How to Train a Beagle Puppy to Poop Outside
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Your Beagle puppy is going to be a fantastic companion and friend to you and your family. Though the breed is known as hunters, this little hound is affectionate and incredibly friendly. You should know when it comes to training, though, your Beagle might be a bit stubborn. Your little guy makes life easy elsewhere from size, demeanor, grooming, and shedding, but when it comes to training, you will need to make every session well worth his time.
This is true for housebreaking your Beagle puppy as well. Starting as early as the day you bring your puppy home will set him up to know exactly where to poop quicker than waiting for him to adapt to his new surroundings. Your new best friend won’t know the difference between going inside the house or outside unless you can consistently show him the right place to go before he has to go.
Defining Tasks
Consistency with your Beagle puppy will be key in training your tiny hound where to poop. Begin positive reinforcement training right away and stick with the same method for training every session. You should have an understanding of when your pup typically needs to poop. To do this, you will need to be home with him during these times. To start, most puppies tend to poop soon after meals, so set your expectations to poop outside during these times, and he will begin to connect the dots. Setting a foundation for house training your puppy gives your little guy guidance as to where to go. Pay attention to those times he probably needs to go and get him outside quickly. Keep these times outside with your Beagle rewarding. Remember, he will work for food, but to learn how to control his needs and where to poop, this food needs to be high-value and rewarding. Not any treat will do for this little guy.
Getting Started
Your high-value treats for training your Beagle puppy should only be used for training sessions. Avoid giving these particular treats to your puppy outside of teaching moments. For more difficult or important training such as teaching your puppy where to poop, you might consider a better treat than for regular training. Be sure to have these treats on hand when you take your pup outside, so he is rewarded the moment he is successful and not later when you are back inside. You may also want to be prepared to have someone home during the times you know your Beagle will most likely need to go outside.
The Place to Poop Method
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Special spot
Pick an area where you would like your beagle puppy to poop. This can be a specific area within your yard away from the play area for your kids or social area for your family. You can set your expectations that your Beagle uses the same spot each time if you are consistent in your training.
Take a puppy out
Take your Beagle puppy to the same place each time he needs to go potty. Be sure to take him to the special spot on your scheduled visits outside as well. This sets him up to use this special area for pooping only.
Anytime you take your little guy to this area use a command such as 'go potty' or 'do you need to go poop?' This command can be used later on while you're inside to let your Beagle know what his goals are when you let him out.
Just when to go
You should know approximate times your little guy needs to go. Typically, puppies need to go soon after they've eaten a meal. Some dogs like to go as soon as they wake up in the morning or from sleep.
Potty training puppy
It's good to know that while your puppy is growing, he can typically hold his needs for about one hour for every month he's been alive. So if your beagle puppy is four months old he may be able to go about four hours without pooping. Unless, of course, within that time he's had something like a meal or a nap.
Be sure you are consistently taking your little guy out to go potty on a regular basis, whether it's to pee or to poop. Know there are times he needs to go, pay attention to his natural habits, and get him to his special area to go before he has accidents inside.
It's a good habit to take a treat outside with you so you can reward him on the spot for knowing where to go and what to do once he's in his special place. This will condition your Beagle to head out to that spot on his own as he gets older and build up this new habit.
Accidents with puppies are bound to happen. When your little guy has an accident inside the house, try not to scold him even though it may be frustrating. Take him outside to his special spot and give him the command. This time, however, he doesn't get the reward for making a good choice. Next time, try to get him out sooner by paying attention to his signs and the times a day he usually goes.
The Know Your Beagle Method
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Beagle puppies
Though Beagle puppies aren't much different than any other dog, when it comes to training they tend to be a little more stubborn and require a lot more attention during training sessions. Know your Beagle's habits and get him on schedules for sleep, play, and eating.
Your Beagle will likely work harder for a high-value treat than for a piece of kibble he's going to get a mealtime anyway. Some puppies don't mind any kind of treat, but remember your Beagle is pretty stubborn when it comes to training even though he has a great personality all around.
Meals and poop
Schedule your little guy's meal times so you are home and can get him outside about 5 to 10 minutes after each meal. Taking him out during this time sets him up for successful pooping outside instead of in your house.
It's good to know that most puppies don't have to poop after every meal and upon waking from every nap. Your little guy will show you over time what his typical routine is. In the meantime, while he's growing, remember he can hold it for about an hour for every month of his age.
Night time
Night time hours can be tough for puppy owners because until your puppy is old enough to sleep through the night without needing to go potty, he is probably going to wake you to go outside. Just remember his needs change the older he gets and this time won't last long. Eventually, he will be sleeping through the night.
The best way to be successful with house training is to get your puppy outside on a regular basis as often as possible and certainly during those times you know your puppy will probably need to go such as after meals and upon waking. As his body matures and as he grows, he will get better at it too. In the meantime, remain consistent and reward him when he succeeds.
The Knock, Knock Method
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Pick a door
Choose a door for your Beagle puppy to use anytime he needs to tell you he needs to go outside. This could be a sliding door that goes to your backyard or your front door.
When it's time
When it's time to take your little guy outside to go potty, take him through this door each and every time. Your little guy will become accustomed to using this door and will eventually go to the door on his own when he needs to let you know if he needs to go.
Knock or scratch
Before you take your little guy out to go potty, squat down next to him, lift up his paw, and knock on the door or scratch it with his paws. You can also look into hanging a bell at this door and teach your Beagle puppy to ring a bell when he needs to go potty.
Time to go poop
When it is time for your little guy to poop, take him to the door, lift his paw to knock on the door or scratch at it, and then take him outside to go. You may have your little guy on a leash or you may let him run free through your backyard and choose where he needs to poop.
Special times
As your puppy ages, you will notice certain times he tends to poop more than other times. This may be first thing in the morning when he goes potty upon waking or it could even be after a certain meal or even after all meals throughout the day. Either way, be sure to get him out during these times because his body is accustomed to pooping at this time and he needs to be in an appropriate place to go.
Poop and treat
Be sure you are taking your little pup out on a regular schedule based on his age as well as based on meals and sleep time so he has ample time to go throughout the day and night. When he is successful and poops outside, have a treat handy and reward him for good behavior.
Over time
Once your little guy gets used to this training he will eventually go to that door you have taken him to, raise his own paw, scratch at the door or ring a bell if you have hung one and trained him to do so, or knock on the door to let you know he needs to go out that door to go potty.
Written by Stephanie Plummer
Veterinary reviewed by:
Published: 03/07/2018, edited: 01/08/2021
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