Space Inspired Dog Names in Pop Culture
Space is something of infinite mystery to us, and for this reason, we fantasize and create stories of space and space exploration as cartoons, comedies, dramas, and in all forms of literary works. In 1959, Indianapolis born author, Kurt Vonnegut, wrote his second novel titled, The Sirens of Titan. The Titan Vonnegut referred to is a moon of Saturn and on that moon existed Kazak, the Hound of Space. Kazak was a poor and unfortunate English Mastiff, the largest of all the dog breeds. Kazak was unfortunate because he had not chosen his fate to live on Titan and but he was able to materialize on Earth on a regular cycle every 59 days when the Earth's orbit crossed what Vonnegut called a Chrono-Synclastic Infundibulum phenomenon. Kazak plays a large role in the novel, which deals mostly with the lack of agency and free will among man and the direction of man's purpose as the grand design of an alien power.
A less heavy and certainly more light-hearted space dog is Astro, the Jetson's Great Dane. He is one of the most recognizable cartoon dogs with a space inspired name and second only to Disney's Pluto. Many people believe that the planet Pluto, discovered by Hubble in 1930, was named after the famous Disney dog, who debuted the same year. However, fans have the history backward. Pluto first appeared as an unnamed bloodhound in The Chain Gang, but in 1931, the iconic yellowish orange dog was officially given the name Pluto after the newly discovered planet, which also marked the year of Pluto's birth.
While names like Kazak and Pluto are 20th Century born icons, the name Sirius has long been associated with space dogs. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky that is visible from Earth. It is part of the constellation known as Canis Major, and the bright blue and white star is often referred to as the Dog Star. Sirius, the Dog Star is approximately twice the size of our Sun, burns much hotter, and is our closest neighboring star at 8.6 light years away from Earth. When viewed through a telescope, stargazers will also see a companion star known as The Pup. However, The Pup is too faint to be seen by the naked eye. Sirius has fascinated us for millennia and as part of the Canis Major constellation helps tell the story of the human and canine bond that has existed for over 30,000 years as Canis Major is close to the hunter of the night's sky, the constellation known as Orion.
Space Inspired Dog Name Considerations
Aside from the length of space inspired names, dog owners should also consider their dog's breed, color, and size. For example, Belka, who was the first Russian space dog alongside Strelka to orbit Earth, means whitey in Russian. As an ode to the first dog in space as well as her color, white dog owners could consider giving their new white coated puppy Belka for a name. Size may also play a factor in space inspired dog names. Names like Armstrong, Titan, and Apollo sound like big dog names while Sirius, Atom, and Luna might be more suited for smaller dogs. Finally, if dog owners wish to give their new canine friends names inspired by other dogs of space, they might consider the breeds. For example, Astro the Jetson's dog was a Great Dane and Comet, the Tanner's dog from Full House was a Golden Retriever.
Male Space Inspired Dog Names
Votes | Name | Vote |
20 |
The NASA space program to put men on the moon
15 |
The Jetson's Great Dane
15 |
An astronomical event that produces a large flare of brights during the birth or death of a star
15 |
The lion constellation
11 |
A solar lit celestial object with its own orbit
11 |
The most distant body in the Solar system
9 |
Relating to space and the universe
7 |
The largest of the planets in the Solar system
7 |
The red neighboring planet to Earth
6 |
A distant planet of the solar system and often associated with the oceans
5 |
The largest moon of Saturn, which has Earth-like qualities
5 |
To move fast
3 |
The brightest star in the night sky and principle star Canis Major
3 |
A constellation in the night sky
3 |
To travel around a larger body
1 |
A reference to Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space
-1 |
Another name for Orion
-1 |
Champion thinker of heliocentrism
-1 |
A small rocky or metallic body in space
-3 |
A German astronomer who founded three laws of space in the 17th Century
-3 |
A depression made after a large body strikes the surface of a larger planet or moon
-3 |
The dark side or shadow cast on a object, such as the Moon during an eclipse
-4 |
A large moon of Uranus
-4 |
The smallest unit of matter
-4 |
A proposed French spacecraft
-6 |
Kurt Vonnegut's Hound of Space in The Sirens of Titan
-6 |
Discoverer of Pluto
-7 |
A body that orbits a larger body, such as the Moon to Earth
-9 |
The Russian satellite
-11 |
A famous American astronaut
Female Space Inspired Dog Names
Votes | Name | Vote |
21 |
Spanish for the Moon
20 |
A beautiful light show in the northern hemisphere
12 |
The starlit heavens above
11 |
Stella, meaning star
10 |
A brightly burning ball of gas
8 |
A Swedish Space Corporation satellite
7 |
A beautiful planet in the Solar System
6 |
A reference to heavenly bodies
4 |
A moon of Jupiter
4 |
One of the famous Russian space dogs
4 |
A large grouping of stars, like the Milky Way
3 |
A Moon of Uranus
3 |
A moon of Saturn
3 |
One of closest stars to the Sun at only 25 light years
3 |
The blocking of the sun by a crossing body, such as the Moon
2 |
A moon of Saturn
1 |
A large asteroid
-1 |
A beautiful crown around the Earth or Moon during a Solar eclipse
-2 |
A deep depression in a planet's geology
-3 |
A European Space Agency satellite
-4 |
A constellation in the northern sky named after a vain queen
-4 |
A reference to the US space program
-5 |
A reference to Halley's Comet
-5 |
The bright light beams given off by the moon
-5 |
An inner satellite of Uranus
-6 |
A NASA space program in the 1980s
-6 |
A series of craters on one of Jupiter's moons
-6 |
Descendants of Pushinka, the Russian space dog
-7 |
Another descendant of Pushinka
-9 |
A famous Russian space dog
What do you think?
Community Dogs With Space Inspired Names

My dog's naming was kind of a family decision on that kind of name for a boxer.

When we rescued Miley at the shelter, her given name was Miley! We decided to keep the name as it fit her well!

He was Already named shadow
Rocket is a very active little pup who loves to run. At the time I was watching guardians of the galaxy with my family and he was running around the house. He also reminded us of the character rocket.

When i got my puppy she didnt have a name. My corgi is black and white which made me think of an oreo at first. But when i was looking at her she made me think of and eclipse or when the moon is covered my another planet!!!