Treatment of allspice poisoning aims to remove the toxins from the body and reduce the amount absorbed while providing supportive care to help your dog recover.
Remove toxins
If a toxic amount of allspice was consumed recently, the vet may choose to induce vomiting to eliminate as much as possible from your dog’s stomach. This could be done using a subcutaneous or intravenous emetic medication, or an emetic solution taken orally. You should only try to induce vomiting under the guidance of a veterinarian, because certain substances may cause more damage on their way back up.
If it’s not possible to induce vomiting, the vet may choose to perform a gastric lavage instead. This is commonly known as a “stomach pump”, when fluids are taken out of their stomach using a tube. Your dog will need to be put under general anesthesia and intubated for this procedure.
Prevent toxins from being absorbed
A way to help detoxify your dog is by administering activated charcoal. The charcoal binds to the toxins in the gastrointestinal tract before they enter the bloodstream and prevents them from being absorbed further. Activated charcoal can be administered orally or as part of the stomach pump procedure.
Supportive care
Sometimes hospitalization is recommended so that the vet can continue to monitor your dog. During this time, they will continue to check your dog’s vitals and watch for seizures. They may also need to give your dog intravenous fluids and medications. Your dog will likely be out of the hospital after 24 to 48 hours.