Testicular Swelling in Dogs

Written By Grace Park
Published: 11/08/2015Updated: 04/05/2021
Veterinary reviewed by Michele K.

What is Testicular Swelling?

Testicular swelling occurs in male dogs with no preference to any specific breed. Epididymitis is most often found in adult-aged dogs. However, it can occur at any age. Testicular swelling is very easy to diagnose at home, as you will be able to identify the change in size in your dog’s testicles; however, you must bring your dog to a veterinarian for immediate attention in order to ascertain the cause and severity of the condition and seek treatment. There are several possible causes associated with testicular swelling.

Male dogs can suffer from orchitis, an inflammation of the testes in which one or both testicles become hard and swollen, or epididymitis, an inflammation of the testicular tube that contains sperm.
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Symptoms of Testicular Swelling in Dogs

The primary sign of testicular swelling is the swelling itself. However, your dog may exhibit more of the following:

  • Swollen testicles
  • Testicular hardness
  • Excessive licking of the scrotum
  • Irritated skin in the scrotal area
  • Pain
  • Fever
  • Lack of appetite
  • Change in gait
  • Change in behavior, as dog may prefer to sit on cool surfaces to relieve pain
  • Bite wounds

Causes of Testicular Swelling in Dogs

  • Trauma
  • Bite wounds in any location on your dog’s body
  • Viral Infection
  • Fungal Infection
  • Bacterial Infection
  • Prostasis, or inflammation of the prostate
  • Cystits, of inflammation of the bladder
  • Testicular torsion
  • Scrotal hernia
  • Scrotal dermatitis
  • Twisting of the spermatic cord
  • Granuloma, or a sperm-filled mass of inflamed tissue
  • Neoplasia, or abnormal cell growth
  • Testicular cancer
  • Hormonal irregularities

Diagnosis of Testicular Swelling in Dogs

Prompt diagnosis by a veterinary professional is important, as your dog will continue to lick the scrotal area, causing further inflammation and irritation, until you begin treatment. It is important for you to provide the veterinarian with an account of the onset of your dog’s symptoms and information on any recent trauma he may have suffered. As there are many possible causes, any insight you may have will save you time and your dog pain.

The veterinarian will start the visit by conducting a thorough physical examination, which will include palpation of the scrotal area to assess the extent of the swelling. Additionally, a complete blood count may be ordered to measure red and white blood cell and platelet counts. An elevated white blood cell count might indicate an infectious cause of your dog’s testicular swelling. A chemical blood profile will check for irregularities in blood sugar, blood protein and electrolyte levels. A urinalysis will test for excess proteins in the urine, and may reveal blood and pus, which would indicate possible prostatitis or cystitis as the cause of the testicular swelling. Further tests may include an ultrasound of the prostate, epididymis and testes in order to view a granuloma, scrotal hernia or neoplasia. If a neoplasia is found, a biopsy will be necessary in order to determine if it is benign or cancerous. Bacterial and mycoplasmal culture evaluation of semen may be helpful for diagnosis.

Treatment of Testicular Swelling in Dogs

Treatment will depend upon the exact diagnosis. The prognosis for recovery depends on the cause. The easiest and most effective treatment for most causes of testicular swelling is neutering. For the health of your dog, neutering is the best option. However, in some cases and if you are intending to breed your dog, partial castration, or the removal of only one testicle, may be possible with a guarded possibility for success. For bacterial infection, antibiotic treatment is also necessary. Treatment will also include cleaning of any wounds or the irritated scrotal area and administration of antibiotic ointment.

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Recovery of Testicular Swelling in Dogs

If you have your dog neutered, it is important to monitor the site of your dog’s incision and follow all post-surgical care instructions. Your dog may be given medication to help with the pain during the recovery process, and it is important that you administer dosage exactly as prescribed. Additionally, monitor the incision site to ensure proper healing and clean as instructed. If your dog suffered any other wounds, be sure to keep them clean and dry.

If you elect not to have your dog neutered, recovery and management will be more difficult, depending on the cause of the swelling. You will likely be advised to apply cold packs to your dog’s testicular area in order to ease swelling in the remaining testicle or testicles during immediate recovery. If swelling does not go down, you will need to return to the veterinarian for further treatment. Your dog may still suffer from permanent infertility due to a partial castration or the trauma of the testicular swelling itself, and the condition may not improve, depending on the cause.  

Testicular Swelling Average Cost

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Testicular Swelling Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals

Pit Bull

8 months

56 found this helpful

56 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Hi my pit bulls scrotum is bright red and about an hour ago he started getting a rash on his face. Is this an emergency situation?

March 10, 2021

Answered by Dr. Linda S. MVB MRCVS

56 Recommendations

These may be hives and if they have come up suddenly this is probably an allergic reaction. It could be to a range of things e.g. a food, insect bite or plant.if available, give him some dog safe anti histamine (e.g. 8mg Chlorphenamine) and an emergency vet visit would be sensible.

March 10, 2021

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Nine Months

36 found this helpful

36 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Redness and sore on one testicle, hasn’t been acting like it hurts, noticed it when I gave him a bath. Female dog was just in heat and I am not completely sure they didn’t mate.

Dec. 24, 2020

Answered by Dr. Sara O. DVM

36 Recommendations

Hello this looks like a cut. I would keep this area clean and apply triple antibiotic ointment to this area. Try to keep him from licking this area. If this does not start to improve very quickly, it would be best for your vet to look at this area.

Dec. 24, 2020

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