Mycoplasma Infection in Cats
Written By hannah hollinger
Published: 08/18/2016Updated: 09/24/2021
Veterinary reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon, MVB MRCVS
Mycoplasma Infection in Cats - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost
What is Mycoplasma Infection?
Mycoplasma infection is caused by a type of bacteria that acts as a parasite in the blood, causing anemia and other signs of infection. Antibiotic treatment may be needed to overcome the disease, especially in cats with poor immune performance.
Mycoplasma infection is a medical condition that affects cats, dogs, farm animals, and people. The bacteria are present in most environments and are often commensals. Most healthy animals will experience little to no symptoms, but the very young or old or those with immune disorders may have severe anemia and other signs of infection. Mycoplasma commonly causes respiratory symptoms like bronchitis and pneumonia, but can cause infection in other parts of the body as well.
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Symptoms of Mycoplasma Infection in Cats
The symptoms of Mycoplasma infection can vary based on several factors. The most common symptom is anemia. Clinical signs can vary depending on the severity of the infection, the species of Mycobplasma involved and the immune status of the cat. Symptoms are considerably more severe in animals who have immune disorders and weakened immune systems. The location of the infection also affects the type of symptoms the cat will have. Infections can be located in the respiratory system, urinary tract, joints, or reproductive system. 
Common symptoms include:
Symptoms related to the infection location include:
Causes of Mycoplasma Infection in Cats
Mycoplasma infection is caused by exposure to the bacteria. This can occur in almost any setting, as this type of bacteria is very common. It can spread easily between animals, making it common in shelters and kennels as well as multi-pet homes. The infection is not limited to cats, and can be caught from or given to other companion animals. Humans are also at risk of infection. Immunodeficiency and conditions that weaken or suppress the immune system increase the risk of contracting the disease.
Diagnosis of Mycoplasma Infection in Cats
A veterinarian can diagnose Mycoplasma infection using various medical testing procedures to visually confirm the organisms in blood, urine, or other fluids. PCR tests are frequently used. Before proceeding to this step, a physical examination and medical history of the cat are required. Be prepared to discuss the symptoms and timeframes associated with your pet’s illness. If clinical signs point to a bacterial infection, your veterinarian will collect fluids for testing purposes. The fluid collected will depend on the type and location of the symptoms your cat is exhibiting. For example, a urinalysis or urine testing are effective in situations where the animal is experience related symptoms. Joint fluid, mucus, and blood samples can also be analyzed. Dye staining has been shown to be an effective method for locating the bacteria that cause the infection in cats.
Treatment of Mycoplasma Infection in Cats
No single treatment or protocol is considered consistently effective in treating Mycoplasma infection. Treatments will vary depending on the severity of symptoms and location of the infection within the body. Antibiotics are the most common form of treatment, but the type of antimicrobial the bacteria is susceptible to is not the same in all cases. To completely overcome the disease, treatments may continue for an extended period of time. Although treatment plans may differ, most cats will not require hospitalization unless their symptoms are very severe or in animals with poor immune function. Recommended treatments may include:
Antibiotics:  Most cats will require a minimum seven to ten-day course of antibiotics to treat the primary infection. Because Mycoplasma infections can be hard to eradicate, more than one course of antibiotics may be necessary for a full recovery. 
Analgesics:  If pain, inflammation, or fever is severe, painkillers may be prescribed. Be sure to carefully follow your veterinarian’s instructions if you will be dosing your pet with painkillers at home. Too much of this type of medication can be very dangerous to your cat. 
Supportive care: Ensuring your cat is eating well, is well hydrated and well rested will go a long way towards healing their recovery.
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Recovery of Mycoplasma Infection in Cats
Most cats with normal immune function are expected to make a full recovery from the disease, although it may take several weeks to completely rid your pet of the infection. Once antibiotic treatment has begun, symptom improvement can be expected within a few days. Anemia symptoms may take longer to recover from. Carefully monitor your pet’s food and water intake while they are recovering to make sure your cat is receiving the proper nutrition to recover.
Reinfection is a risk with Mycoplasma, so pet areas should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Continued disinfection should be maintained until your pet has completed their antibiotic treatment. If there are multiple animals in the home, isolation may be necessary to prevent the spread of infection. Take your pet back to the veterinarian if symptoms get worse, don’t improve after a week’s time, or come back.
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Mycoplasma Infection Average Cost
From 355 quotes ranging from $150 - $350
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Mycoplasma Infection Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
Domestic cat
8 Years

36 found this helpful


36 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Weight Loss
Hi, i have a cat who has been diagnosed with mycoplasma. She is taking treatment and the 5 other cats in the household have been tested but turned out to be negative. Due to the incubation period should the 5 other cats be retested after 30 days?
Aug. 3, 2018
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
36 Recommendations
Mycoplasma is a very common organism in the environment, and it typically does take an underlying problem to have it cause disease. If the other cats seem healthy and are doing well, you may be fine to monitor them for any clinical signs since they have tested negative. Since I do not know the full history or situation for Coca, however, it would be best to check with your veterinarian, as there may be complications that I'm not aware of.
Aug. 3, 2018
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Maine Coon
3 Years

14 found this helpful


14 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Mouth Lump
Stomatitis With Infection
I have a Maine Coon female 3 years old, carrying eosinophilic granuloma. Recently she contracted Mycoplasma felis and she is now treated with Clindamicina 0.7 ml for day and cortison. Then we try a teeth extraction surgery for decrease any possible inflammation trigger. I have other 2 cats, a young male and a female 2 years old. They should be breeding cats so I performed a respiratory tract microbiological test on eye and nose mucous fluids that resulted positive for M felis for both. The 2 cats have no symptoms. What to do? Thanks for attention. Patrizia Iansa Read more at:
July 26, 2018
14 Recommendations
Mycoplasma infections with M. felis may be seen in asymptomatic cats and the decision whether to treat these cases would be down to your Veterinarian; however if you are breeding cats it may be worth treating regardless but you should discuss this with your Veterinarian. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
July 27, 2018
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short hair
2 Months

19 found this helpful


19 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
I had a 1 year old cat who I had to unfortunately put down due to mycoplasma. We have have ended up with a new kitten who needed a home but we haven’t managed to flea bomb our house yet. Is there a high chance of our new kitten being bitten by the fleas that infected our last cat. We are bombing our house in a few days but I’m very concerned for the next few days as I’ve seen a flea on the new kitten even though he has flea treatment.
July 6, 2018
19 Recommendations
Mycoplasma infections are transmitted by fleas and it is possible for the new kitten to be bitten and infected; the use of an effective topical spot on flea & tick control medication is required like Revolution (selamectin). You should continue to monitor Adi and visit your Veterinarian if you have any concerns. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
July 6, 2018
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domestic short hair
1 Year

19 found this helpful


19 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
My one-year-old cat was diagnosed with micoplasma and treated for three weeks with antibiotic + prednisone. Seemed to get better. Now she is having back pain and has trouble walking, jumping, etc. Acts like an old cat. x-rays show no structural problems in the back, and doc is suggesting the micoplasma may be causing joint pain as her body works to build red blood cells in the bone marrow . Is that common? I've read that in humans micoplasma pneumoniae can cause arthritis. Does that happen in cats, and if so, is it temporary. She is starting another 3 weeks course of antibiotics and steroids.
June 18, 2018
19 Recommendations
Polyarthritis from Mycoplasma may occur in cats but is rare; however treatment with doxycycline or enrofloxacin are commonly used, but both have their pros and cons which your Veterinarian would discuss with you. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
June 19, 2018
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4 Months

8 found this helpful


8 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Weakness And Loss Of Appetite.
My 3.5 month old Persian kitten is showing signs of Mycoplasma according to my vet. He is yet to receive his final booster vaccine (3in1 and rabies already given). His RBC count is 11 and Haemoglobin is 4.3. with hospitalization and antibiotics he is yet to improve,it has been over 24 hrs. Should he get steroids. What are his chances?
June 6, 2018
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
8 Recommendations
Without more information about Fuzzy, I can't really comment on his treatment plan or his prognosis, unfortunately - there is a lot more to know than those two lab values. Since he is currently being treated, it would be very reasonable to ask your veterinarian more details about his condition, his plan, and his prognosis. I hope that he is okay.
June 6, 2018
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Domestic shorthair
11 Months

0 found this helpful


0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
High Rbc, Hct
My rescue kitten was diagnosed in March with mycoplasma. Originally her symptoms had been high proteins and white blood cells and mild anemia. She had been treated with amoxicillin and then 6 weeks of clindamycin. In March blood work dramatically changed with normal proteins but high rbc. She was treated with 6 weeks of doxycycline. RBC continued to rise and now she has been diagnosed with polycythemia. I'm trying to understand how this fits together and what to do for her. Clinical, she appears healthy.
Tuxedo short hair
6 Months

1 found this helpful


1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Sneezing Breathing Difficulties
I adopted a feral cat at two months old. she was fine for the first couple weeks and then started developing system symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. I took her to my first vet and he prescribed two rounds of two different types of anabiotic’s which temporarily did something but then she just got significantly worse and I finally took her to a different vet and after lots of test we figured out that she had mycoplasma and she’s been on doxycycline liquid form for a month and her demeanor is extremely happy and she’s running around but her throat And nose are still clogged up. I am very concerned that the doxycycline is causing esophageal stricture’s in her throat and her nose is still swollen like rhinitis. I am concerned because I feel like she needs more anabiotic’s but I’m worried about her throat and I spent $2500 already and I am wondering what else I can do. I’m sure the vet is going to prescribe her to be on doxycycline for longer due to the fact that she didn’t get treated with correct medicine sooner but I’m so worried about her throat. The next step might be to go see a specialist maybe she has a polyp in her nose. I just am running out of money Over here but really concerned that her nose and throat aren’t going to develop well because of Mycoplasma and side effects of the medicine. 🙃
Mycoplasma Infection Average Cost
From 355 quotes ranging from $150 - $350
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