The 2007 animated comedy film Bee Movie is one of the many movies produced by DreamWorks Pictures. It stars Jerry Seinfeld and Renee Zellweger in the leading roles, with Matthew Broderick, Chris Rock and John Goodman taking on supporting roles. The plot of the film revolves around a non-conforming bee named Barry B. Benson (Seinfeld), who finds out from his human friend Vanessa (Zellweger) that bees are being exploited for honey production by humans, thereby causing him to sue the human race. Seinfeld does not only voice the lead role; he also had a hand in producing and writing the film’s screenplay.
Bee Movie Inspired Dog Names in Pop Culture
In the Bee Movie, the focus is centered on a honey bee named Barry B. Benson, who discovers the exploitation of his fellow bees by humans and tries to do something about it. At the end of the film, he is considered a hero and was able to help a lot of bees and humans at the same time. Another famous Barry with a helpful nature is the canine known as Barry der Menschenretter.
Barry der Menschenretter, or simply Barry, was a Saint Bernard mountain rescue dog who worked in the Great St. Bernard Hospice in Switzerland and Italy. His byname stands for “people rescuer” in German and that is exactly what he was. In fact, during his lifetime, he was said to have saved over 40 lives. He is widely considered as the most popular Saint Bernard, even though he predates the breed and is slightly smaller in size compared to the modern-day Saint Bernard breed.
It was in 1707 when the archives of the hospice first mentioned the existence of the dog. However, it was not until the 1800s when Barry was born. A special type of dog, known as Küherhund or “cowherd’s dog”, they were specifically bred for rescue work. Throughout his life, Barry was said to have had a hand in saving the lives of more than forty people. Perhaps his most renowned rescue was the life of a young boy who he found sleeping in an ice cavern. Barry licked the boy repeatedly in order to warm his body up. When he was warm enough, he placed the boy on his back and brought him back to the hospice. The boy recovered from the cold and was able to survive and return home to his parents. Peter Scheitlin, a well-known animal psychologist, wrote a lovely homage to Barry and talks about how he examined the mountains for avalanche victims every day and helped saved their lives one way or another.
There have been rumors surrounding the death of Barry, specifically one about being killed by a Swiss soldier that he saved. According to this rumor, Barry picked up the soldier’s scent and was able to revive him. However, when the soldier awoke, he thought he was being attacked and stabbed Barry with his bayonet. This, however, was disputed. After serving as a mountain rescue dog in the monastery for over a decade, a monk brought Barry to the city of Bern in Switzerland to live out his remaining years. At the age of 14, Barry passed away. Following his death, his body was given to the Natural History Museum of Bern and a taxidermist preserved his skin to be displayed. In 2000, a special exhibit in the museum was held in honor of Barry’s 200th birthday.
Bee Movie Inspired Dog Name Considerations
Part of being a new, responsible dog owner is deciding on the perfect moniker for your furry best friend. With there being literally thousands of names available to you, how do you narrow the choices down and make sure that you find the right one for your pooch? One way to diminish the number of options is to stick to a specific category. A good category to choose from is film. It’s not surprising at all that plenty of furparents look for ideas in their favorite movies.
Bee Movie has garnered lots of fans, largely due to Jerry Seinfeld’s involvement in the film. His sitcom Seinfeld is widely considered as one of the best and most influential shows to have ever aired. It also made Seinfeld a star, which helped with his promotion of Bee Movie.
If you choose to give your dog a Bee Movie inspired name, you can go for the names of the film’s characters. Examples of names include Barry, Adam or Layton, all of which would be a good name for your pooch. Or, if you favor a specific character in the movie, you can use that name and assign it to your dog. You can also pick a name based on the actors or actresses involved with the film.
Male Bee Movie Inspired Dog Names
Votes | Name | Vote |
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After Barry B. Benson, a young honey bee who is about to enter the honey-making workforce
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A young honey bee who is about to enter the honey-making workforce but has noble aspirations
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After Adam Flayman, Barry’s best friend
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Vanessa Bloome’s boyfriend
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After Layton T. Montgomery, a defense attorney who opposes Barry
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A mosquito who befriends Barry
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After Martin Benson, Barry’s father
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Ken’s friend
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After Bud Ditchwater, an airport worker
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After Bob Bumble, a bee news anchor
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After Jerry Seinfeld, the voice actor for Barry B. Benson
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The voice actor for Barry B. Benson is Jerry Seinfeld
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After Matthew Broderick, the voice actor for Adam Flayman
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Matthew Broderick is the voice actor for Adam Flayman
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After Patrick Warburton, the voice actor for Ken
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After John Goodman, the voice actor for Layton T. Montgomery
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John Goodman was the voice actor for Layton T. Montgomery
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After Chris Rock, the voice actor for Mooseblood
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Chris Rock provided the voice for Mooseblood
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After Barry Levinson, the voice actor for Martin B. Benson
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After Rip Torn, the voice actor for Lou Lo Duca
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After Michael Richards, the voice actor for Bud Ditchwater
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After Larry King, the voice actor for Bee Larry King
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Larry King was the voice actor for Bee Larry King
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After Chuck Martin, the voice actor for Andy
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After Brian Hopkins, the voice actor for Sandy Shrimpkin
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After Simon J. Smith, one of the directors of the film
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After Steve Hickner, one of the directors of the film
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After Spike Feresten, one of the film’s writers
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After Andy Robin, one of the film’s writers
Female Bee Movie Inspired Dog Names
Votes | Name | Vote |
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A type of insect
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After Vanessa Bloome, a human florist who befriends Barry
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A human florist who befriends Barry is Vanessa Bloome
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After Janet B. Benson, Barry’s mother
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The tour guide for Honex Industries
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After Honex Industries, a honey-making workplace
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After Jeanette Chung, a bee news anchor
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After Sandy Shrimpkin, one of the bees living in the hive
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After Lou Lo Duca, one of the Pollen Jocks
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After Lou Lo Duca, one of the Pollen Jocks
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After the singer of the same name who makes a cameo in the film as himself
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After Renee Zellweger, the voice actress for Vanessa Bloome
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Renee Zellweger provided the voice for Vanessa Bloome
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After Kathy Bates, the voice actress for Janet Benson
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After Kathy Bates, the voice actress for Janet Benson
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After Megan Mullaly, the voice actress for Trudy
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After Oprah Winfrey, the voice actress for Judge Bumbleton
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Oprah Winfrey, is the voice actress for Judge Bumbleton
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After Robert Jayne, the voice actor for one of the bees in the film
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After Tress MacNellie, the voice actress for Jeanette Chung
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After Ray Liotta, an actor who makes a cameo in the film as himself
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After Carl Kassell, a radio personality who makes a cameo in the film as himself
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After Carol Leifrer, the voice actress for one of the press persons
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After Olivia Mattingly, the voice actress for the girl Barry meets, who is a minor character in the film
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After Christina Steinberg, one of the film’s producers
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After Cameron Stevning, one of the film’s associate producers
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After Leslee Feldman, the film’s casting director
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After Alexis Wanneroy, an animator for the film
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After Sheryl Crow, a singer who sings one of the film’s soundtracks
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After Judge Bumbleton, who runs a Supreme Court in New York