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- Stiffness
- Lessened physical activity (jumping or running)
- More vocalization than normal
- Refusing to be touched or handled
- Decreased interactions with others
- Lessened appetite
- Favors the affected limb, obviously limping
- Stops to rest while walking
- Unable to walk
- Acts aggressively
- Swelling in the affected limb
- Inflammation
- Lethargic
- Refuses to bear weight on affected limb
- Ligament injuries
- Bruising
- Broken bones
- Tendonitis
- Myositis or inflamed muscle
- Bites from other animals
- Frostbite
- Broken claw
- Infection of the claw bed
- Cut in pad of foot or on leg
- Footpad disease
- Object embedded in the foot
- Snake bite
- Injury to spinal disc or vertebrae
- Osteoarthritis
- Nerve damage
- Developmental or congenital conditions
- Joint condition (may be inflammatory)
- Infections, such as calicivirus
- Progressive polyarthritis (immune system disorder)
- Cancer of the bone
- Metabolic disease such as diabetes
- Fungal infection
- Bad nutrition
- Minor stroke
- X-rays
- Blood testing (looking for infectious or immune system diseases)
- Biopsies
- Removing joint fluid with a fine needle
- CT scan or MRI
- Ultrasound
- Neurological exam
- Myelograph (injecting dye along the spinal cord and taking a special X-ray)
- Electromyography (recording electrical activity of affected muscle tissue)
- Endoscopic exploratory surgery
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