Snow Day Activities on Christmas


There is snow on the ground and it's Christmas. What could be better? This idyllic scene doesn't always happen so you should definitely take advantage. Do you know who else will love a fun winter day activity? Your dog! So bundle up in a coat, hat and gloves and make sure your dog is ready for some time outdoors as well. Dress your best buddy in their doggy coat and head outside for these fun winter wonderland games. Experience the true joy of Christmas as you watch your pup frolic in the snow.

Photo Shoot

Whether you and your pup decide to venture out in the snow or want to stay inside, nice and dry, you can set up a great Christmas photo shoot staring your dog. Antlers, Santa hats and jingle bells are all fun props to use. Dress up your pup and start snapping some pics. This year's snow day photo shoot may be next year's Christmas card!

Cookie Bakeoff

Staying inside on a snowy day? Make some Yuletide cookies with your dog! Not just any cookies though, dog cookies! Pick a peanut butter dog treat recipe, a chicken one or even a sweet potato recipe and whip up a batch of homemade dog treats. Your dog will want this to become a Christmas tradition for sure.

Get Cozy

If going outside in the snow is something you and your dog are not big fans of, just stay in. Turn the heat up or start a fire and put on a Christmas movie. Cuddle up with your dog and enjoy the peace and quiet that a snow day brings, paired with the pure happiness of Christmas.
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Christmas Dog Park

If you have a favorite dog park, bring your exuberant pup there on Christmas day for a romp in the snow. Chances are, you will be the only ones there. You just gave your dog the gift of their very own dog park! Let your pup run, play and sniff everything as they get a chance to explore the park they love on their own.

Snowball Fetch

Make a snowball and show it to your dog to get them excited. Toss the ball for your dog and when it hits the snow on the ground, it will disappear! Your dog will search for the ball frantically. Make another snowball and call your pup over. Hey, how did you get that ball back? Your dog will be confused but purely happy to play.

Snowy Walk

One of the easiest snow day activities that you can do with your pup is to go for a nice festive walk. Plan a route that will take you by some well-decorated houses so you can see the Christmas lights and scenes. Your dog will love walking through fluffy snow and you will enjoy being outside in the pristine white world on Christmas.