If you're a fan of Mass Effect, and have recently adopted a new dog, or are seriously considering adopting one, then you're in luck. You've come to the right place! Mass Effect is a great video game series, one that revolutionized weapons, science fiction in video games, as well as narrative story telling. Players all around the world connected to Commander Shepard and Garrus Vakarian and Tali'Zorah. And although Andromeda leaves much to be desired, it doesn't stop the original trilogy from being jaw-dropping. So, if you're a serious fan, and think your dog could make an amazing turian, then take a look at these name ideas!
Mass Effect Dog Names in Pop Culture
KEI-9, a spin on the term K-9 (canine), was only available in the N7 Collector's Edition of Mass Effect 3. The pack included four weapons, an online pass, four different squadmate outfits, one more outfit for Commander Shepard and of course, KEI-9.
What made KEI-9 so interesting is that she wasn't exactly... a dog. She was a robotic dog! She had no face, no ears, no tongue. Not a wet nose in sight, and yet, she behaved exactly like a dog. To be more specific, KEI-9 was a FENRIS Mech โ robots designed for security, easily identifiable by their white armor and red lights.
The thing about this dog is that she was never considered a squadmate, one of the crew that accompanied or helped Commander Shepard. She was technically a cosmetic, something extra tossed into a Collector's Edition. But if you've played enough video games, you know that adding something that could potentially alter the game, or improve upon it significantly, through a Collector's Edition purchase is risky business. Players who don't purchase it can complain about unfairness, causing turmoil and unwanted headlines.
It was different in BioWare's (game developer) other series, Dragon Age, where Dog was a secondary quest that could result in The Warden's best friend forever. There was no payment required, it was just a part of the game, legitimately. So, logically, Dog was capable of doing a lot more than KEI-9. He counted as a warrior, had a talent tree and even equipment.
Despite the difference in usability, KEI-9 still managed to be included in things like conversation, mainly hinting at life in the ship with the dog. For instance, if Gabriella Daniels, an engineer, is on board, she sometimes refers to the dog as "Sophie" during a conversation. And in super rare circumstances, Commander Shepard can rename KEI-9 to Bolto, a play on Balto โ the real-life sled dog that saved an Alaskan town.
Obviously, there was a lot of limitation put on KEI-9. Players spent more time talking about how to unlock her in the game, rather than actually interacting with her. And it wasn't because they didn't want to, it was just because there was nothing the game really allowed you to do. You couldn't play with KEI-9, couldn't rub her belly or give her a snack. Her sole purpose was to be an additional item that roamed the ship and gave two characters extra dialogue.
Mass Effect Dog Name Considerations
First thing is first: naming a new dog doesn't come easy. It's never as easy as you think it's going to be, especially for avid animal lovers. Everyone wants the perfect name, the one that gets compliments, or that really resonates with the dog's identity. And that takes some effort. It's not as easy as thinking through five names and "eureka!"
The good news is that it's not impossible either. If you're looking for a name with more substance than "Fluffy," then you're already on the right track by looking through Mass Effect names. Not only do they reflect established characters with identities of their own that may or may not be similar to your dog's, they're also names that come from all types of backgrounds. There's something for everyone.
To make the process even easier, there are a few other things you could consider. For one thing, you could name your dog after the alien species that best reflects his appearance or personality. You could also name him after your favorite location in the game, because maybe that place holds deep meaning or special memories for you. You can even use name of items of objects, such as Avina, the virtual intelligence in the Citadel.
Male Mass Effect Dog Names
Votes | Name | Vote |
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Old French; derived from the word "comandere"
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Again after the famous krogan mercenary and bounty hunter who respects Commander Shepard as a fellow warrior and leader
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Variation of Caden, a Gaelic surname meaning "battler"
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Dating back to about 1729, this word was just an evolution from jester, a word used to describe any joking man
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Alternatively spelled Tatius, this Roman family name is speculated to be of Sabine origin
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Latin and Old French; meaning "above reign"
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Old English "grunnettan," of Germanic origin; related to the German "grunzen"
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Late medieval form of Gawain, derived from the Welsh Gwalchgwyn, meaning "White Hawk"
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Old English; derived from "sceap" and "hierde"
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After the famed krogan mercenary and bounty hunter who combines biotic abilities with ample firepower
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Originally an English medieval surname; variations include Mordan, Morden, Mordon, Mordern, Murdan and Murden
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Latin; meaning "alone"
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English, alternatively spelled Wickes, it's derived from the Latin "wicus," meaning "conqueror"
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German, French, and English; this name means "strong in rule"
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Hebrew; meaning "beloved"
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Tech Officer Alud Ochren is the salarian tech specialist on the Pinnacle Station, and the programmer of the combat simulator
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Also spelled Donnell, this name is Scottish and means "great chief"
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Not a common first name, it is likely this name is American in origin; in the game, Saren plays a main antagonist
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The leader of the batarian terrorist group, Balak is bloodthirsty and always trying to end the human race
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The guard captain of security aboard the Pinnacle Station, this turian is an adversary
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Latin, Greek and Hebrew; meaning "holder of the heel"
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Scottish; meaning "follower"
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English and Scottish; meaning "desire"
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After Zaeed Massani, the respected bounty hunter and mercenary soldier that assisted Shepard
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From the Old French herbergere, meaning "provide lodging for"
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Hebrew; "supplanter, one who follows"
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Last of the Prothean race, Javik is preserved in stasis for 50,000 years, and seeks vengeance on the Reapers for the loss of his people
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Short for Gregory, the name is from the Latin Gregorius, derived from the Greek name Gregorios, meaning "watchful, alert"
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Scottish; "born of fire; handsome"
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Also spelled Adrian, this Latin name means "sea; water"
Female Mass Effect Dog Names
Votes | Name | Vote |
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Italian; "woman of God"
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English; "lives in the ash tree grove"
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French; variation of Liana, meaning "my God has answered"
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Hebrew; "dew from Heaven; rising star"
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Latin; "pure, clear"
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Variation of Venezia, of Italian and Jewish origin; Benezia is a powerful asari biotic and spiritual leader in Mass Effect
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Latin; "worthy of admiration"
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Japanese; "flower blossom"
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Hebrew; "guardian, protected by God"
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An asari suffering from a genetic disorder that causes her to kill other asari if she joins minds with them
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Latin; "deserving to be loved"
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Italian; "air"
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Gaelic, ancient Irish; "bright-headed"
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Medieval form of John, this is typically a male's name, but the name of a female biotic in Mass Effect; "man"
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From the Latin Anna, meaning "favored, Grace"
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Indo-European; "heavenly, divine"
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From the Latin Eva, meaning "living," but in Hebrew it means "to breathe, to give life"
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English and Hebrew; "God heard"
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Greek; "blooming"
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Hindu (illusion), Hebrew (spring, brook) and Old Persian (generous)
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A member of the quarian Admiralty Board in Mass Effect 3, she's known for her scientific curiosity
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Danish; "pure"
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After Nyreen Kandros, the turian leader of the Talons mercenary organization in Mass Effect 3
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Pronounced "Eee-Dee," this Enhanced Defence Intelligence is an AI aboard the Normandy SR-2
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The helpful virtual intelligence in the Citadel that helps newcomers get around and takes on the appearance of a woman
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Known as the Consort, this influential asari works in the Citadel Chambers, and sees many powerful clients to share her conversation and advice
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English; "of nobility"
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Hebrew; "rich; God beholds"
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Greek; "defender of men"
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Hebrew; "princess"
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