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Your Husky is gorgeous with soft fluffy hair and multi-colored or beautiful bright blue eyes. He is easy to love--except maybe when he's pooping where he should not. Your Husky is difficult to train at times, but he is highly intelligent. He will connect, with good training, exactly where he needs to be pooping. When you train your Husky where to poop, he should know where to go, be able to communicate that to you, and eventually either go on his own or at least go to the door to let you know he needs to go outside. No one wants an incredibly beautiful dog who is equally as frustrating because he hasn't been trained properly where to go potty. Begin training your Husky now and rid yourself of this frustration.
Positive reward training is the best way to teach your dog exactly where he should be going. The trick to training any puppy or dog who has not been properly housebroken yet is consistency and positive behavior training. You should have an understanding of the approximate times of day your Husky needs to poop. Dogs typically need to go after their meals and upon waking. If your husky is a puppy, you should consider taking him outside to an appropriate potty place every few hours according to his age. He should be able to hold on to his needs for about an hour for every month of his age. To be successful at this frustrating housebreaking process, whether for a puppy or an older Husky, you need to ensure you are around during the times your dog will need to go outside. Pay attention to what gives your dog the urge to go whether it's meals, waking time, or after playtime. Setting your dog up for success and rewarding him for a great job will be the best way for him to connect his needs with your wants.
In order to properly house train and teach your Husky exactly where he should poop, you need to have lots of rewards readily available during the times you take your dog outside. Be sure someone is around during these times to get your Husky to an appropriate place to poop when it's time to go. And pay attention to his age, his needs, and his schedule.
The Repetitive Training Method
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Pick your spot
Choose a place you would like your Husky to go potty each and every time he needs to poop.
Take dog there
Every time you take your Husky outside, take him to this designated pooping spot. Even if he doesn't have to go he needs to remember this is where he should go when it's time.
Avoid play
Make sure your Husky's time spent in this area is focused on pooping and other potty needs. Don't let him play in this spot. And only let him stay for a short time.
If your Husky is older you may already know the typical times he likes to poop. If he's a puppy you may need to pay attention to his habits and ensure he's getting outside in time. Typically, most dogs tend to poop after meals and upon waking. Your little guy may not go each of those times, but to set him up to succeed, make sure he has the opportunity to go in the right places during those times.
The trick to training your dog exactly where you expect him to poop is to take him to that spot every single time he needs to go. This repetitive training conditions your dog to know where to go. Some dogs are also conditioned to going at a certain time as well.
Be sure anytime your little fuzzball is successfully pooping in the right spot to give him a reward in the form of a treat. This will help condition him to understand when he goes in the right spot he gets a tasty treat for doing so.
The Bell Time Method
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Introduce a bell
You can train your Husky to ring a bell to let you know he needs to go outside to poop. To do this, start by introducing a bell to your dog. He should know what it looks like, what it smells like, and what it sounds like.
Ringing bells
You'll want to train your Husky to ring the bell. This way when it makes a sound, he's not frightened, and with time, he will be conditioned to know that's how he communicates his needs to you. Show him the bell and touch it to his nose, making it ring. When the bell rings give him a treat. Repeat this over and over until you no longer have to touch the bell to his nose but rather he's touching his nose to the bell and causing it to ring himself.
Place bell
Place the bell next to the door your Husky will be using when he goes outside. You can hang the bell or keep the bell on a stand near the door. Make sure your Husky can reach it to ring it with his nose or tap it with his paw.
Time to poop
When it's time for your Husky to poop be sure to take him to the bell, have him ring it as he's been taught to do, and then take him outside for potty success.
Know exactly when
Even if your Husky isn't clear on exactly when he needs to go or is not on a specific pooping schedule, you should know he typically needs to go after he eats his meals and upon waking. It's important to remember he may not go each of these times, but if you take him outside to try to go you may find his patterns during these times.
Every time
Every time your little guy needs to go outside, make him ring the bell before he needs to go. With this repetition over time, he will eventually go to the bell on his own and ring it to let you know he needs to go outside.
Lots of treats
Be sure to give your furry friend lots of treats for doing well. When you're training him to ring the bell, treat him every time he rings it. When he goes outside and poops in the proper place, give him a treat right there on the spot so he can associate that treat with a job well done and continue to do well so he's constantly earning treats.
The trick to training just about anything with dogs is repetition. Your dog should know over time doing the same task and getting rewards for the same positive behaviors that this is how he should behave at all times. Your Husky, especially if a puppy, may have some accidents every now and then and forget his training. Simply remind him in a polite and positive manner and continue training. He will get it with your time commitment and patience.
The Signs and Times Method
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Introduce area
Pick a specific area you would like your Husky to poop. You can simply choose to open the door and let him outside to poop anywhere within your yard or you can take him to a specific spot when he needs to go so he is conditioned to go into that same spot every single time.
Early morning
As soon as your Husky wakes up for the day take him outside to this designated spot so he can go poop. When he goes poop, give him a special treat for doing so. Be sure to take him to the spot every morning as soon as he wakes up.
After meals
It doesn't matter how many meals your Husky eats every day, be sure to take him outside to his designated pooping place after every meal. You may start to see some patterns, such as he may only poop after his dinner time meal but not after his breakfast meal. He will likely have to go potty though after each one of his meals.
After naps
Your Husky will likely sleep a lot during the day, especially when he's a puppy. When he wakes from a nap often times it's because his body is telling him it's time to do something such as play, eat, or poop. So be sure to take him outside when he wakes from his nap so that he has an opportunity to succeed at pooping in the right place.
Before bed
Just before your Husky lies down for the night take him outside and give him an opportunity to poop where he is supposed to.
Be sure you are giving your Husky lots of rewards when he is successful and poops where you would like him to.
Give it time
Give your Husky some time to adjust to your expectations. With repetitive training and building the habit, he will eventually get your expectations and poop where you want him to poop. You need to be consistent and committed to taking him out at appropriate times and rewarding him for his positive choices.
Written by Stephanie Plummer
Veterinary reviewed by:
Published: 03/07/2018, edited: 01/08/2021
More articles by Stephanie Plummer
Training Questions and Answers
We got Marshall when he was 8 weeks old. Marshall is a very smart but stubborn boy. He is trained to pee outside. He knows sit, down, speak, leave it, etc. The only issue we seem to continually have with him is that he still poops in the house a couple times a week. We have tried rewarding him when he poops outside. We have also tried yelling at him and shoving his nose in it when he poops inside. We have a bell on the door. We have set timers to take him out every 20 minutes. We have tried to crate train. We even bought the talking buttons to see if he would communicate when he needs to go outside. Any suggestions to get him to stop pooping inside the house would be amazing!!!
May 14, 2022
Marshall's Owner
Caitlin Crittenden - Dog Trainer
1128 Dog owners recommended
Hello Nikki, I suggest a combination of a couple of things. First, go with pup when pup goes outside. You need to watch pup to see if he is pooping while out there or just getting distracted. If getting distracted, take pup potty on leash for a while. Walk pup around slowly on leash, telling pup to "Go Potty" and give a treat after pup pees (hide them in your pocket beforehand). After pup pees, if he hasn't pooped yet that morning or that evening, walk pup around again for another 15 minutes, telling pup to "Go Potty", then reward with a five small treats or pieces of kibble after pup poops. Repeat this process whenever pup hasn't pooped yet during that part of the time. Many adult dogs will poop 2-3 times in 24 hours. If pup is going a lot more often than 3 times or its watery or loose, then I would see your vet. A digestive issue that's making it hard for pup to hold their bowels with be part of your issue. I am not a vet. In addition to improving pup's focus on pooping while outside (which needs to be done for a minimum of three months consistently to create a new good habit), then when pup goes back inside and hasn't pooped while outside recently, pup either needs to be tethered to you with a hands free leash (what I recommend), or you can try putting a doggie diaper on pup. Some dogs don't like soiling a doggie diaper at first, so it can be used to deter pooping if pup realizes that you take the diaper off while outside, encouraging them to ask to go outside. You will need to make sure you take the diaper off every time pup goes outside or pup will just get used to going potty in the diaper instead). Some dogs don't care about pooping in the diaper so it's not effective for training, but it can be worth trying. If pup has a digestive issue where they can't control their bowels, then even the diaper won't work, pup will just poop in the diaper. Best of luck training, Caitlin Crittenden
May 16, 2022