Calla Lily Poisoning in Cats
Written By hannah hollinger
Published: 02/11/2017Updated: 09/23/2024
Veterinary reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon, MVB MRCVS
Calla Lily Poisoning in Cats - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost
What is Calla Lily Poisoning?
The calla lily is a beautiful, colorful perennial that looks great in vases and gardens alike. Unfortunately, it's also toxic to cats and dogs.
Calla lily poisoning occurs when your cat ingests any portion of the calla lily plant, causing severe irritation and pain to the mouth, tongue, throat, and skin. While the symptoms aren't usually life-threatening, you should seek immediate veterinary help if your cat ingests any calla lily.
However, it's worth pointing out that calla lilies aren't as dangerous for cats as true lilies and day lilies, which can cause kidney failure and death when ingested.
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Symptoms of Calla Lily Poisoning in Cats
Symptoms of calla lily poisoning in your cat typically occur immediately after ingestion and can be incredibly painful. Signs your cat may be suffering from calla lily poisoning include:
Causes of Calla Lily Poisoning in Cats
Calla lily poisoning is a common problem due to the fact that these flowers are attractive and popular in cut arrangements and are grown in many household gardens. They can be identified by their long, trumpet-like flowers that appear on top of green stems with leaves that are broad and palm-like in appearance. Flowers can come in a variety of colors, but the most classic and common variety is white with a yellow stamen in the center.
Calla lilies contain toxic compounds known as insoluble calcium oxalates. These crystals are released when your cat bites into any portion of the calla lily plant. The compounds penetrate the soft tissues of your cat’s mouth, throat and GI tract, causing intense pain and irritation.
While all parts of the plant are toxic, the highest concentrations of the crystals occurs in the bulb or rootstock area. However, because of the severe irritation caused, most cats will not ingest large quantities of the plant. Other plants that contain insoluble calcium oxalates include the peace lily, philodendron, and umbrella tree.
Calla lilies are not true lilies (from the genus Lilium) or day lilies (from the genus Hemerocallis), so they're not in the same family as stargazer, fire, or many other types of lilies. With this in mind, calla lily poisoning should be distinguished from lily poisoning. Unlike lily poisoning, calla lily poisoning does not cause kidney failure and, while incredibly uncomfortable for your cat, does not typically result in death.
Diagnosis of Calla Lily Poisoning in Cats
Diagnosis of calla lily poisoning in your cat begins with a thorough physical exam. Your vet will closely examine your cat’s mouth for signs of irritation. Depending on your cat’s level of discomfort, they may need to be given a mild sedative in order to allow the vet to perform the exam.
In cases of a severe reaction, your vet may wish to view the tissues of your cat’s throat. This will be done by placing a small, specialized camera into your cat’s mouth and down their throat. These pictures will help determine the extent of the poisoning and how aggressive treatment should be.
For this initial vet visit, be prepared to provide a thorough medical history of your cat. If you witness your cat chewing on any household or garden plants, bring along a sample of that plant. The sample should be large enough to allow your vet to easily identify which species of plant they ingested, which will help direct the appropriate course of treatment. 
Treatment of Calla Lily Poisoning in Cats
Treatment of calla lily poisoning in your cat will address both the symptoms and the underlying cause.
Your vet will first address any life-threatening symptoms. In rare cases, irritation from calla lily poisoning can be so severe that it causes the tissues of the cat's mouth and airways to swell, making drinking, eating, and breathing difficult. If this is the case, your vet will administer anti-inflammatory drugs to your cat to help ease the swelling. Drugs that open up the airway passages may also be given. Finally, your vet may give injections of pain medication to help make your cat comfortable.
Since cats rarely ingest large quantities of calla lily plant, it's generally not necessary to induce vomiting for this type of plant poisoning. Your vet will most likely perform oral, throat and, in some cases, stomach lavage of your cat in an attempt to rinse away any remaining crystals. This will be done repeatedly to attempt to ease your cat’s reaction.
IV fluids may also be given to help prevent dehydration until your cat is able to take fluids orally.
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Recovery of Calla Lily Poisoning in Cats
With proper care and veterinary attention, the prognosis is excellent for a full recovery from calla lily poisoning. Symptoms may persist for several days and your cat should be kept in a calm, quiet space to allow their damaged tissues to heal.
To prevent any future poisoning incidents, either eliminate calla lilies from your home and yard, or take steps to ensure that your cat can't come into contact with calla lilies (or any other toxic plants) in the future.
Calla lily poisoning can be expensive to treat. If you suspect your cat is at risk of calla lily poisoning, start searching for pet insurance today. Wag!’s pet insurance comparison tool lets you compare plans from leading companies like PetPlan and Embrace. Find the “pawfect” plan for your pet in just a few clicks!
Calla Lily Poisoning Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
8 Years

49 found this helpful


49 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
My kitty chewed a piece of a calla Lilly leave and threw up once right afterwards (could see the leaf in the vomit); then one more time where no trace of the leaf was visible. Its been about 2 hours; she is no longer vomiting, she is eating and drinking normally, being playful, etc. should I be concerned at this point or can damage still occur?
Aug. 16, 2018
49 Recommendations
Thankfully calla lilies are not true lilies and are from the Araceae family and not the Lilium family which are true lilies, true lilies can cause kidney failure in cats; calla lilies contain insoluble calcium oxalate crystals which are irritating to the mouth, skin and gastrointestinal tract. Keep an eye on her and monitor for symptoms, if you have any concerns visit your Veterinarian. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
Aug. 16, 2018
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short hair
9 Years

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16 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
what Medication can I give my cat that ate some calla lilies? Is there any over the counter medication that I can give my cat to reduce and get rid of the lilies from his system?
Aug. 8, 2018
16 Recommendations
Thankfully calla lilies are not true lilies so do not pose a threat of kidney failure in cats; however there is no specific over the counter medication (DO NOT give any human anti inflammatories) which will help but your Veterinarian may give some anti inflammatories or other treatment especially if Levi is having trouble breathing due to localised swelling. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
Aug. 8, 2018
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4 Years

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0 found this helpful

My cat nibbled on a calla lily leaf about an hour ago and has shown no symptoms so far. She is eating, drinking, and playing normally I am unsure if I should continue to watch and worry?
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