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Traumatic Dog Conditions
Most Common Traumatic Conditions
Low Body Temperature
17 Veterinarian Answers
28 Veterinarian Answers
Tooth Dislocation or Sudden Loss
5 Veterinarian Answers
Ear Hematoma
20 Veterinarian Answers
Hot Spots on Dogs
43 Veterinarian Answers
Hearing Loss
39 Veterinarian Answers
Nose Bleed
42 Veterinarian Answers
Eye Injuries
71 Veterinarian Answers
Shoulder and Joint Ligament and Tendon Conditions
12 Veterinarian Answers
Bone Infection
27 Veterinarian Answers
Perineal Hernia
30 Veterinarian Answers
Staph Infections
12 Veterinarian Answers
Other Traumatic Conditions
Septic Shock
Urethral Prolapse
Chronic Mouth Inflammation and Ulcers
Vaginal Abnormalities
Soft Tissue Trauma
Testicular Swelling
Blood in the Urine
Swollen Face
Pulmonary Contusion
Hemorrhage of the Lung
Bleeding of the Retina in the Eye
Back Problems
Low Blood Albumin
Testicular Torsion and Swelling
Broken Leg
Allergic Shock
Bleeding Paws
Neck and Back Pain
Stupor and Coma
Fluid in the Chest
Shoulder Luxation
Acute Sudden Diarrhea
Lack of Bladder Control
Patellar Luxation
Low Blood Oxygen
Inguinal Hernia
Inflammation of the Paws
Muscle Weakness
Facial Nerve Paresis (Paralysis)
Growth Plate Injuries
Intestinal Disorder (Loss of Motility)
Microphthalmia and Ocular Dysgenesis
Spine Degeneration
Swelling of the Salivary Gland
Neuropathic Pain
Lack of Bowel Control
Distended Abdomen
Pacing and Circling
Front Leg Injury
Painful Abdomen
Muscle Spasms
Lake Water Dangers
Idiopathic Head Tremors
Internal Injuries
Front Leg Deformity
Droopy Eye
Inflammation of the Middle Ear and External Ear Canal
Joint Injury
Skin Ulcers
Leg Paralysis
Claw and Nail Disorders
Swallowing Difficulties
Coonhound Paralysis
Paralysis due to Spinal Cord Lesion
Sebaceous Cysts
Skin Rash Due to Contact With Irritants
Collection of Fluid in the Lungs (Not Due to Heart Disease)
Salivary Gland Swelling
Low Platelet Count
Inability to Urinate
Unequal Pupil Size
Rectal Prolapse
Muscle Tear
Fluid in Abdomen
Vaginal Inflammation
Stiffness and Inflammation
Limber Tail Syndrome
Joint Dislocation
Head Pressing
Vehicular Trauma
Skin Blisters and Pustules
Vomiting of Blood
Early Contractions and Labor
Stalled Labor and Delivery Problems
Bleeding Gums
Brain Tumor (Astrocytoma)
Paralysis Due to Spinal Cord Injury
Open Wounds
Overshot and Undershot Jaw
Fluid Retention and Tissue Swelling Due to Collection of Lymph
Bleeding Under the Skin
Tail Trauma
Tarry Feces due to Presence of Blood
Fluid in the Lungs
Bleeding Ears
Inflammation of the Mouth
Inability to Protrude or Retract Penis
Aspiration Pneumonia
High Levels of Blood Nitrogen
Blood in the Eye
Retrobulbar Abscess
Electric Cord Bite Injury
Spinal Trauma
Oral Injuries
Radial Nerve Paralysis
Foxtails Injury
Rapid Heart Rate
Bee Sting Allergies
Discoloration of Saliva
Hair Loss
Early Death (Fading Puppy Syndrome)
Arthritis (Septic)
Retinal Detachment
Prolapse of the Eye
Lumbosacral Disease
Loss of Teeth
Sperm Abnormalities
Vaginal Prolapse
Acid Reflux
Lens Luxation
Odontoid Process Dysplasia
Eye Proptosis
Seizures and Convulsions
Incoordination of the Legs
Ear Cysts (Cholesteatoma)
Blind Quiet Eye
Heart Beat Problems (Premature Complexes)
Bowel Obstruction In Dogs
Cranial Cruciate Ligament Injury
Water Diabetes
Addisons Disease
Anaerobic Infections
Laryngeal Disease
Tumor of the Nerves
Gallbladder and Bile Duct Inflammation
Degeneration of the Cornea
Cherry Eye
Bloat or Stomach Dilatation
Kidney Disease
Atrial Tear
Enamel Hypoplasia and Hypocalcification
Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus Syndrome
Torn Knee Ligament
Esophageal Stricture
Osteochondritis Dissecans
Ruptured Bile Duct
Tracheal Perforation
Optic Neuritis
Metabolic Myopathy
Iris Atrophy
Excess Blood Cells in the Eye
Vertebral Disc Inflammation
Enlargement of the Esophagus
Why Is My Dog Shaking In His Sleep?
Uterine Abnormalities
Abnormal Heart Rhythm
Abnormal Molar Development
Regenerative Anemia
Kidney Failure and Excess Urea in the Urine
Blood in the Chest (Hemothorax)
Acute Respiratory Distress
Collapse of the Windpipe
Brain and Spinal Cord Inflammation (Meningoencephalomyelitis)
Cyst on the Gums
Constipation (Severe)
Heart Inflammation (Myocarditis)
Arrhythmias After Blunt Heart Trauma
Diseases of the Orbit of the Eye
Eye Inflammation (Choroid and Retina)
Urethral Shaft Abnormalities
Corneal Inflammation (Nonulcerative Keratitis)
Bacterial Infection (Actinomycosis)
Corneal Ulcer, Abrasion, and Laceration
Spinal Cord Malformation
Abnormal Urine Outflow Due to Bladder Dysfunction
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Skin Disease (Dermatophilosis)
Skin Disease Caused by Licking
Pouch-Like Sacs on the Esophgeal Wall
Prostate Inflammation and Abscessation
Prostate Disease (Breeding Male)
Stomach Disorder (Loss of Motility)
Narrowing of Anal or Rectal Opening
Miscarriage Due to Bacterial Infection (Brucellosis)
Lung Lobe Twisting
Excessive Vocalization
Hemoglobin and Myoglobin in Urine
Vaginal Discharge in Dogs
Lumbosacral Stenosis (Cauda Equina Syndrome)
Tooth Enamel Disorder
Orphaned Puppy
Retinal Hemorrhage
Elbow Dysplasia
Skin Blisters (Vesiculopustular Dermatoses)
Obstruction Due to Corn Cob, Rawhide, and Stuffed Toy
Pyloric Obstruction (Stenosis)
Pulmonary Edema
Lymphoid Leukemia
Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Nasal Arteritis
Foreign Body in the Skin
Pyotraumatic Dermatitis
Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Orthopedic Problems
Metatarsal and Metacarpal Fistulas
Tumors of the Gums (Epulis)
Hip Dysplasia
Discolored Teeth
Kneecap Dislocation
Liver Inflammation
Brain Injury
Bile Duct Obstruction
Irregular Heart Rhythms
Tooth Fracture
Irregular Heartbeat
Embedded Objects in the Oral Cavity
Insufficient Urine Production
Fractures of Upper and Lower Jaw
Dislocated Eye Lens
Degenerative Joint Disease
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
Sperm Duct Cysts
Eye Displacement
Splenic Torsion
Perforated Wound
Stifle Luxation
Mobility Problems
Shoulder Dysplasia
Water on the Brain
Stomach Perforation due to Foreign Body
Tooth Root Abscess
Blood Clot in the Lungs
Separation of the Inner Lining of the Eye
Colonic or Rectal Inflammation
Difficult Defecation and Blood in Stool
Cirrhosis and Fibrosis of the Liver
Paw Pad Issues and Injuries
Infertility (Male)
Dry Eye
Amoeba Infection
Iris Bombe
Abdominal Cavity Inflammation (Peritonitis)
Heart Sac Inflammation (Pericarditis)
Inflammation of the Abdomen Due to Bile Leakage
Excess Carbon Dioxide in the Blood
Porcupine Quills
Testicular Tumor (Sertoli Cell)
Unruly Behavior
Abnormal Passageway Between the Mouth and Nasal Cavity
Pericardial Effusion
Horner's Syndrome
Nasal Passage Narrowing
Shock Due to Decrease in Circulation
Cardiac Arrest
Proprioceptive Deficits
Mid-Chest Inflammation
Salivary Mucocele
Achilles Tendon Injuries
Inflammation of the Esophagus