Hunter x Hunter is a Japanese manga series, later adapted into an anime as well. Illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi and first published back in 1998, Hunter x Hunter is a captivating story that follows the life of Gon Freecss, a boy who finds out that his father is alive, even though he was told otherwise. Motivated by this, Gon ventures into the world to find his father, a world-famous Hunter, an occupation for those who hunt and find rare things such as unusual and yet undiscovered animal species, treasure, enclaves where no one has been before, or even hunting criminals.
Hunter x Hunter Inspired Dog Names in Pop Culture
When you hear the name Mike you may automatically think of Mike Hannigan from Friends, or maybe even Mike Tyson, but a dog surely won’t come to mind first. Let’s change that! If you are a Hunter x Hunter fan, you know that the show features a plethora of characters and that it is unique because it actually develops everyone’s storyline if even a little bit, so the audience can connect with the protagonists and supporting characters. One of those is Mike, a big hound with purple fur. That sure is the first one!
Mike is absolutely enormous. His Tyrian purple fur in the anime version is unique and goes perfectly with his pink tongue. In the manga series, however, Mike is white with a blue tongue. All in all a colorful doggo! With his long legs, pointy ears, shaggy fur, and a very long and bushy tail, Mike can seem a bit unkempt, but that is all a part of his charm.
Apart from his dashing good looks, Mike’s personality is what makes him stick out. He is, above all, a hound, and he has gone through a very strict training process which made him into a professional he is today. He can remember and trace the scent and image of a stranger after seeing and sniffing them only once! He has a bit of a harsh personality as well, as he is quite emotionless and has an almost military demeanor, very cold and machine-like. He is so serious that even Gon feels uneasy around him, as he is not similar to any animal Gon has seen before in his life. Mike can also be described as a lone wolf, one who acts in accordance with his wishes and only listens to the members of the Zoldyck family, and no one else.
He is, however, very loyal. Over ten years ago, a Zoldyck told Mike to kill all intruders, a command which he still follows! It is considered that his appearance draws inspiration from the Borzoi breed, also known as a Russian Wolfhound. This fascinating character is one of the rare animals in the Hunter x Hunter universe that is shown to have such immense power, and he is definitely a force to be reckoned with. He is seemingly impossible to beat as he is strong as incredibly intelligent.
Hunter x Hunter Inspired Dog Name Considerations
If you are a Hunter x Hunter fan, you already know that the anime and the manga have a myriad of colorful characters, all of who can be an inspiration for the name for your new lovely doggo. You can start with the obvious choice and name them Mike, after the big scary hound inspired by the Borzoi. A fantastic choice is the main character Gon Freecss, a Rookie Hunter, son of Ging who looks to find his father, whose name can be your doggo’s new moniker. Just don’t let people confuse it with the word gong (although that won’t be too horrible either)!
If you are looking for a cute name for your lovely princess, you can opt for Cocco, after Cocco, a commentator for the Heaven’s Arena, or Melody, after a Music Hunter and one of the bodyguards of Neon Nostrade for a pupper who just can’t stop singing. Biscuit Krueger and Cutie Beauty are fabulous names and also some of the most prominent characters of the show, and surely no one can deny how adorable and unique they sound.
In any case, whichever character you choose as inspiration, one thing is certain – you finally have an excuse to re-watch or watch for the first time one of the best anime shows ever!
Male Hunter x Hunter Inspired Dog Names
Votes | Name | Vote |
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After Killua Zoldyck, the heir of the Zoldyck Family who runs away to become a Rookie Hunter
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After Ginta, a Poacher Hunter, member of the Zodiacs, and the Flora/Fauna team
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After Illumi Zoldyck, a Hunter and the eldest son of Silva and Kikyo Zoldyck
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After Gon Freecss, a Rookie Hunter, son of Ging who looks to find his father
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After Hisoka Morow, a Hunter and a former member of the Phanton Troupe, a very strong guy who likes to fight
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After Kurapika, a Blacklist Hunter and the last remaining survivor of the Kurta Clan
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After Ging Freecss, Gon’s father and a Double-Star Ruins Hunter, a former Zodiac
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After Kite, Ging Freecess’ student and a Hunter, who became a female as a Chimera Ant
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After Chrollo Lucilfer, the founder of the Phantom Troupe
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After Goran, a Chimera Ant Squadron Leader
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After Leorio Paradinight, a Rookie Hunter and a member of the Zodiacs; a medical student
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After Nen, a technique that allows the use of a life energy, also known as aura
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After Isaac Netero, the 12th Chairman of the Hunter Association
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After Beans, a personal secretary to the Hunter Association Chairman
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After Barry, a professional Hunter hired to play the Greed Island game
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After Silva Zoldyck, the head of the Zoldyck family, father of Killua
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After Meruem, the King of the Chimera Ants, and the son of the Chimera Ant Queen
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After Hae, one of the Floor Masters of the Heaven’s Arena
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After Pariston Hill, a Triple-Star Hunter and the 13th Chairman of the Hunter Association
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After Botobai Gigante, a Triple-Star Terrorist Hunter, a member of the Zodiacs
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After Mizaistom Nana, a Double-Star Crime Hunter, a member of Zodiacs
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After Saccho Kobayakawa, a Double-Star Problem Hunter and a member of the Intelligence Team
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After Kanzai, a Treasure Hunter and a part of the Defense team
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After Saiyu, a Blacklist Hunter, member of Zodiacs with the code name Monkey
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After Teradein Neutral, a Double-Star Head Hunter and a leader of Pure Paladin Squad
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After Morel Mackernasey, a Single-Star Sea Hunter whose weapon of choice is a smoking pipe
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After Cuzco, a Greed Island player and the only survivor of the Nickes’ Alliance
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After Curly, a Temp Hunter and a member of the Dark Continent Expedition Team
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After Giuliano, a Hunter and Prince Tyson Hui Guo Rou’s Royal Bodyguard
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After Jed, the leader of the Shadow, previously affiliated with the Hunter Association
Female Hunter x Hunter Inspired Dog Names
Votes | Name | Vote |
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After Cutie Beauty, a Single-Star Cute Hunter with pink hair
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After Palm Siberia, a Hunter and the apprentice of Knov
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After Melody, a Music Hunter and one of the bodyguards of Neon Nostrade
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After Canary, a butler apprentice for the Zoldyck Family
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After Cashew, a member of the Heil-Ly Family
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After Elena, one of the game masters and one of the creators of the Greed Island game
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After Silva Cheadle Yorkshire, a Triple-Star Disease Hunter, a member of the Zodiacs, and the 14th Chairman of the Hunter Association
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After Cluck, a Botanical Hunter, member of the Zodiacs, and a part of the Flora/Fauna Team
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After Gel, a Poison Hunter and a member of the Zodiacs
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After Pyon, a Paleograph Hunter, a member of the Zodiacs and the Intelligence Team
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After Biscuit Krueger, a Double-Star Stone Hunter with the nickname Bisky
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After Menchi, a Single-Star Gourmet Hunter, the best one in the world
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After Sanbica Norton, a Single-Star Virus Hunter and the lead doctor at the Association
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After Kikyo Zoldyck, mother of Killua, Illumi, Milluki, Alluka, and Kalluto
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After Alluka Zoldyck, Silva and Kikyo Zoldyck’s daughter, possessed by Nanika
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After Nanika, a mysterious creature from the Dark Continent who possessed Alluka Zoldyck
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After Khara, a Hunter who worked as a 4th Phase Examiner at the Hunter Exam
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After Komugi, the World Gungi Champion
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After Machi Komacine, a member of the Phantom Troupe
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After Amana, a player on Green Island and a part of Team Asta
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After Baise, a bodyguard working for Neon Nostrade
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After Ponzu, a girl who took the Hunter Exam and managed to get to the fourth stage
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After Cocco, a commentator for the Heaven’s Arena
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After Reina, a little girl who got attacked by a large Chimera Ant monster
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After Romaria, an investigation officer at the Midonite Government Environment Protection Bureau
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After Rengoku, a warrior who fought alongside Jed
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After Shidore, a Chimera Ant and a former member of Leol’s Squad
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After Hina, a Chimera Ant and the former squad captaion of Leol’s Squad
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After Marione, a Temp Hunter and a member of the expedition team for Beyond Netero
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After Tokarine, a Hunter and a member of the expedition team to the Dark Continent