If your dog has stopped growing and has not reached the breed’s standard weight and height, it is time to take him to a veterinarian for a check-up. Your veterinarian will want to know your dog’s history, and will conduct a full physical examination. Be sure to relate your dog's symptoms, any medications they may be taking, their current diet, if you have any other pets in the household, and anything they have recently been exposed to, such as new places or animals.
Likely, your veterinarian will discuss the proper nutrition for your puppy, and may suggest a change in their diet to ensure they're consuming the right levels of proteins and calories they need to grow. Your dog's breed will certainly be a factor, as will any genetic issues that may be present.
For a portosystemic/liver shunt, your veterinarian may conduct a complete blood count (CBC), serum chemistries, urinalysis, and bile acid test in order to evaluate any abnormal findings. They may also order additional testing to help pinpoint a diagnosis of a portosystemic/liver shunt, such as an ultrasound, CT scan, portography, MRI, and
laparotomy. Your dog may also be prescribed antibiotics or probiotics in order to alter the bacterial population in the intestines to promote healthy bacteria. A portosystemic shunt may be able to be repaired surgically, but that will depend on the location.
Internal parasites can be diagnosed through a fecal examination done by your veterinarian, and can be easily treated with anti-parasitic medications that include oral pills and chews, injections or topical treatments.