Vomiting Brown Liquid in Dogs
Written By Michele K.
Published: 06/20/2017Updated: 09/13/2021
Veterinary reviewed by Michele K.
Why is my dog vomiting brown liquid?
What is Vomiting Brown Liquid?
Vomiting is a common sign of many illnesses that shouldn't be overlooked. In some cases, your dog might be vomiting because they ate something that upset their stomach. Vomiting brown liquid, however, can indicate that something more serious is wrong. Here are some common causes of your dog vomiting brown liquid:
Some of the causes of throwing up brown liquid are more serious than others. For example, bleeding ulcers and intestinal blockages should be treated right away. If your dog is throwing up brown liquid due to something that they ate or because of a source of bleeding, the severity of their condition will depend on what they ingested and where they're bleeding.
Why Vomiting Brown Liquid Occurs in Dogs
Brown vomit can happen to any dog for a variety of reasons. Although you may be alarmed to see your dog vomiting brown liquid, most dogs can recover with no permanent side effects as long as they're treated promptly.
Bleeding ulcers
If your dog develops an ulcer and it begins to bleed, it could cause them to vomit. If the ulcers are located in the upper intestine or stomach wall, the vomit could turn a brown color since the blood would be digested by stomach acid. Tarry, black stools are another sign of bleeding ulcers.
Ingesting aspirin or other types of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is just one cause of ulcers. Others causes include:
Signs of stomach ulcers include severe vomiting, blood loss, and dehydration.
Intestinal blockage
Intestinal blockages can also cause your dog to vomit brown liquid. Ingesting a large object, such as a non-food item, can obstruct the intestines. Growths in the abdomen can also cause blockages. Symptoms vary depending on the location or cause of the blockage. Common signs include:
In the case of a total blockage, the vomit will be accompanied by a fetid smell. A foul smell can also accompany a dark brown vomiting if your dog ingested feces.
Items will move through the gastrointestinal tract in 10 to 24 hours, and signs of a blockage will occur within 12 to 24 hours after ingestion. If the item gets lodged in the esophagus, your dog will begin to show signs fairly quickly. They'll lick their lips, swallow often, and regurgitate soon after eating.
The vomit may emerge in a tubular shape and can contain pieces of kibble. Your dog may also suffer from dehydration since they can't eat or drink properly. If the blockage is located in the stomach, the pylorus may get blocked, which can keep food from passing through the intestinal tract. In this case, your dog will most likely vomit within a few hours of eating.
Blockages in the small intestine can cause gas to accumulate, which can be fatal without prompt treatment. This can lead to the intestine getting distended, the blood supply getting cut off, and tissues dying. The dog might begin heaving right after being fed or experience abdominal pain, fever, shock, and a distended intestine. Blockages located elsewhere may present other signs, including diarrhea.
Other sources of bleeding
This can include bleeding in the digestive tract, which can be caused by a bleeding tumor in the upper small intestine or stomach, blood coming from gum or tooth diseases, or a blood clotting disorder.
Ingesting rat poison can also cause your dog to vomit blood and have black stools. Secondary bleeding can occur if your dog ingests blood from the mouth or lungs, or licks it up from other wounds or nosebleeds. The dog may then expel the ingested blood, which can come out as a black or brownish color. 
Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis is a disease that can lead to your dog throwing up digested blood. Hemorrhages are serious, as they can lead to low blood pressure, anemia, and sometimes death. A warning sign of excessive blood loss is pale gums. If you notice lethargy, weakness, pale gums, and excessive loss of blood, take your dog to the vet immediately.
What to do if your Dog is Vomiting Brown Liquid
Stomach ulcers can usually be managed medically. If the ulcers perforate the walls of the stomach, your dog may need hospitalization or surgery. Dogs with severe stomach ulcers (even those that haven't perforated the stomach lining) may require hospitalization, blood transfusions, intravenous fluid replacement therapies, and nutritional and electrolytic support. Other types of treatments include medication, supportive care, and dietary and lifestyle changes.
Foods that are easy to digest can help reduce irritation and inflammation of the digestive tract. Feed your dog small meals several times throughout the day. Your pet should always have access to fresh water.
Blockages should be treated quickly — if left untreated, a dog with a blockage can face fatal complications like peritonitis and perforation of the bowels. If brought to the vet soon after the blockage occurs, your dog can avoid surgery, and the blockage may be able to be removed via endoscopy. If death of the tissue (or necrosis) occurs, affected parts of the intestine will need to be removed along with the object.
Prevention of Vomiting Brown Liquid
The best way to prevent intestinal blockage is to supervise your dog while they're playing and act quickly if you notice them eating something they shouldn't. Don't give your dog cooked bones or small toys that are easy to swallow. Since it can often contribute to stomach irritation, try to eliminate stress, such as loud noises, from your dog’s environment.
If you notice that your dog has swallowed something, your veterinarian may advise you to induce vomiting to prevent a blockage. Teaching your dog the "drop it" and "leave it" commands can make all the difference between prevention and treatment.
Dietary modifications and feeding small meals throughout the day can help your dog avoid stomach ulcers. Ensure your dog always has access to fresh water.
Intestinal blockages and other causes of vomiting brown liquid in dogs can be expensive to treat. If you suspect your dog has intestinal blockages or is at risk, start searching for pet insurance today. Brought to you by Pet Insurer, Wag! Wellness lets pet parents compare insurance plans from leading companies like PetPlan and Trupanion. Find the “pawfect” plan for your pet in just a few clicks!
Cost of Vomiting Brown Liquid
The cost of treating dogs who vomit brown liquid will vary depending on the cause and veterinary costs in your area. Treatment for stomach and intestinal ulcers can cost between $500 and $2,000. Intestinal obstruction and ingestion of feces or foreign objects can cost $1,500 to $3,000. If your dog is vomiting brown liquid because they ingested blood, the cost of treatment will vary depending on the location and severity of the bleeding.
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Vomiting Brown Liquid Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
German Shepherd
Three Years

71 found this helpful


71 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
He vomited whole kibble 6 hours after eating it and then vomited more and has vomited 3 more times but it has been brown liquid. His nose is still wet and cold and his gums and tongue are pink. He still gets happy when we say his name, but he keeps vomiting
Jan. 5, 2021
Answered by Dr. Linda S. MVB MRCVS
71 Recommendations
Brown liquid can be digested food mixed with bile. However, if a very dark brown we would worry about digested blood which could indicate bleeding if the gut. It's great his gums remain pink and wet. If the vomiting persist, a vet check is best as there are many potential causes so a check can help us determine what is going on.
Jan. 5, 2021
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Five Years

8 found this helpful


8 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Pacing all hours of the night every night for almost 2 weeks. Vomitted a caramel color liquid 2 times last weekly
Oct. 28, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
8 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. It sounds like your dog either is not feeling good, or is anxious, or can hear something that you cannot. Since this has been going on for 2 weeks, it would probably be best to have your dog seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible, as they can examine your dog, see what might be going on, and get any treatment that your dog may need so that everyone can sleep again.
Oct. 28, 2020
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Blackmouth Cur
Seven Months

14 found this helpful


14 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
my puppy macc has been vomiting all day and has begun to have the shakes & won’t eat
Oct. 27, 2020
Answered by Dr. Linda S. MVB MRCVS
14 Recommendations
I'm sorry to hear about Macc. The worry when a dog has continued vomiting is that they may become quickly dehydrated and can develop low blood sugar and abnormal salt levels. This is especially true if they are refusing to eat and drink and unable to hold water down. Vomiting can have many causes including an infection, 'trash can toxicity' (eating something inappropriate), a gut obstruction, parasites etc. It is best for a dog that has ongoing vomiting to be checked out. The vet will assess them and may run some basic tests such as an abdominal ultrasound and bloods. Medicine, such as anti-nausea medicine and ant acids, may well be prescribed.
Oct. 30, 2020
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Three Months

3 found this helpful


3 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Hello my dog just started to vomit today at 12:00am and she stops for a hit then keep vomiting, she hasnt been vaccine... i was about to ge there shot this weekend but im scared now
Oct. 22, 2020
Answered by Dr. Linda S. MVB MRCVS
3 Recommendations
Hi there, you are through to Dr Linda. I'm sorry to hear your pup has not been well. Vomiting in young dogs is not uncommon and can have many causes including parasites, toxin ingestion, an abrupt change of diet, stress, infection etc. I would want to ensure she is able to hold food down and would offer bland meals of chicken and rice which are easy to digest. If she cannot hold food down, she will need to see a vet right away as she may have a severe gastroenteritis or even a blockage / obstruction. She should have nice pink and wet gums ; dry gums could mean she is dehydrated. She should be happy to play and socialise as any lethargy in a pup is a red flag. I would certainly keep the appointment for her vaccines as they are vital for her health. If not well enough for them, your vet will explain this and focus on making her better. Once okay, she should get the vaccines as they will protect her from serious diseases.
Oct. 22, 2020
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One Year

7 found this helpful


7 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Brown Foamy Vomit
I was wondering what can cause my dog vomit to be foamy and brown she doesn't seem to be lethargic at all her nose is still wet and cool to the touch
Oct. 5, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
7 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. Vomiting can be a sign of many things, including parasites, eating things that she shouldn't, or food intolerances. If she continues to vomit, or becomes lethargic, it would be best to have her seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible, as they will be able to examine her and see what might be causing this. I hope that all goes well for her and she feels better soon!
Oct. 5, 2020
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Miniature Pinscher
11 Years

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Loss Of Appetite
Can'T Hold Water
I have an 11 year old min pin and she hasn't been able to hold down water for the last 2 days. She ate a little bit those last few days (not as much as she usually eats) but as of today, she has no appetite, no energy, she had diarrhea earlier this morning, and seems dehydrated. All she wants is water but the last time I gave it her, before finally taking it away, she threw up a brown liquid color. What should I do from here? I'm worried
4 Months

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
My puppy won't eat, she ate this morning but not this evening. She vomited once and it smelled awful.Her brother died on Sunday morning and he started the same way.... not eating , vomiting and only drinking water.I am worried!
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