Dog Names that Start with Sir and Miss

0 Stories
61 Votes


If youโ€™re looking for a dog name that playfully suggests your doggo is one of prestige, worthy of honor and respect, then you might go for a moniker that starts with โ€œSirโ€ or โ€œMiss.โ€ Through the ages, these titles have represented knighthood, landowners, or honored friends of wealth and even royalty. And you donโ€™t have to be uptight and snobbish with such as name. Youโ€™ll find that our name guide certainly has some fun with these prefixes. Itโ€™s up to you! Your little sir or fancy miss is sure to feel that love and respect when you call their names for meals, walks, game time, and cuddles!

Dog Names that Start with Sir and Miss in Pop Culture

Dog Name that Starts with Sir and Miss Considerations

If youโ€™re looking for a name that will just cheer your soul on a regular basis, you should try some dog names that start with Sir and Miss. Weโ€™re serious. Something about those prefixes just makes your good ole boy or girl extra special and endearing. Can you handle more cuteness? As you walk in the door or call out into the yard, that regal name just makes you laugh. More than likely, your doggo begs for treats, rolls around in the grass, chases bugs and birds, and even howls at the moon. If you say, โ€œOh, thatโ€™s just Sir Wiggins being Sir Wiggins,โ€ that playful spirit combined with his fancy name brings a smile to all. If you say, โ€œThatโ€™s my little Miss Kissy doing her thing,โ€ we all giggle a little bit more. Sir and Miss take a dog name to the next level.

Honestly, we treasure our dogs, so itโ€™s fitting that weโ€™d make them feel so important. They are the kings and queens of our hearts, after all! But theyโ€™re territorial of their land and walk with great confidence. They deserve an honorary tag! Check out our name guide below. You might like โ€œSir Mo,โ€ โ€œSir Jarvis,โ€ โ€œMiss Fluffy,โ€ or โ€œMiss America.โ€ You might also try the prefixes Lord, Lady, Madame, and Duchess.

Male Dog Names that Start with Sir and Miss

Votes Name Vote
Sir Cecil
After Sir Henry Richard Amherst Cecil, a British horse trainer
Sir Galahad
One of the knights of the Round Table in King Arthur legend
Sir Francis Bacon
After the English philosopher/essayist; dogs love bacon as well
Sir Gawain
Of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Sir Lancelot
One of the knights of the Round Table in King Arthur legend
Sir Kay
One of the knights of the Round Table in King Arthur legend
Sir Lamorak
One of the knights of the Round Table in King Arthur legend
Sir Lucan
One of the knights of the Round Table in King Arthur legend
Sir Breunor
In King Arthur legend, saved Guinevere from an escaped lion
Sir Bigs
Reflective of Big Sir of DC Comics
Sir Snappy
If heโ€™s feisty and even physically snappy
Sir Barker
If heโ€™s a barker for sure
Sir Wiggles
If heโ€™s a little wiggle worm
Sir Furry
If heโ€™s quite fluffy in appearance
Sir Droolio
A play on the name โ€œCoolioโ€ but with emphasis on โ€œdroolโ€
Sir Mo
After gold medalist Sir Mohamed Muktar Jama โ€œMoโ€ Farah
Sir Squishy
If heโ€™s chubby and adorable
Sir Cooper
After English heavyweight boxer Sir Henry Cooper
Sir Wiggins
After British cyclist Sir Bradley Marc Wiggins; like โ€œwigglesโ€
Sir Kibble
For his love of his daily kibble
Sir Cotton
After Sir Thomas Henry Cotton, a professional English golfer
Sir Jarvis
After Sir John โ€œJackโ€ Layton Jarvis, a British horse trainer
Sir Spots-A-Lot
If he has a lot of spots all over his coat
Sir Snookums
If heโ€™s a sweetheart
Sir Licky
If he loves to lick your face, hands, arms, and legs
Sir Faldo
After Sir Nicholas Alexander Faldo, an English pro golfer
Sir Walker
If he loves his afternoon walks more than anything
Sir Dingle
After Graeme Dingle, a New Zealand mountaineer
Sir Suckling
After the poet, Sir John Suckling; if heโ€™s a miniature baby dog
Sir Wyatt
After the poet, Sir Thomas Wyatt

Female Dog Names that Start with Sir and Miss

Votes Name Vote
Miss Muffet
After the gal who sat on a tuffet and was afraid of spiders
Miss Marple
After Agatha Christieโ€™s fictional crime novel character, Jane
Miss Munchies
If sheโ€™s always hungry and has the munchies
Miss Sassy Pants
If sheโ€™s got quite a sassy little personality
Miss Indy
Short for Miss Independent
Miss Mopey
If sheโ€™s relaxed and has floppy ears with a sad pout
Miss America
If she is talented, well-spoken, beautiful, and likes dog dresses
Miss Pawla
A play on the name โ€œPaulaโ€ but with an emphasis on โ€œpawโ€
Miss Mockingbird
If she mocks you when you talk to her or walks everywhere you do
Miss Kissy
If she loves attacking you with sweet puppy kisses
Miss Havisham
After the Charles Dickens wedding-dress-loving character
Miss Fluffy
If sheโ€™s chubby and adorable
Miss Moneypenny
After Mโ€™s secretary in James Bond
Miss Molly
Little Richard sang about her
Miss Piggy
If sheโ€™s a nearly pink diva and snorts like a piggy
Miss Swiss
A reversal of Swiss Miss, the hot chocolate mix
Miss Belly
If she enjoys belly rubs
Miss Bliss
After that beloved Saved by the Bell teacher
Miss Peregrine
After Miss Peregrineโ€™s Home for Peculiar Children
Miss Congeniality
โ€œMiss Geniโ€ for short; common award for friendly, well-liked
Miss Wags-A-Lot
If she wags her tail non-stop
Miss Priss
If sheโ€™s fancy and spoiled
Miss Universe
After the worldwide beauty pageant
Miss Understood
If your dog is often misunderstood
Miss May
If sheโ€™s born in May, or simply because this alliteration works
Miss Maisy
After the song by Willie โ€œBig Eyesโ€ Smith
Miss Trouble
From the Little Miss characters, โ€œLittle Miss Troubleโ€
Miss Dotty
From the Little Miss characters, โ€œLittle Miss Dottyโ€
Miss Prim
From the Little Miss characters, โ€œLittle Miss Primโ€
Miss Magpie
If sheโ€™s black (almost blue) and white like a magpie

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Community Dogs with Names that Start with Sir and Miss