How to Train a Miniature Schnauzer to Stop Barking
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Like most dogs, your Miniature Schnauzer likes to put his voice to good work telling anyone who will listen to him all about everything. This is quite normal for your pup, and unless you take the time to show him the error of his ways, he is going to keep barking, driving everyone in the neighborhood crazy.
Barking is, of course, one of your pup's only ways of communicating and there are going to be times when there is a perfectly good reason for him to bark. At the same time, there are many times when he is barking for absolutely no good reason; these are the times when you need to be able to tell your furry friend not to bark.
Defining Tasks
Your job as a responsible dog owner is to observe your pup and try to determine why he is barking. You need to be able to identify both those times when he should be barking (i.e., Intruders or a fire in your home) and there are times when his shrill barking is not appreciated. Keep in mind you are the one who is supposed to be training your dog not to bark, not your dog training you to accept his idea of when are the right times to bark.
Getting Started
Your first job is to assert your position as alpha in your pack (family) by teaching him the four basic commands before moving on to any other type of advanced training. He needs to know 'sit', 'stay', 'come', and 'down'. To make this training go more easily, you should also train your dog to bark on command, which--believe it or not--makes it easier to teach 'quiet' on command. To train your pup to be quiet, the only supplies you need are plenty of his favorite treats.
The Observe and Reward Method
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You need plenty of treats
You need a large supply of treats to reward your pup when he gets it right. If you are running low, you might want to consider buying more.
Bark, bark
At some point, your pooch is going to let loose and go off on a barking fit. When he does, pay him absolutely no attention whatsoever. Keep watching him. After a short period of time he will stop.
Treat time
Keep a close eye your pup and the moment he stops barking, praise him and give him a treat. Repeat this over the course of several days to get your pooch used to the idea that he gets a treat when he stops barking.
Add your cue word
The next time you go through a training session, wait for him to stop barking. When he does, give him the cue word "Quiet", wait for him to stop barking and give him praise and a treat. Repeat this over several days to help him associate the cue word with the action and the resulting treat.
Beyond the command
Keep working on training your Miniature Schnauzer this way, slowly adding more time between when he stops barking and when he gets the treat. After a while, your pup will learn that he should only bark when it is appropriate.
The Something to Say? Method
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Leash him up
Tell your pup to "Come" and when he does go ahead and put him on his leash. This helps him to see who is in control.
He needs to speak
For this method, your pup should already know the 'speak' command.
When he barks
When he barks, let him go until he wears himself out and stops. At this point, go ahead and praise him and give him a treat. Rinse and repeat this over several days to cement the concept firmly in his mind.
Teach endurance
Time to start adding endurance to the training by stretching out the time between when he stops barking and when you give him the treat.
Keep up the good work
The rest is all about continuing the training until your pup simply stops barking unless there is a very good reason for it.
The I Can't Hear You Method
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Treats please
Be sure you have an ample supply of your pup's favorite treats on hand.
Where he is set off
Keep an eye on your pup to see where he is when he sets off on his next barking fit. Spend some time with him in this spot, play with him and get him a little excited.
My turn to speak
At some point your pup is going to take off on another barking fit. When he does, you goal is to pretend you can't hear him. In fact, you should turn your body away from him so that he can see you are ignoring him.
Ah, so you want me to be quiet
Sooner or later your pup is going to figure out no one wants to hear him. When he stops barking, say "Quiet", praise him, and give him a treat.
And ever on
The rest is all about working with your Miniature Schnauzer in other areas and by extending the time between silence and treats until he will simply stay quiet unless he has something very important to say or you give him the 'speak' command.
Written by PB Getz
Veterinary reviewed by:
Published: 03/16/2018, edited: 01/08/2021
Training Questions and Answers
mini schnauzer
Eighteen Years
0 found this helpful
0 found this helpful
Bambie barks at anything that moves. How can I stop her from too much barking at her advanced age? She is losing her hearing, so that is an issue.This is definitely a challenge.
Jan. 14, 2024
Bambie's Owner
Miniature Schnauzer
2 years
0 found this helpful
0 found this helpful
He barks at everything whenever people come over even if he likes those people he barks at family members occasionally as well it's high pitched and no matter what we do he will not stop until he wants to
May 9, 2023
Obi's Owner
Caitlin Crittenden - Dog Trainer
1128 Dog owners recommended
Hello, I would start by teaching the Quiet command from the Quiet method from the article I have linked below. I would also use the Desensitize method found in that article. Quiet method and Desensitize method: Second, check out the Video I have linked below on barking at the door. The same desensitization process can be used for a variety of situations, starting with low levels of something pup is suspicious of and very gradually working up to the real, full experience as he improves. The video series the barking video I have linked is a part of will also have additional helpful examples most likely. Best of luck training, Caitlin Crittenden
May 10, 2023