A clinically significant or abnormal vaginal discharge in dogs is a disruption of the natural fluids produced by the body to clean the vagina. These types of discharge can signal different conditions, such as infection, physical abnormality, trauma or reproductive issues. This may indicate an infection, injury or foreign body in the vagina. Additionally, it may also signal a secondary infection of the urinary tract.
Don’t ignore a female dog discharge; schedule a visit with your veterinarian as soon as possible if you notice your dog behaving unusually. As well as dog vaginal discharge, there are other signs that can indicate a problem — and we’ll look at typical symptoms here, too.
These are the key indicators you should be aware of:
- Bloody, mucoid (a clear jelly discharge from a female dog) purulent (a yellow discharge from a female dog) or watery discharge from the vagina.
- Bloody or very cloudy urine
- Difficulty holding urine
- Excessive urination
- Fever
- Behavior changes
- Reduction in appetite
- Dragging their hindquarters — known as ‘scooting’
- Licking the affected area
- Experiencing urinary incontinence
Some of these symptoms are also common signs of other health issues in dogs, so get in touch to discuss any concerns with your vet.
- Mucoid (thick or grayish)
- Purulent (containing pus)
- Bloody (black, red or brown)
- Watery (clear and thin)
- Trauma to the vagina or uterus
- Infection of urinary tract and/or vagina
- Cancer of the pelvic region
- Physical defect (e.g. fistula) involving the uterus or vagina
- Later end of the estrus cycle
- Pyometra – an infection of the uterus
- A loss of pregnancy – miscarriage
- Vaginal inflammation
The veterinarian will make a physical examination of your dog, checking for fever and signs of illness as well as examining the vulva and vagina for trauma, signs of infection, or an abnormality. Heightened vaginal discharge after estrus (“heat”) in an intact dog (a female dog that has not been spayed) can be normal and may appear bloody.
This is also normal for a number of days after an animal has given birth. However, if the bleeding and/or discharge persists, this could be a sign of a problem.
In cases of infection, a blood test may be performed to gauge the severity of the infection via white blood cell count, and to make sure the infection has not spread to the blood to cause septicemia (life-threatening blood poisoning).
Ultrasound is an easily-portable technology that can provide medical images in even a small veterinarian’s office, and is non-invasive and inexpensive. However, more detailed images may need to be taken via X-ray or MRI, which are larger machines and require referral to a specialist.
This may include chemotherapy, surgical intervention, or radiation therapy. Other abnormalities, such as a fistula (linkage between rectum and vagina) will need to be repaired surgically as well.
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Cancers vary widely in their recovery rates, so ask the veterinarian about treatment options and life expectancy. Surgery to repair a defect or trauma is usually successful provided post-surgical care instructions are followed, and the pet is kept from chewing the area.
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