Breaking Bad is an insanely popular neo-western crime drama created by Vince Gilligan. The series plot is set in Albuquerque, and it follows the story of Walter White, a chemistry teacher who gets diagnosed with lung cancer. Depressed and struggling to provide for his family, Walt enlists the help of his former student Jesse Pinkman, and together they start making crystal meth and turning to the life of crime. Walter struggles with his double life and tries to leave his family with enough money after he dies, but of course, things do not turn out as he hoped.
Breaking Bad Dog Names in Pop Culture
Jesse Pinkman is one of the protagonists of Breaking Bad, Walter White’s former student. He is a young man with seemingly no future, chilling all day, smoking, not looking for a job. His parents kicked him out of their home, and he just cannot seem to find his path in life, until Walter makes him an offer he cannot refuse. Throughout the course of the series, Jesse Pinkman grows as a person, becomes more assertive, and shows his intellect, sometimes even surprising himself. He also develops strong morals, even though he lives a life of crime, and ultimately becomes a better person than he was when his troubles began.
Jesse is also the name of an exceptional dog, one that has his own dedicated website made by his loving owner. Jesse is a purebred tri-color Jack Russell Terrier who is the heart and soul of his owner, who wanted a dog ever since she was a little girl. She says that Jesse is her best friend in the whole wide world and that he blessed her life as soon as he was adopted.
Jesse is quite a cheerful doggo. Everywhere he goes he makes people smile, makes their days brighter, and shows such zest for life that you cannot help but feel joy just from being around him. Jesse also possesses many extraordinary talents, so much so that he can get roles in tv shows, magazine covers, appear in print ads, commercials, and many, many more. The little doggo is quite energetic and playful, and very intelligent. His communication skills are amazing, as he listens to every command and seems to understand anything said to him. He is so affectionate and loves to cuddle. His favorite activities are lure coursing, digging around the grass, chasing things, tug of war, hide and seek, agility games, frisbee, hiking, and performing different tricks. His favorite toy is a ball, but he also enjoys playing with balloons, especially at the beach.
He is also quite a celebrity, having appeared at the Late Show with David Letterman, Rachael Ray Show, Good Morning America, but also in international tv programs such as NHK Japan, SBS Korea “World’s Smartest Dog, Jesse,” RTL German TV, as well as on Animal Planet. He is also the recipient of many awards, such as Canine Good Citizen Award, Good Morning America’s Top Dog, SCF Pet Stars! 1st Place, and Bissell Pet Games Grand Prize! There is nothing this doggo can’t do!
Breaking Bad Dog Name Considerations
Finding the perfect name for your pup is not an easy task, but if you choose popular culture as inspiration, you can very quickly come up with an ideal moniker your doggo can bear forever. For example, a tv series such as Breaking Bad features many characters, most of who have fantastic backstories and intricate relationships that you can explore, and figure out which one is your favorite. As always you can start with the most popular, the main characters.
First off, you can begin with Walter White, the main protagonist and an antihero, a depressed chemistry teacher who turns to the life of crime when he discovers that he is sick with cancer. Walter has one of the most shocking character progressions in the history of television. Another fantastic choice is the name, Jesse, after Jesse Pinkman, Walter’s former student who also changes a lot throughout the series, grows as a person and develops a sense of morality, something he did not have when his story began. Skyler is a great name for a blonde doggo, just like the character Skyler White is, Walter’s wife who will do anything to protect her family and have a normal life.
Male Breaking Bad Dog Names
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Walter White was a chemist and a former teacher who started making crystal meth after he was diagnosed with cancer
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Jesse Pinkman is Walter’s former partner in the meth trade
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Walter “Flynn” White Jr. is Walter and Skyler’s son and a high school student
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Gustavo Fring was a restaurateur, crime boss, a philanthropist, and a drug kingpin
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Steven Gomez was Hank’s partner at the DEA office
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Badger is one of Jesse’s friends who is on probation
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Huell Babineaux is Saul Goodman’s bodyguard
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Domingo Gallardo Molina, also known as Krazy-8 was a distributor who worked with Jesse and Tuco
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Hank Schrader was an Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Albuquerque DEA office and Walter’s brother in law
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Jimmy McGill, also known as Saul Goodman, is a shady lawyer who uses illegal tactics and dirty schemes
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Saul Goodman is Jimmy McGill’s alias he uses when he practices law
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Mike Ehrmantraut is a former police officer and became Gus’ right hand man after retirement
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Todd Alquist was a meth cook and a former exterminator at Vamonos Pest
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Skinny Pete is one of Jesse’s friends and a former drug runner
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Ted Beneke is the former owner of Beneke Fabricators and Skyler’s former lover
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George Merkert was the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the DEA and Hank and Gomez’s boss
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Tyrus Kitt was a Los Pollos Hermanos security guard and Gus’ enforcer
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Don Hector Salamanca, also known as Tio, was a member of the Juarez Cartel, and Tuco’s uncle
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Gaff was a member of the Juarez Cartel and Don Eladio Vuente’s right hand man
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Don Eladio Vuente is the boss of the Ciudad Juarez Cartel
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Tuco Salamanca was a Mexican drug kingpin, very unstable and psychotic
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Clovis is the cousin of Badger who runs a vehicle repair service
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Elliott Schwartz is Walter’s old college science partner and owner of Gray Matter Technologies
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Dennis Markowski was a former manager of Lavanderia Brillante laundromat
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Victor was Gustavo’s henchman with Mike Ehrmantraut
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Combo was one of Jesse’s friends who was also a dealer
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Artie is a DEA agent in Albuquerque, Hank’s coworker
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Emilio Koyama was Jesse’s former partner in the business and Krazy-8’s cousin
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Bogdan Wolynetz, also known as Eyebrows, was a Romanian man and the owner of A1A Car Wash
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Heisenberg is Walter’s pseudonym he used in his criminal days
Female Breaking Bad Dog Names
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Skyler White is Walter’s wife, Walt Jr. and Holly’s mother
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Holly White is Walter and Skyler’s infant daughter, and Walt Jr.’s sister
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Lydia Rodarte-Quayle was the head of logistics at Madrigal Electromotive GmbH and supplied meth to Gus Fring
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Marie Schrader is the wife of Hank and Skyler’s sister
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Carmen Molina was the principal of J.P. Wayne High School
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Jane Margolis was a tattoo artist and Jesse’s girlfriend, neighbor, and landlord
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Andrea Cantillo was Brock’s mother and a recovering drug addict, as well as Jesse’s ex girlfriend
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Gretchen Schwartz is Walter’s old college chemistry partner, and an owner of Gray Matter Technologies
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Abuelita was Hector’s mother and Tuco’s grandmother
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Pamela was a divorce attorney for Skyler White
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Francesca Liddy is Saul Goodman & Associates secretary
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Kaylee Ehrmantraut is Mike’s granddaughter with whom he has a strong bond
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Janice was a secretary of Hank Schrader at the DEA office
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Jill was a girl who worked at Los Pollos Hermanos in Albuquerque
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Ashleigh Banfield is the presenter of the Open Court at TruTV
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Lucy is a clerk in the supermarket who found the naked Walter
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Margaret is the receptionist at Beneke Fabrications
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Cara is a cashier at Big Chief Gas Station that helped Jesse
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Carol is Walter’s neighbor, a kind-hearted old woman
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Dana Cortez is a reporter for the Channel 24 news in Spanish
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Cynthia is the manager of the Los Pollos Hermanos
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Jodi Nichols is a realtor who works for the Sunny Realty and was to sell Jesse’s house
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Delores is the nanny that Lydia Rodarte-Quayle hired to look after her daughter
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Kiira Rodarte-Quayle is the daughter of Lydia Rodarte-Quayle
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Stacey Ehrmantraut is the wife of Matt Ehrmantraut, Mike’s son
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Stephanie Doswell is the realtor for the Venture Realty Group
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Fran is a waitress at Loyola’s who talked to Mike from time to time
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Ginny was the aunt of Jesse Pinkman who owned his house
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Rebecca Simmons is Walter’s neighbor, an outrageous and nosy old lady
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Anna Gunn is an American actress who portrayed Skyler White