4 min read
How to Keep Your Pets Safe in a Hurricane

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As the climate changes and natural disasters become increasingly common, it's important to stay prepared if you live in a hurricane-prone area.
While you might be focused on keeping your kids and home safe, it's also vital you care for your canines and felines too. Pets are at risk of serious injuries and illnesses during a hurricane, and they aren't able to fend for themselves. Preparing Snoopy for this season's big storm? Here are a few tips for keeping your cats and dogs safe in a hurricane.

Stay up to date as the disaster unfolds
During hurricane season, you'll want to check with authorities regularly to ensure there are no incoming storms. In the event of a storm, check local TV and radio stations to track the storm's path.
One of the most valuable resources is the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) app, which partners with the National Weather Service to provide real-time updates on incoming storms, as well as tips to help you stay ahead of any hurricane. You can also locate emergency shelters and share notifications with loved ones. 

Take your pets with you if you need to evacuate
The most important piece of advice for pet parents preparing for a hurricane? Bring your pets with you — don't leave them behind. If you're evacuating, bring all your pets, even if the hurricane is unlikely to damage your home. 
If, for some reason, you have to leave your pet behind, place "Pet Inside" stickers on your windows. These stickers let emergency responders know there are pets inside the home waiting to be rescued. "Pet Inside" stickers are available at big-box pet stores and online retailers.
If you do have to leave your pets behind, you should also leave several days' worth of food and water. You can also leave your toilet lid up in case they run out of fresh water. Coordinate with a nearby emergency contact who can check on and rescue your pets if necessary.
sleeping tabby cat curled up inside a hard-sided cat carrier
Bring your pet inside and put them in a carrier
An obvious way to help keep your pet safe during a hurricane is to bring them inside, and if necessary, secure them inside a sturdy carrier. Even if you have an outdoor cat or dog, bring them inside, as leaving them outside in a hurricane could put them in grave danger.
The carrier should have enough space for your pet to stand up, sit down, and turn around. Choose a durable carrier made from a strong material, like thick plastic or metal. Avoid soft-sided carriers, as they don't provide much protection from the elements.
Putting a cat or a dog in a crate for a long period can cause them lots of stress. Ahead of hurricane season, start crate training your pet to make them more comfortable.

Microchip, vaccinate, and protect your pets
During a severe hurricane, it can be easy to become separated from your family and pets. If you haven't done so already, it's essential you get your cat or dog vaccinated and microchipped.
Not only will vaccines keep your pet safe from deadly diseases like rabies, but it'll also stop them from picking up something during a natural disaster. If you get separated from your pet during a hurricane, a microchip will help you track down and identify your pet if their collar becomes lost. 
Additional medicines like flea and heartworm medications are also necessary. Following hurricanes, flooding is common, and the stagnant water left behind often becomes breeding grounds for leptospirosis and mosquitoes that spread heartworm. Your dog may also come in contact with other animals during an evacuation, increasing the likelihood of getting fleas.

Prepare a pet emergency kit
You might have an emergency kit for humans, but many pet parents don't think to prepare one just for their fur-babies. A disaster kit for your pet may include:
  • Enough fresh water for a week
  • Non-perishable canned pet food
  • Food and water bowls
  • Proof of vaccinations
  • Comfort items (bedding, a favorite toy, etc.)
  • Cat litter and a portable tray
  • An extra collar with ID tags
  • A leash
  • A sturdy pet carrier
  • Poop bags
  • Puppy pads
  • Treats
  • A pet first aid kit
By preparing a kit, you'll be ready to leave at a moment's notice. Otherwise, you may be stuck packing a bag for your pet at the last minute, which may mean you forget something.
A pet emergency kit will keep not only your pets safe, but your family safer too. Need some extra advice on packing a disaster kit? Check ready.gov for a complete list of essentials for your family.
emergency preparedness tips for pets infographic
Work out an evacuation route and find the nearest pet-friendly shelter
Most major towns and cities in the US have an emergency management agency for natural disasters, operated by the Department of Interior in conjunction with FEMA. If you're new to an area and unsure of the nearest pet-friendly shelter or the best evacuation route, contact your local agency to check.
Unfortunately, many hurricane shelters don't allow regular pets inside. Most only allow service dogs as long as they meet the requirements stated in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
So, when contacting your local shelter, check if they allow pets, and if not, ask where you can shelter with your pet. You should also check with your vet or your local humane society, as they may be able to point you in the right direction.

Train your pets to swim
Severe hurricanes often bring flooding, so training your pets to swim will give them a fighting chance if they're stuck in a perilous situation. A common misconception is that all dogs are born knowing how to swim; however, this isn't the case. 
Teaching your dog to swim shouldn't be very difficult, and it's a fun skill for your dog to learn regardless. That said, you'll probably have a bit more trouble training a water-phobic cat the same skill.

The aftermath
After a hurricane is over, only return once it's safe to do so. Check with local authorities and the FEMA app to make sure. Once you return home, keep your dog on a leash while you assess any damage to your home. 
Debris and trash may have also washed up during any flooding, so you'll want to keep your dog under control so they don't step on or eat anything dangerous. Hurricanes will also disrupt local wildlife, so if your dog likes to chase small animals, keeping them on a leash is extra important.
Once things have settled down, take your pet to the vet to ensure they haven't gotten sick or injured themselves during the hurricane. Your vet will also be able to tell you if your dog is showing any sign of trauma, like anxiety or depression, as a result of the hurricane.

Pet insurance protects your pets all year round, not just during hurricane season.

Hurricane conditions can increase your pets' risk of disease and injury. To get protected, use our pet insurance comparison tool to get quotes from all the leading providers, in one convenient place.

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