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Jade Plant Poisoning in Dogs
What is Jade Plant Poisoning?
The crassula is a genus of close to 1,500 species from the South African Crassulaceae family, which includes the jade plant, and they all contain toxic substances that are poisonous to dogs. Since the jade plant is a succulent, it grows easily on its own, even with neglect, because the leaves hold moisture for a long time, similar to a cactus. They come in many styles and colors, but they all have cactus-like succulent leaves. Each one has their own characteristics, but they all have tiny, star-shaped flowers that bloom in the springtime. These blooms may be white, pink, orange, or a pale purple.
The jade plant is also commonly called a rubber plant and is very toxic to dogs, causing gastric distress, heartbeat irregularities, and depression among other symptoms. This is a popular plant that can grow up to five feet tall indoors and more than six feet tall outdoors. The thick, egg-shaped leaves are succulent and dogs seem to find them tasty. The toxins in the jade plant are still unknown and can affect any part of the body. If your pet eats any part of a jade plant, it is essential that you go to your veterinarian or a veterinary hospital right away.
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Symptoms of Jade Plant Poisoning in Dogs
The poisonous substances in the jade plant are not known yet, but there have been many different side effects reported. The symptoms may be as mild as a slight upset stomach, but some veterinary professionals claim that jade plant poisoning may cause other more serious issues. Some of the symptoms reported are:
- Vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Lethargy
- Weakness
- Depression
- Aggression
- Hiding
- Slow heart rate (rare)
- Impaired muscle movement (rare)
- Convulsions (rare)
The jade plant’s scientific name is crassula ovata from the Crassulaceae family. There are about a dozen types of jade plants, all going by the same scientific name. However, the jade plant is also known by several other common names, such as:
- Baby jade
- Chinese rubber plant
- Dollar plant
- Dwarf rubber tree
- Friendship tree
- Jade tree
- Japanese rubber plant
- Lucky plant
- Money tree
- Penny plant
- Tree of happiness
Causes of Jade Plant Poisoning in Dogs
The toxins in the jade plant that are poisonous are still unknown but are capable of causing gastric distress, heartbeat irregularities, and depression. Most cases of poisoning are mild but in rare cases, the ingestion of the jade plant has caused more serious effects such as convulsions. The digestive system of the canine is not designed to process large quantities of plant material; therefore, side effects caused by the jade plant will range from mild to moderate in most incidences.
Diagnosis of Jade Plant Poisoning in Dogs
If you think your dog has eaten any part of a jade plant, it is important to visit your veterinarian even if your pet is not showing any symptoms. Though it is rare for the side effects to be serious, it is best to consult a veterinary professional. Try to bring a portion or picture of the plant with you so the veterinarian can see what it was your pet was snacking on. This can help with the diagnosis as well as the treatment plan. Also, be sure to tell the veterinarian if your dog is on any medications.
A complete and thorough physical examination will need to be performed, including reflexes, weight, temperature, blood pressure, breath sounds, heart rate, and oxygen level. In addition, urine and stool samples will be taken and examined under a microscope for bacterial and fungal infections. A procedure called an endoscopy will be done to check your dog’s airway for inflammation or obstructions. This is done while your dog is sedated with a long, flexible tube called an endoscope.
Next, imaging and laboratory tests will be done. Abdominal radiographs (x-rays) and possibly an ultrasound are used to see if there are any undigested plant particles in the digestive system. These images can also show the veterinarian if there is any inflammation in the intestinal tract or vital organs. If a more detailed view is needed, an MRI or CT scan may be performed.
Treatment of Jade Plant Poisoning in Dogs
To treat jade plant poisoning, your veterinarian will use the standard evacuation, decontamination, fluid therapy, medication, and observation.
The first thing to be done is to induce vomiting by giving your pet ipecac by mouth. Activated charcoal is also given by mouth to absorb the toxins still undigested.
To decontaminate, the veterinarian will perform a gastric bypass by flushing the digestive system with warm saline solution. This is done by inserting a long hose through the mouth and into the stomach while your pet is sedated.
Fluid Therapy
Fluids will be given by intravenous (IV) line to flush the kidneys. This also helps reduce the chances of dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea.
There is usually not any need for medication. However, your veterinarian may give your pet antiemetic to stop the vomiting if needed.
Since jade plant poisoning is usually mild, the only observation needed will be you keeping an eye on your dog at home.
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Recovery of Jade Plant Poisoning in Dogs
Prognosis in the case of jade plant poisoning is excellent because the side effects are usually mild. If your dog does have any serious issues, the veterinarian may decide to keep your dog overnight, but that is rare.
Jade Plant Poisoning Average Cost
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