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- Fungal Infection (Coccidioidomycosis) in Dogs
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- High body temperature
- Hacking or gagging when eating
- Loss of weight
- Appetite loss
- Extreme tiredness
- Weakness
- Limping
- Lymph node swelling under the mouth, shoulder, or knees
- Pneumonia
- Lesions with seepage
- Abscesses over infected areas of bones
- Swelling of legs
- Obvious pain in back or neck
- Paralysis
- Seizures
- Swelling of the eyes
- Swollen testes
- Mild infection includes a slight cough and maybe some fever
- Severe infection (Disseminated) can include many issues such as high fever, swelling of the legs, eyes, and testes, pneumonia, paralysis, seizures, and even heart failure
- Find out if there are any outbreaks of Coccidioidomycosis in the area
- Keep your dog inside most of the time
- Discourage your dog from digging and sniffing the ground
- Avoid taking your dog outside if it is hot right after it rains
- Complete blood count (CBC)
- Blood chemistry panel
- Urinalysis
- Stool sample
- Digital radiographs (x-rays) of the chest, bones, and joints
- Cocci test (also called cocci serology, cocci titers, or Valley Fever test)
- Ketoconazole (Nizoral)
- Itraconazole (Sporanox)
- Fluconazole (Diflucan)
- Fluconazole (Diflucan) is the most common medication used for Coccidioidomycosis because it is easier on the liver and it is able to treat the brain and eye tissues that are sometimes infected. The side effects of this drug are dry coat, hair loss, dandruff, excessive drinking, excessive urination, and a negative effect on the kidneys. If your dog has had any kidney problems, your veterinarian will likely keep the dose as low as possible to prevent damage to the kidneys.
- Ketoconazole (Nizoral) was the first drug used on Coccidioidomycosis and is still used, although it has to be used in conjunction with vitamin C to be absorbed. It also has been known to cause high liver enzymes, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lightening of the coat, and infertility.
- Itraconazole (Sporanox) is the strongest drug for Coccidioidomycosis and may be used in severe cases. This drug has the highest risk of stomach upset, increased liver enzymes, skin reactions (i.e. ulcers, abscesses, dermatitis, hair loss), and it has to be administered with food, which is difficult if your dog has no appetite. Your dog may need to be hospitalized so the veterinarian can watch for bad reactions for the first 24 to 48 hours.
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