My pet has the following symptoms:
We found out that my dog has cancer in his pancreas and the doctor had said that the optional thing to do is to put him to sleep my family and I were planing to do so on 11/27/17 but we have been so frustrated
Because we are trying to see if there is another way to keep him at least for a little of months . Also to let you know the doctor had said that if we try to do chemotherapy there is one out of hundred that it would work . What can I do ?
- sincerely Kelly
My little dog has pancreatic cancer, diagnosed in Sept. 2017, it is now 2.6.18, he does not have too much longer, however the Palladia is very effective. The draw back on the Palladia is that it can cause bleeding stomach ulcers. It worked well for a while, had to take him off of it because of the ulcers. The steroids helped keep the blood sugar up, however, they are not as effective after several months, had to start giving him Karo Syrup in a shringe once a day, then twice a day, now 3 times a day. He is now doing an IV therapy Chemo, but not near as good as the Palladia was. I know we don't have too much longer, however, we have made it 4 months now since diagnosis. Unfortunetly it had aleady spread to other areas and they said operating was not an option. Just a note to those trying to do all they can, adding probiotics to the diet helped Jack, I also added other cell enhancing suppliments. Baby food works well when they have ulcers. Bless you on your journey - Corey