinscher size stats at 18 months
Height: 24.5 inches Weight: 65.5 lbs
Female Siberian Pinscher size stats at 18 months
Height: 23.5 inches Weight: 55.5 lbs

Siberian Pinscher Owner Experiences

2 Years
6 People
House & Yard
Playing ball and he loves to cuddle with everyone
Hanging with the family
Going to the dog park
Playing in the snow
Bear i got when he waz 5 weeks old.. He is 90lbs at the age of 24 months.. He is a power house.. He loves any dog he comes in contact with..
4 years, 10 months ago
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