Dog Names Meaning New Beginning in Pop Culture
Many dogs in both the media and in pop culture have enjoyed names that reflect their new beginnings. This is probably even truer within shelters and rescues where dogs needing a second chance and new beginnings are often found. Sometimes, adopting a new dog comes as part of a new chapter in someone's life. In the case of Neo, the Parkour Collie, one Border Collie came into his owner's life just as he needed this dog the most.
Neo is not just any Border Collie but a Guinness Book World Record holding dog as well. Neo was adopted by his owner, Steve Bailey, shortly after Steve lost his father. Steve had worked with other dogs in the past and studied canine psychology as a profession, but Neo was a special puppy from the moment Steve took him home. The two became utterly inseparable, and Neo started agility training at six months. Border Collies are highly intelligent and full of high energy. Their natures demand a lot of attention, as well as physical and mental work and Steve was ready to take on the duties as he was coping with the loss of his father and starting a new chapter in his life.
Steve is the owner of a dog behavioral therapy and daycare facility in the United Kingdom. He has worked with hundreds of dogs over the years and has a strong love for furry friends of the four-legged kind. Neo showed early signs of being an extraordinary dog with high agility and Steve took Neo's training to the next level, thus earning the Border Collie the moniker, Neo the Parkour Collie. Parkour is an extreme type of agility movement where participants attempt to move through a highly complex environment without the assistance of any objects. In other words, they use their own strength, agility, and spatial awareness to navigate the obstacles successfully. This is a strenuous and challenging sport for people who possess a far more complex brain than their canine companions, so for Neo to master the parkour style is something of an amazing feat.
One of Neo's most significant claims is his Guinness Book World Record title. Neo holds the record for the fastest canine tire/hoop slalom at an astonishing 8.58 seconds. The slalom is measured using five connected hoops and the dogs must successfully slalom jump through all five and then back again for a total of ten jumps. Neo qualified and broke the record with such ease in 2017 and is the current canine record holder.
Dog Name Meaning New Beginning Considerations
There are a few considerations you should make when it comes to choosing the perfect name for your dog that accurately reflects their new beginnings with your family. Choosing a dog's name is sometimes drawn out for a few days or even a few weeks as you come up with the name you think will best describe your new friend. One of the first things you can consider is your dog's origins. For example, if your dog is an African breed, a name like Okusha may be perfect. Okusha is Zulu, or Bantu, for a new beginning. Spanish, Italian, and Chinese breeds can enjoy names such as Inici, Primo, and Kaishi, respectively, all of which mean to start anew.
Sometimes, dog owners consider their own origins or the cultures that have an impact on their lives. Drawing upon these sources of inspiration, dog owners can find some perfect names for their new addition. For example, people with strong ties to the Greek culture might name their dogs Thea, Nyssa, or Neo. Each of these names is associated with the dawn and new beginnings. If your style tends to draw on Biblical references, names like Alpha and Genesis are great choices as well. Both of these names are references to the beginning.
Male Dog Names Meaning New Beginning
Votes | Name | Vote |
5 |
A mythical bird that was reborn
4 |
Japanese for new beginning
2 |
A Hebrew name for one
1 |
The first character in the alphabet
1 |
Assyrian for new beginning
0 |
Meaning new in Greek
0 |
Slavic for dawn
-1 |
A Biblical reference to the beginning
-1 |
Scottish for new hope and beginnings
-1 |
A Gaelic name for new
-1 |
Meaning new and child of Jove
-1 |
Arabic for hope
-2 |
Meaning new beginnings in Old English
-2 |
A name meaning beginning
-2 |
Czech for new beginnings
-2 |
Sanskrit for new beginning
-2 |
Meaning to start
-2 |
Bangla for new beginning
-2 |
Old English for dawn
-2 |
Italian for first
-2 |
Indian for new
-3 |
Scottish for new
-3 |
Turkish for new
-3 |
French for new
-3 |
A name meaning dawn
-3 |
Portuguese for new beginnings
-3 |
Albanian for dawn
-3 |
Dawn in Arabic
-3 |
Hebrew for the first
-4 |
Meaning fresh and new in Italian
Female Dog Names Meaning New Beginning
Votes | Name | Vote |
5 |
Derived from Latin, meaning beginning
2 |
Hebrew for seeds and beginnings
2 |
Slavic for a new dawn
2 |
The feeling that comes with a fresh start
2 |
Of African origin, meaning the beginning
1 |
A mythical goddess of the dawn
1 |
Meaning the start of the season
1 |
A Hebrew name for lively and new
1 |
Sanskrit for hope and desire
1 |
A name meaning new beginning
1 |
A French name meaning rebirth
1 |
Croatian for the beginning
0 |
Hindi for dawn
0 |
Hindi for dawn
0 |
Sanskrit for dawn
0 |
The beginning of the day
0 |
Short for Althea, goddess of the dawn
0 |
Chae Non
Korean for dawn
0 |
Meaning fresh and new in Japanese
0 |
Greek name meaning new flower
0 |
A German name for fresh and new
0 |
Latin for sunrise
0 |
Arabic for the first chapter
0 |
Hebrew for new beginnings
0 |
Greek for beginnings
0 |
Urdu for fresh and new
0 |
Chinese for the beginning
0 |
Catalan for the beginning
0 |
Zulu for the beginning
-1 |
Latin for the dawn
What do you think?
Community Dogs With Names Meaning New Beginning

I was attacked in my home because of my ex and lost my 1year old black lab during the police interview after running to my neighbors calling 911. I checked any possible lead for my chipped dog benny. This is how Nova came into my life. Scared and cold with her tail tucked so tight it was a mystery whether she was even male or female. These nice people noticed her along the railroad tracks and taking shelter by a power box. The man set food out but no luck in connecting. Several cars were seen with no luck in connecting to the dog either. I was pretty sure it couldn't be my dog bc he would leap if his name were heard. And the description just didnt match. It still bothered me to have the 1 chance it could be and have missed him. I drove 45min out to make sure it wasnt Benny and it wasn't. But I too couldn't turn away from this scared baby left all alone taking the worst shelter ever. The nice people gave me hot dogs and luck. After much sitting at a comfortable distance and letting her come to me the hot dogs won. She then let me pet her before retreating again. I moved my car as close to her as possible b4 breaching her space. Its freezing out so I opened my back door and sat up front to get warm before trying another contact. She became curious and walked around the car stopping like she yearned for heat too but just couldn't do it. Coincidentally a guy that had tried to help her last 3 days was driving by and offered to help maybe coax her into the car. He had no more luck than anyone else and was shocked the hot dog worked. No sooner did he simply approach her by the opposite side of the car did she ever run so fast right to me in fear. This girl was afraid of men and I was the first woman to attempt a rescue without a male present. The wife of the nice people helped me then quickly lure her into the car with 1 more hot dog. She didn't cry, whine, shake. She was warm and that alone I felt she was grateful over scared. I have 2 other dogs one old and one pup from Benny Sympathy that a 3rd could not be good. Benny was the only dog I missed or would take in my pack. She was afraid when I brought her in immediately choosing the bathroom to shelter. I was set to take her to APL which is the no kill shelter to make sure she wasn't chipped and someone's missing girl despite the man fear. That could been while lost. The next day was Sun, closed. Ok Monday taking her in. This girl was restless hours after choosing her space. It was horrible and worse than herding cattle trying to seperate the 14week old pitt/husky wild man and big fat slow moving but will bark like she is a pup herself beagle. Finally enough contact was happening that I just watched and hoped either of my dogs realized they may be sorry after one good bite. Didn't happen. APL had been notified and I was waiting for return call on day 3. Wierd too because now my pup champ is using "Nova" dog #3 then as a jungle gym and my ole girl hasn't been puppy attacked all day and literally every 10min champ was in trouble for not leaving her be. 1st sign of least I'm done containing dogs and listening to crying all day from both ends. No call on day 3 led to day 4...this girl was now tail up and fully excited to greet and follow me all around the house with champ. 2 shadows. I'm loving that she is a lovable girl, aside male visitors, 3 and all three she growled warning each one showing her teeth. Just me with 3 dogs and this girl knows no basic commands or has much house etiquette. Jumping up to my kitchen counter, tearing up my blinds after 30min alone as I ran to store. My house was trashed. I was so mad that no way was this working for me. I was stern with her as I went to clean up my house. She hit the floor in fear as soon as discipline started. No growling or teeth. Solid fear of what was next. It instantly broke my heart and bonded us at the same time. How would she know I wouldn't ever hit her. No matter how angry I sound. I quickly comforted her and let her away as I cleaned up the mess now realizing it was more my fault than hers anyway. She was the one adjusting in my home. And she was #3 to the other two dogs, all fast friends. This was when I knew I couldn't take her to the shelter. When I met her she was afraid and anything other than the people who were absolutely terrible to her before dumping her in the country with collar lines still fresh in her fur to fend for herself. She now loves it here. And is accepted. I'm single after domestic violence almost ended my life because like her, I missed the person who was the worst man for me. She isnt the prettiest dog, or even mannered. Chances of adoption from the rest. Same as me going out and getting married. God is mysterious and I'm glad I got the message before abandoning this girl bc how she grew up. I am not perfect by any means myself. Plus, let a man come after me now. She will die protecting me. I guarantee it. Each day, the bond is tighter and routine might just happen. Tonight I locked myself out of the house in Winter at below 30 degrees because I was more concerned with a loose dog and learned that lesson. Turner and hooch. I have invisible fence but dont know how she will respond with no training yet because she was just pound bound. I hit rock bottom with my relationship and my struggle with addiction with my family helping me far more than me helping Nova. They too felt she was too much to take in. She was perfect from the start. I will never abandon her and she shows me ever day now how happy and grateful she is. First thing in the morning she is at bedside before my feet hit the floor and she is front paws down with her butt up in the air and that tail. Side toside faster than I have ever seen from a dog. She is so gentle with me and my two spoiled dogs who know no suffering past staying in a room contained and sounding like its killing them. It's like she is so grateful that she thanks me by becoming happier and closer every day. My first actual rescue. Now I see why they say, my dog rescued me. To our new beginning.