Adventures in Babysitting, released by Touchstone Pictures in 1987, follows a night in the life of seventeen-year-old Chris Parker. After her boyfriend cancels on their anniversary dinner, she takes a babysitting job watching young Sara Anderson, whose brother Brad has a serious crush on Chris. When Chrisโs best friend Brenda calls from the bus station in the big city of Chicago, asking Chris to come pick her up, she, Brad, Sara, and Bradโs best friend Daryl set out to pick her up. The tire of the car blows out on the highway, and the children end up sidetracked. They end up interacting with a homicidal tow truck driver, car thieves, and gangs, as well as singing the blues at a night club, but in the end, they retrieve Brenda and end up back at home before Mr. and Mrs. Anderson return from their night out.
Adventures in Babysitting Inspired Names in Pop Culture
The little girl who Chris is hired to babysit in the film, Sara Anderson, has a fondness for comic books, with a particular fondness for the hammer-wielding character of Thor. He is her absolute favorite hero and she wears a plastic, silver-colored hat with wings to show her devotion. When the group is unable to collect the full fifty dollars to pay for a replacement tire for Chrisโs car after the tire blows out on the highway, Saraโs childish obsession with the character saves the day when she mistakes the mechanic for Thor, and offers him her helmet, a gesture which prompts him to let Chris take the car for just the forty-five dollars that she has available.
In Rosario, Mexico in January of 2014 another Thor, a Boxer-Bulldog mix with paralyzed hind legs, was in need of a hero himself. He had been left to die on the streets, infested and sick, when a kind-hearted woman by the name of Eva found him and took him to a veterinarian in Tijuana, Mexico, where he was put on an IV, with plans to euthanize him. The woman sent a photo of the dog to Jf Pryor, who runs a nonprofit dog rescue called The Mutt Scouts, out of Echo Park, Los Angeles, and he saw in the canine a strong will to survive. Five days later, thanks to a caring volunteer driver, Thor had been transported to Echo Park for treatment. There he was cleaned, fed. and treated for parasites. He was fitted with a canine wheelchair that was dubbed the Thormobile, and he began physical therapy with a canine rehabilitation center Two Hands, Four Paws so that he could regain his strength and become more mobile.
Therapy methods included laser therapy, acupuncture, and hydrotherapy, as well as muscle building and stretching. Within just a few months of therapy Thor surprised veterinarians everywhere by moving his tail, and shortly afterward he moved a leg, and eventually, in 2015, he was able to stand firm on his own two hind legs. His therapy continued, helping to strengthen the atrophied muscles, making slow but sure progress, and in 2017 Thor grew strong enough to be able to walk on his own four paws. Since his story was first made public in 2014, Thorโs strength and resilience have been inspirational to many people. As of May of 2018, Thor had twenty-eight million fans who were watching and sharing in his trials and triumphs, and that number is sure to keep on increasing.
Adventures in Babysitting Inspired Dog Name Considerations
Many pet parents name their dogs after their favorite characters, be that a main character like Chris, Brad, Sara, or Daryl, or a character with less screen time such as Albert, Brenda, or Joe. Others may choose to go with a place name such as Chicago, where the show was set, or Toronto, where a large portion of the movie was filmed. Other options include honoring the creative minds that went into making the film, employing monikers such as Debra, David, or Linda, or items that are featured in the plot. You can even choose to describe the dog's physical appearance, like Bleu for a dog with a blue coat, or Silver Dollar for a dog with a more silvery sheen, or you can describe the dog's personality or skills instead, for example, using the names Ferrari or Porsche for a dog that loves to run.
Male Adventures in Babysitting Inspired Names
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Along the way, Chris, Brad, Daryl, and Sara end up singing about their adventures for legendary bluesman Albert Collins
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Billy Branch is a harmonica player at Albert Collinsโ Blues club
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A businessman running a chop shop out of Chicago who used a calendar in his Playboy magazine to detail his plans
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Saraโs teenaged brother who has a crush on Chris, and who comes along on the adventures
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The stolen car that the babysitter and her charges get into is a Cadillac
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Mike drives a red Camero with the license plate โSo Coolโ
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Brad has a serious crush on the babysitter Chris Parker
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Dan Lynch is a kind and intelligent college guy who hits it off with Chris
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Bradโs best friend, who also comes along for the ride
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The screenplay was written by David Simkins
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The boss of โHandsomeโ John Pruitt, who Sara mistakes for Thor
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The scene at the blues club was filmed at the famous nightclub, FitzGeraldโs
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A businessman and car thief that works for Bleak and is hunting the babysitter and her charges to retrieve his bossโs Playboy magazine
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The mechanic carries a sledgehammer which convinces Sara that he is her hero, Thor
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โHandsomeโ John Pruitt is the tow truck driver that initially offers to help the group, but makes a detour at home to catch his cheating wife
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Brad and Brendaโs letterman jackets are from Hemmingway High
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Sara considers Thor to be her hero
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The car thief who takes the group to a chop shop is named Joe Gibb
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The fraternity party is said to be held at the Kappa Phi Gamma house
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The chop shop is filling orders for Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and Porsches
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Chris is dating a guy named Mike Todwell, but finds out heโs cheating on her
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The doctor at Mercy Medical Center who treated Bradโs injury was named Dr. Nuhkbane
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The elevator in the movie is said to be an Otis series one elevator
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Paramount pictures rejected the film because they couldnโt cast Molly Ringwald as the babysitter
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A man at the bus station with a pistol is what prompts Chris to take everyone to go get Brenda
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Much of the plot revolves around Bleakโs Playboy magazine
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Brad is stabbed through the foot by a switchblade when he stands up the gangs on the โLโ train
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The youngest of Chrisโs charges, Sara, is obsessed with comic books, particularly those about Thor
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Much of the movie was actually filmed in Toronto, Ontario
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The movie was produced by Touchstone Pictures
Female Adventures in Babysitting Inspired Names
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Bleak refers to the group as the Brady Bunch
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The restaurant that Chris and Mike were supposed to go to was Le Petit Bleu
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Chris bears a striking resemblance to Miss March in Playboy, who is known as Chaylene
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Sara leaves chocolate fingerprints on the buttons in the elevator
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Chris and the children venture into the city looking for Brenda
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The gangs on the train state that the territory changes at Devereaux street
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The group rides theโLโ train to get away from the chop shop
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The chop shop is filling orders for Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and Porsches
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Intrada Records released an album from the film in 2015
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Jane Jenkins and Janet Hirshenson managed the casting for the film
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Janet Hirshenson and Jane Jenkins managed the casting for the film
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Brenda picks up a rat in the bus station that she thinks is a kitten after she loses her glasses
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The movie was produced by Lynda Obst and Debra Hill
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Thor is a Marvel comic character
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When Brad is injured by the gang members he is taken to the Mercy Medical Center
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Elizabeth Shue was listed as Best Actress at the Paris Film Festival for her portrayal of the babysitter in this movie
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A television pilot was created, but the rest of the television series was canceled
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Daryl chugs popcorn from a mug at the frat party
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The chop shop is filling orders for Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and Porsches
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An eight-year-old girl that Chris is babysitting who has an obsession with comic books, particularly comic books featuring her hero, Thor
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The girl that Mike Todwell is seeing behind his girlfriend's back is named Sesame Plexer
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Silver Dollar
The sign outside of the Blues Club shows that it is called the Silver Dollar
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Mike Todwell breaks their anniversary date by saying that he has to take care of his sick sister
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The skate that Sara leaves in Danโs car leads him to return it at the end of the movie and reconnect with Chris
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Brad needed just a single stitch to close up his knife wound
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Sue Ann
Daryl encounters Sue Ann at the fraternity party
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Brenda is a friend of Chris who needs a ride home from the bus station
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The bus station is in Chicago
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The movie was produced by Debra Hill and Lynda Obst
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Daryl tries to get a date with a teenage runaway in the city, who reminds Chris that she was going to get Brenda