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Bacterial Dog Conditions
Most Common Bacterial Conditions
Front Leg Injury
102 Veterinarian Answers
28 Veterinarian Answers
49 Veterinarian Answers
Loss of Appetite
93 Veterinarian Answers
Ear Hematoma
20 Veterinarian Answers
Red Eye
57 Veterinarian Answers
Chronic Vomiting
14 Veterinarian Answers
Heart Attack
59 Veterinarian Answers
Hearing Loss
39 Veterinarian Answers
Stomach and Intestinal Inflammation
15 Veterinarian Answers
Swollen Gums
19 Veterinarian Answers
Nose Bleed
42 Veterinarian Answers
Other Bacterial Conditions
Protein Losing Nephropathy
Fluid Buildup in the Sac Surrounding the Heart
Septic Shock
Bacterial Infection (Streptococcus)
Crystals in the Urine
Prostate Enlargement
Stomach and Intestinal Ulcers
Chronic Mouth Inflammation and Ulcers
Vaginal Abnormalities
Testicular Swelling
Stomach Infection With Helicobacter
Blood in the Urine
Swollen Face
Chemical Imbalance of Urine
Eye Infection (Newborns)
Fold Dermatitis
Perianal Fistula
Rectal Itching
Enlarged Heart (Dilated Cardiomyopathy)
Liver Failure (Acute)
Head Tilt
Back Problems
Acute Hemorrhagic Diarrhea Syndrome
Fatty Tissue Inflammation
Low Blood Albumin
Skin Blisters (Vesiculopustular Dermatoses)
Testicular Torsion and Swelling
Psoriasiform-Lichenoid Dermatosis
Bleeding Paws
Neck and Back Pain
Fluid in the Chest
Acute Sudden Diarrhea
Lack of Bladder Control
Breathing Difficulties
Moist Eczema
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
Increased Urination and Thirst
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
Inflammation of the Paws
Oral Disease
Muscle Weakness
Foul Smelling Ears
Salmon Poisoning
Tumors of the Vagina
Lack of Bowel Control
Distended Abdomen
Pacing and Circling
Painful Abdomen
Kidney Stones
Mucus in the Stool
Idiopathic Head Tremors
Increased Appetite
Inflammation of the Middle Ear and External Ear Canal
Ear Infection and Inflammation
Skin Ulcers
Eye Injuries
Claw and Nail Disorders
Swallowing Difficulties
Sebaceous Adenitis
Salivary Gland Swelling
Inflammation of the Soft Tissues in the Mouth
Low Platelet Count
Inability to Urinate
Diseases of the Skin on the Nose
Rectal Prolapse
Paw Pad Issues and Injuries
Fluid in Abdomen
Vaginal Inflammation
Vomiting of Yellow Mucus
Bacterial Infection of the Skin
Skin Blisters and Pustules
Early Contractions and Labor
Bleeding Gums
Skin Conditions (Bulldogs)
Lyme Disease
Runny Nose
Open Wounds
Overshot and Undershot Jaw
Tarry Feces due to Presence of Blood
Bleeding Ears
Lymph Node Inflammation (Lymphadenopathy)
Inability to Protrude or Retract Penis
Frequent Urination
Nose and Sinus Inflammation
Blood in the Eye
Diarrhea (Long-term)
Nonproductive Vomiting
Retrobulbar Abscess
Bacterial Infection (Campylobacteriosis)
Pituitary Dwarfism
Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis
Muzzle Pyoderma
Inflammation of the Superficial Veins
Puppy Impetigo
Watery Eyes
Brain Inflammation
E. Coli Infection
Discoloration of Saliva
Nasal Discharge
Hair Loss
High Blood Sugar
Neonatal Ophthalmia
Arthritis (Septic)
Retinal Detachment
Sodium Deficiency
Pain from the Nervous System
Orofacial Pain
Loss of Teeth
Sperm Abnormalities
Narrowed Bronchi
Aortic Thromboembolism
Lens Luxation
Histiocytic Ulcerative Colitis
Subaortic Stenosis
Eye Proptosis
Skin Ulceration
Incoordination of the Legs
Infertility (Female)
Ear Cysts (Cholesteatoma)
Skin Infections and Loss of Skin Color Disorders
Out-of-Place Urethral Lining
Heart Beat Problems (Premature Complexes)
Weight Loss and Chronic Disease
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Urinary Tract Obstruction
Chronic Bad Breath
Q Fever
Anaerobic Infections
Laryngeal Disease
Gallbladder and Bile Duct Inflammation
Lactic Acid Build-Up
Cherry Eye
Kidney Disease
Septicemia and Bacteremia
Ruptured Bile Duct
Optic Neuritis
Excess Blood Cells in the Eye
Urinary Tract / Kidney Stones (Calcium Phosphate)
Vertebral Disc Inflammation
Inflamed Chewing Muscles and Eye Muscles
Inflammation of Body Blood Vessels
Inflammation of the Skin Blood Vessels
Anemia Due To Chronic Kidney Disease
Uterine Abnormalities
Blue Skin and Mucus Membranes
Bacterial Infection of the Breasts
Bacterial Infection (Tyzzer Disease)
Kidney Enlargement
Kidney Failure and Excess Urea in the Urine
Bone Inflammation (Panosteitis)
Acute Respiratory Distress
Artery Inflammation
Chronic Inflammation of the Bronchi
Particles in the Urine
Heart Failure Due To Valve Defect
Clotting Disorders of the Platelets
Bone Overgrowth
Brain and Spinal Cord Inflammation (Meningoencephalomyelitis)
Abnormal Protein Production
Heart Inflammation (Myocarditis)
Antibiotic-resistant Bacterial Infections
Bladder Inflammation With Polyps
Cardiac Electrical Failure
Bacterial Infection (Metritis) of the Uterus
Diseases of the Orbit of the Eye
Diarrhea Due to Clostridium perfringens
Eye Inflammation (Choroid and Retina)
Urethral Shaft Abnormalities
Corneal Inflammation (Nonulcerative Keratitis)
Bacterial Infection (Actinomycosis)
Antibiotic-Resistant Infections
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Skin Disease (Dermatophilosis)
Skin Disease Caused by Licking
Pneumonia Due to Overactive Immune Response
Nerve and Muscle Disorders
Prostate Inflammation and Abscessation
Prostate Disease (Breeding Male)
Testicular Tumor (Leydig Cell)
Testicular Tumor (Seminoma)
Narrowing of Anal or Rectal Opening
Miscarriage Due to Bacterial Infection (Brucellosis)
Liver Inflammation (Granulomatous)
Heart Block (Complete)
Staph Infections
Hemoglobin and Myoglobin in Urine
Bacterial Infection (Nocardiosis)
Urinary Tract Infection
Bad Breath
Acute Renal (Kidney) Failure
Granuloma Meninegoencephalitis
Pleural Effusion
Bacterial Bronchopneumonia
Rashes and Hives (Urticaria)
Infections of the 4th Premolar (Carnassial Tooth)
Pemphigus Foliaceus
Recurrent Cystitis
Otitis Externa
Otitis Interna and Media
Pulmonary Edema
Vitamin A-Responsive Dermatosis
Nasal Arteritis
Pinnal Alopecia
Ulcerative Dermatosis
Chronic Gingivostomatitis
Pyotraumatic Dermatitis
Chronic Ulcerative Paradental Stomatitis
Neonatal Conjunctivitis
Persistent Vomiting
Hair Loss Related to Infection
Ear Odor
Clostridial Diarrhea
Metatarsal and Metacarpal Fistulas
Salmonella Infection
Gum Disease
Anal Sac Disorders
Excess Protein in the Urine
Liver Inflammation
Enlarged Gums
Pattern Baldness
Brain Injury
Rickettsial Infection
Blood Thickening
Bartonella Infection
Bladder Stones
Irregular Heartbeat
Parasitic Blood Infection (Haemobartonellosis)
Bacterial Infection (Mycoplasma)
Shock Due to Heart Failure
Small Sized Testes
Perforated Wound
Tooth Root Abscess
Bacterial Pneumonia
Blood Clot in the Lungs
Abnormal Eyelid
Clotting Deficiency (Liver Related)
Skin Inflammation on the Paws
Separation of the Inner Lining of the Eye
Heart Impulse Block
Colonic or Rectal Inflammation
Difficult Defecation and Blood in Stool
Cirrhosis and Fibrosis of the Liver
Eardrum Rupture
Oral Inflammatory and Ulcerative Disease
Infertility (Male)
Heart Murmurs
Intestinal Protein Loss
Iris Bombe
Itchy Skin
Abdominal Cavity Inflammation (Peritonitis)
Long-Term Stomach Inflammation
Kidney Inflammation Due to Fluid Accumulation
Diarrhea (Antibiotic-Responsive)
Bone Infection
Heart Sac Inflammation (Pericarditis)
Heart Valve Infection (Infective Endocarditis)
Inflammation of the Abdomen Due to Bile Leakage
Bacterial Infection (Pyelonephritis) of the Kidneys
Bacterial Infection (Pyoderma) of the Skin
Abnormal Passageway Between the Mouth and Nasal Cavity
Pericardial Effusion
Tumor of the Uterus
Renal (Kidney) Amyloidosis
Nasal Passage Narrowing
Shock Due to Decrease in Circulation
Brain Disorder Due to Liver Disease
Salivary Mucocele
Rhinitis and Sinusitis
Cat Scratch Fever
Pink Eye
Vaginal Discharge
Kennel Cough