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- Swelling and pain in the scrotum
- Upon examination the scrotum may have wounds from a penetrating trauma, such as bite wounds
- If your pet is noted to be licking this area frequently, an examination will likely reveal dermatitis
- If the pain and swelling are acute, you will likely notice a significant change in the behavior of your pet such as no desire for food or water and cries of pain with movement
- Trauma (described as penetrating), usually a bite or other puncture wound that allows the introduction of bacteria into the scrotum
- Associated with many systemic diseases some of which are life-threatening to your pet such as distemper, ehrlichiosis, coccidioidomycosis, blastomycosis and brucellosis
- Brucellosis is the only one of these systemic diseases that is listed as a significant cause of the orchitis and the life of the animal is not the primary concern
- Lymphocytic orchitis is potentially part of an autoimmune disease that can have multiorgan involvement; like that described in the Beagle breed for example
- Fungal, bacterial or viral infections, these can be hematogenous (blood borne) or urologic in origin
- Brucella canis blood cultures
- Cytologic evaluation of semen
- Testicular or epididymal specimens for cytological evaluation, can be obtained via fine needle aspiration
- Possible testicular biopsy for histopathological review and bacterial culture may be needed after less invasive diagnostics have been done
- Digital imaging of the scrotum if lesion or mass is felt or suspected
- If there is no plan for breeding in the future, the specimens noted above can be obtained more easily during the castration process
- Systemic antibiotics should be administered for 3 to 4 weeks if an infection is found
- Applying cool water packs to help decrease the swelling and heat generated by the inflammation
- Hemicastration (removal of one testicle only) could be considered prudent to keep the infection away from the fellow testicle especially as damage occurs within hours in the case of testicular torsion and is irreversible
- All antifungal medications will interfere with spermatogenesis
- Fluoroquinolones are generally the best antibiotics to use if there is potential for prostate involvement after the inflammation has calmed down
- Culture and sensitivity testing may be required to refine the treatment plan over time
- There is no totally successful treatment for Brucella canis infection.
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